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  1. Congratulations! That IS great news! RT @GLADLaw: Great news! U.S. District Court held that #DOMA "violates...equal protection principles."
  2. Hawaii: Gov Lingle vetoes civil union bill; ACLU of Hawaii will sue to win equal protection for same-sex couples. #lgbt
  3. TAKE ACTION: Constance McMillen will be at the White House tomorrow. Today, she wants you to contact Congress! #lgbt
  4. Matt Coles: Why Getting Rid of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Is So Important #lgbt #DADT
  5. House votes to repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell, the ban on openly gay and lesbian members of the military, by a vote of 234-194! #lgbt
  6. DADT Repeal passes the Senate Armed Services Committee, 16-12, while debate starts in the House. ACT NOW! #lgbt Plz RT!
  7. Indiana, Maine, Mass., Neb., NC, VA & W. VA: Your Senators need to hear from YOU about DADT repeal TODAY! #lgbt #p2
  8. RT @nyclu: Watch it: Important VIDEO. Lesiban spouses torn apart by immigration system. #p2 #NY #CIR #LGBT
  9. Senator Levin Presses DADT Repeal #lgbt
  10. Illinois House of Reps passes anti-bullying bill with protections for sexual orientation and gender identity by vote of 108-0! #lgbt #p2
  11. Tennessee School Agrees To Remedy Harassment And Censorship Of Gay Student #lgbt #p2
  12. Arkansas Court Strikes Down Parenting Ban: Court troubled by the fact that the law targeted gay people. #lgbt #p2
  13. BREAKING: Trial court judge declares Arkansas adoption ban unconstitutional. More soon... #p2 #lgbt
  14. On the Day of Silence, take action to support the Student Non-Discrimination Act. #p2 #lgbt #dayofsilence
  15. Report finds prisoners with HIV forced to wear armbands revealing their status. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg…
  16. Constance McMillen will serve as Grand Marshall for 2010's New York City Pride parade.
  17. NYC: Join NYCLU for "The Big Gay Variety Show" tomorrow night at 7pm, benefiting their efforts for LGBT equality #lgbt
  18. Four Things You Should Know about Student Rights and Day of Silence
  19. In minutes, the ACLU will urge an Arkansas judge to overturn Act 1, which bans same-sex couples from adopting. #lgbt
  20. Martin Gill, plaintiff in our Florida gay adoption ban challenge, attended yesterday's Easter egg roll @ White House