We download and categorize your balances and transactions automatically every day— making it effortless to see graphs of your spending, income, balances, and net worth.
We connect to almost every US banking financial institution with internet banking capability, from checking to credit cards, to retirement accounts and more. Access all your balances and transactions together, on the web or your phone.
See what you’re already spending and budget for monthly, irregular or one-time expenses. New: Create a plan to reach your goals and track your progress.
Sign up in under 2 minutesWe compare your bank accounts, credit cards, CDs, brokerage, and 401(k) to the best products out there. We find our typical user hundreds in savings.
See what you can save.
We use the same security practices as major US financial institutions. No one can move money on Mint.com. Plus, we monitor all your accounts 24/7 and alert you to any suspicious charges.
Just signed up for Mint and it completely knocked my socks off. This is going to revolutionize how I manage my money. more testimonials
We’ll help you create a plan to reach your goals, track your progress and learn next steps. Learn More