Peter Sellers — Cigarettes and Whiskey, from The Muppet Show.
What’s on your mind?
Late Late Night FDL: Cigarettes and Whiskey |
By: Suzanne Friday July 16, 2010 10:00 pm |
Peter Sellers — Cigarettes and Whiskey, from The Muppet Show.
What’s on your mind?
Late Night: To Survive 2010, Dems Need to Explain How 2011 Will Be Different |
By: Swopa Friday July 16, 2010 8:03 pm |
It’s hard to consider this the most serious indignity that liberals have been forced to suffer since the start of the supposed Democratic-majority era a year and a half ago, but chalk it up as adding insult to injury, in more ways than one (via The Hill):
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) will put forth his party’s case for regaining its congressional majorities this fall during a speech Thursday in Washington…. In his remarks, the Kentucky Republican will say his party was portrayed as broken and beaten down following the swearing-in of President Obama in 2009, but is ready to lead again in 2010.
… “We shared [ordinary Americans'] frustration. And we girded for the fight, confident that we had supporters behind us. We broke out of the Washington echo chamber and fought the government-driven solutions that Democrats were proposing. We got our groove back.“
I’ve been more lenient than many of the writers here in assessing Barack Obama’s shortcomings as President, but allowing Mitch McConnell to think he has anything resembling a “groove”… well, that’s just unforgivable.
But that’s what happens when you cede control of the political debate as Obama and the Democrats have done. An article in the New York Times today accidentally underlines this point through the surreal, what-planet-are-they-on feeling generated by the lead paragraphs:
Well, Which Is It? |
By: Eli Friday July 16, 2010 6:01 pm |
I’m terribly confused. Is the GOP the Law and Order Anti-Terrorist Party, or the Protect Serial Killers and Let Any Random Maniac Buy a Gun Party?
Daytona Beach police have determined through forensic evidence that the same kind of weapon was used to kill three women (and maybe a fourth) over the past few years, so they have taken what could be considered a logical next step. They didn’t go on a fishing expedition (in fact this is exactly the way a gun dealer who cooperated put it), but asked gun dealers located in the specific counties where the homicides took place if they could see their records during a specific period of time (2004 and 2005), to determine who might have bought this weapon and used it to kill people.
[T]he police have only “asked” for, not demanded the records, and they are only seeking to look at them, not copy them. But for those who run the NRA, who would consider a law disarming Ayman al-Zawahiri a ride along the slippery slope to a general handgun ban, this is just beyond the pale. So they trotted out one of their lobbyist friends in Tallahassee to lie about the law, to say what the police were doing was illegal — and of course launched the requisite faux-populist appeals to the same conspiratorial, anti-government, pearl-clutchers who Sarah Palin makes millions scaring the bejesus out of via rationality-challenged Facebook missives.
This kind of steely opposition to helping the police stop violent crime is echoed in the Tiahrt Amendment, which makes it effectively impossible to identify crooked dealers who knowingly sell guns to criminals. And conservatives have the nerve to argue that law-abiding citizens need to protect themselves from bad guys who can easily obtain guns thanks to all the loopholes those same conservatives fought for.
Water Is Wet, and a West Virginia Senator Opposes Coal Industry Regulations |
By: David Dayen Friday July 16, 2010 5:20 pm |
New West Virginia Senator Carte Goodwin opposes any cap and trade legislation before the Senate, CQ reports.
NV Sen: Reid Pulls into Statistically Significant Lead over Angle |
By: Jon Walker Friday July 16, 2010 4:40 pm |
For the first time in a very long time, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) has a significant lead in his re-election bid. The latest Mason-Dixon poll for the “Las Vegas Review- Journal” shows Reid with a seven-point lead over his Republican opponent, Sharron Angle.
Congress, Progressives Roll Out in Support of Elizabeth Warren |
By: David Dayen Friday July 16, 2010 4:00 pm |
The pressure is building to name Elizabeth Warren as the director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, on the inside and outside.
DNC Memo: It’s Bad, Just Not 1994 or 2006 Bad |
By: Jon Walker Friday July 16, 2010 3:15 pm |
The DNC is out with a new memo (PDF), short and worth reading, making the case that this November will not be as bad as 1994 was for Democrats or 2006 was for Republicans. It is an attempt to dispel the idea Democrats will lose control of the House.
There’s a Difference Between Whistleblowers and Hustlers |
By: Jane Hamsher Friday July 16, 2010 2:15 pm |
Be wary about celebrating Adam Dillon as a hero, and of attributing “whistleblower” status to someone who could very well be appropriating that status only to discredit it. The importance of real whistleblowers have done should be treated with respect, and protected from association with those who do not deserve to wear that mantle.
Health Insurance High-Risk Pools Include Abortion Coverage Ban |
By: David Dayen Friday July 16, 2010 1:25 pm |
The Obama Administration has applied what amounts to the Stupak amendment to the interim high-risk insurance pools created in the Affordable Care Act, banning abortion services coverage in them.
Grand Isle and the Illusion of Health |
By: marymccurnin Friday July 16, 2010 12:35 pm |
I am in town for a week to visit with my family here in Louisiana and am curious to see if there was evidence of the BP tragedy in my hometown. What I do find is very interesting and consistent with a place that lives with the tangible possibility of danger and excitement on a seasonal basis. The two seasons that come to mind are hurricane and Mardi Gras.
Mum's The Word... by CTuttle |
Emergency Committee for Israel. Brought To You By the Same People Who Lied This Nation into Iraq by Leen |
American public gives two thumbs up to an attack on Iran? by CarolynC |
Grand Isle and the Illusion of Health by marymccurnin |
Breaking news in court case on documentarian rights by Lowell Peterson |
Obama the Secret Peacemaker by lmka |
Pres. Obama Speaks to the Press About BP Oil Disaster by twolf1 |
Obama Administration Applies Stupak Amendment to High Risk Pools by RHRealityCheck |
Who Can Obama Nominate To Head Up the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau? by masaccio |
Alan Greenspan To GOP: Let Bush Tax Cuts Lapse by TheCallUp |
MSNBC: Holder Steps Up: Feds Charge Rogue Police in Nola | |
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