I think it is unfortunate, obviously, but it's not the end, because I think this will go back into the courts, this will go back to the Supreme Court, because the Supreme Court very clearly in California has declared this unconstitutional. It's the same as in the 1948 case when blacks and whites were not allowed to marry. This falls into the same category.I know some people will say "so what?" But you'd be surprised how many people refuse to recognize gay civil rights as equal to other civil rights causes. It's all the same - all different, and all the same - but some, many, still like to think that one cause is more equal than others. And it freaks the religious right out whenever anyone says that opposing gay marriage is exactly like opposing blacks marrying whites. That makes the religious and the Mormons segregationists. Read More......
George Lakoff: Conservatism's Death Gusher
7 minutes ago