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Seattle 911: A Police Blog
Casey McNerthney
Can I legally have a barbecue on a sidewalk or alley?

Q: Can I legally have a barbecue on a sidewalk or a downtown Seattle alley to cook some hot dogs if they're not for sale?

A: No.

Seattle Police Sgt. Sean Whitcomb said alleys are considered streets, and barbecuing in a downtown alley or sidewalk would be a violation of the pedestrian interference law, a misdemeanor offense.

That law, which also outlaws aggressive begging, states a person is guilty of pedestrian interference if, in a public place, he or she intentionally obstructs pedestrian or vehicular traffic.

"'Obstruct pedestrian or vehicular traffic' means to walk, stand, sit, lie, or place an object in such a manner as to block passage by another person or a vehicle, or to require another person or a driver of a vehicle to take evasive action to avoid physical contact," according the law, section 12A.12.015 of the Seattle Municipal Code.

Police say the maximum penalty is 90 days in jail and a $1,000, but don't expect that if you get cited for having a barbeque on the streets. Even if you are cited, you'd have to have a pretty bad attorney or a long wrap sheet or both to get that kind of sentence.

"A lot of things would have to happen before that," Whitcomb said of the maximum fine.

Hot dog vendors downtown have permits. There's also an exception for Seattle Night Out, the August 3 event where prearranged parties block streets and people barbeque with neighbors. Last year, we had almost 1,200 people signed up across the city. Read more about the event here.

Police say if you live in an apartment or condo and don't have a way to barbecue at home, go to a city park. A list of parks is available here.

Whitcomb's advice on what to barbecue? Pulled pork, he said.

Click here for an example how-to YouTube video. The music is a little sketchy, but the end result looks good.

Thanks to the people who submitted questions. Previous answers are linked below.

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  • How do the police gain access into a secured apartment complex in the case of an emergency?
  • Is it legal to drive with pets in your lap?
  • What are the local restrictions for Segways?

    Questions may be edited or paraphrased.

  • Posted by at July 9, 2010 10:18 a.m.

    Posted by TheSherm at 7/11/2010 1:39 a.m.

    A "long wrap sheet"?


    Posted by BuildingAirplanes at 7/11/2010 3:12 a.m.

    If challenged by a cop, simply invite him/her to your barbecue. I've never heard of anyone getting nailed for bribery from an offer of food, and a good steak or ribs beats the heck out of a doughnut anyday! The cops will do what they do best, and that's eat.

    Just make sure that what you're cooking smells, looks and tasts REALLY good!


    Posted by jwfowble at 7/11/2010 7:42 a.m.

    So the smoking BBQ constantly setup in front of the new smokehouse restaurant in West Seattle (Fauntleroy and 35th) is illegal ? Sucks to be them, unless that's a purely ornamental smoker.

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