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Author Archive


Catholic Priest Sex Scandal Mysteriously Does Not Involve Child Molestation

Wednesday, July 7th, 2010

THE HOMOSEXUALS ARE COMING!This is unbelievable: What kind of a Catholic priest ARE you if your sex scandals are just a bunch of lame missionary gay butt sex? You’d better spice it up with a drug ring or something … oh, larceny? Okay, then, larceny it is. MORE »


Rev. Lou Engle and His Three-Story-Tall Homosexual Jesus Giant

Monday, July 5th, 2010

THE HOMOSEXUALS ARE COMING! ... and this terrifying column art is by, of course, Benjamin Frisch.Hello, I am your new Wonkette reporter of The Homosexuals, and what they are thrusting upon society, or what is being thrusteth upon them. Sometimes I will post a round-up of what is going on that you might not have heard about, or maybe I will write about specific things related to The Homosexuals. It really just depends on how many keys The Editor has made for me!

You might remember crazy wingnut pastor Lou Engle from the time he and Michele Bachmann convulsed back and forth with all their friends on video, imploring the Lord to Take Back Our Country through His preferred prayer method, which is, of course, loud communal fully-clothed orgasms. MORE »