Guest-Blogging Wrap
A big thanks to David Frum and Dave Weigel for a fine week of filling in for Andrew.
In Weigel's last round of posting, he responded to criticism of his NBP coverage, reiterated his exasperation with the NAACP, replied to TNC about the TPM backlash, doubted that policy will get much coverage if Palin gets the nomination, rolled his eyes at Politico's coverage of the Palin-Romney spat, knocked Pawlenty for opening the wound of Al Franken's contested win, built on Krauthammer's assessment of the Obama presidency, showcased Gene Weingarten, talked video games, and signed off with a final dispatch from Unalaska.
Frum tackled immigration policy, countered Rove's op-ed on his biggest mistake during the Bush years, and highlighted Kirchick's op-ed on Madrid's gay-pride exclusion of Israelis. He also aired responses to his bleg about how to reform the conservative movement. Frum's own input here, here, and here.
Reax of the financial reform passage here. Patrick sounded off on a forthcoming book on Iran and a reader dissented. More posts about sex and monogamy here, here, here, and here. Hilarious gender-swapping here. MHB here, VFYW here, and FOTD here.
Thursday on the Dish, BP finally stopped the leak and Argentina became the tenth nation to legalize same-sex marriage. Sharron Angle showed her cards on her media strategy, Jean Howard-Hill called out the GOP for blank-checking the Tea Party, and TNC sided with the NAACP. Patrick compared two new polls on Palin, Litbrit rebutted Weigel over Trig, readers piled on, and Chris Rovzar saw everything work out for Bristol.
Weigel examined the comparison between militias and the New Black Panthers, checked in on Alvin Greene, looked at how Hayek is making a comeback, downplayed the Mama Grizzlies video, broke down the polling on Al Gore, scratched his head over Politico's coverage of him, and filed another dispatch from Unalaska. Frum received kindergarten insults from Mark Levin.
Eli Lake reported on how US espionage delays Iran from getting a bomb, Elizabeth Weingarten observed the decline of polygamy in Saudi Arabia, Veronique de Rugy argued the political upside to spending cuts, Andrew Gelman reviewed the politics of stimulus, and James Capretta scrutinized Obamacare over the cost curve. Dana Goldstein and Tracy Clark-Flory wondered if we're getting free birth control, Julian Sanchez mulled over liberaltarianism, Erik Voeten covered nudges, and Ryan Avent followed up on manufacturing.
The monogamy thread continued here, here, and here. Other readers sounded off on eating habits and another on budget cuts. OKCupid exposed faux bisexuality. Xeni Jardin found some tragically comic illustrations on DADT. Incredible parking garage here. Cool ads here and here. MHB here, VFYW here, and FOTD here.
Wednesday on the Dish, Bristol and Levi got engaged - again. A reader summed up reaction in the inbox, Pareene bemoaned the MSM's role, and Jesse Griffin reported a damning detail on Levi. In other news, a Tea Party spokesman fueled the NAACP's fire, Dan Choi got off the hook, John Cloud relayed research on cougars, and Pew showed how the blogosphere lives off traditional media. DOMA coverage here and especially here. Cannabis coverage here and especially here.
Weigel responded to reader objections over Trig, destroyed Megyn Kelly for fomenting racial discord, went after Beck for the same, analyzed the defeat of two Tea Party darlings, dissed Democrats for their economic politics, spotlighted a particularly unjust obscenity case, and filed another colorful dispatch from Unalaska.
Frum artfully pwned Mark Levin, recommended a payroll tax holiday for a whole year, honored Bastille Day, and chuckled at the Levi-Bristol announcement.
In other Palin coverage, Michael Kazin frowned at Cottle's admiration of her PR and Drum dreaded the spread of it. Plumer and Fallows compared BP to other oil giants, Balko defended the cop accused of murdering Oscar Grant, Jonathan Cohn touted Mariah Blake's piece on medical supplies, and Bill Peckham criticized the kidney trade. Dan Savage scolded a Dish reader and advised on open relationships while Patrick injected disease into the monogamy debate.
Readers joined the discussion on eating habits, another corrected Wilkinson on Singapore's healthcare system, and another sounded off on markets. Goddard launched a political dictionary. Badger-blogging here. MHB here, VFYW here, and FOTD here.
St. Louis, Missouri, 10.43 am
Tuesday on the Dish, the NAACP leveled the racism charge at the Tea Party, tea-partiers punted on the DOMA ruling, Jesse Jackson played the slavery card over LeBron, and Susanna Ferreira warned us about anticipated violence after the Cup. In Palin coverage, Dave Weigel went after Andrew's take on Trig, Michelle Cottle marveled at her media strategy, Tim Mak downplayed her PAC haul, and readers doubted her ability to maintain a campaign staff.
Weigel, blogging from a remote island in Alaska, covered the NAACP uproar, clarified the record on the New Black Panther case, showed how the GOP is getting aggressive for Byrd's supposedly safe seat, and wished Rand Paul wasn't so boring now. David Frum, our other guest, dwelled on the state of libertarianism, addressed the prisoner problem in America, drew a deeper lesson from the NewsRealBlog row, praised a new pro-Israeli group, noted Limbaugh's new digs, and suggested a website (as did Weigel).
In other coverage, Greenwald dug up more examples of people praising Fadlallah, Andrew Napolitano called for the indictment of Cheney and Bush, and Nick Kristof confessed to constructing a "Western savior" narrative. Pot-blogging here. A reader joined Andrew Sprung in tackling Social Security reform and another sympathized with cops. Ryan Avent undercut the mythologizing of manufacturing, Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman claimed the decline of creativity, Dan Ariely explained behavioral economic, Wilkinson shouted a libertarian solution to healthcare, and Patrick talked rhetoric. Some final installments on the monogamy thread here and here.
Cool ad here. MHB here, VFYW here, and FOTD here. A particularly fun window contest here.
Monday on the Dish we welcomed our two guest-bloggers for the week: David Frum and Dave Weigel.
Weigel honored Nate Henn, the American who died in the World Cup bombing (and who happened to grow up with Weigel in Delaware). He also filed a dispatch from Anchorage, featured a new profile on John McCain, undermined a right-wing myth about the New Black Panthers and Obama's DOJ, gave a platform to a conservative critic of the GOP's fiscal record, and dug up a bit of trivia about a popular Weekly Standard cover.
Frum highlighted the dire financial markets, talked inflation and deflation, noted welfare reform in Australia, showed how Obama is ignoring a Supreme Court uproar in his hometown, bristled at the president for bringing up his middle name to explain Israeli mistrust, invoked his grandfather in a post on Christian Zionism, summed up the controversy between a FrumForum blogger and NewsRealBlog, pointed out the success of aggregators, and took a jab at the publishing industry.
In Palin news, her path to the nomination got much clearer (though she floundered on "The Factor" for the second time). San Francisco tried to ban the sale of pets. DOMA update here. Mariah Blake's expose on the medical supply industry is a must see.
In assorted commentary, Dayo Olopade celebrated the progress Africa displayed this World Cup, Nate Silver slammed the Pentagon for surveying servicemembers on gaydar, William Galston was gloomy about the Dems prospects this fall, Bernstein assessed Palin's chances in '12, and Larison compared her to Giuliani. Beinart thought Obama was no FDR, TNC tackled the fear felt by cops, Joe Keohane explained how our biases shape the facts we receive, Felix Salmon defended minimum wage laws, and Patrick circled back to one of his pet topics, the kidney trade. A comprehensive update on Social Security reform here. Recession view here. A great case of journalism here.
Creepy ad here. A quick laugh here and a longer one here. MHB here, VFYW here, and FOTD here.
-- C.B.