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Sunday, July 18, 2010
Those Wacky Pakistanis

Crazy what goes on in that country!!

But behind the opulence lurks a troubling fact. Very few of these households pay income tax. That is mostly because the politicians who make the rules are also the country’s richest citizens, and are skilled at finding ways to exempt themselves.

That would be a problem in any country. But in Pakistan, the lack of a workable tax system feeds something more menacing: a festering inequality in Pakistani society, where the wealth of its most powerful members is never redistributed or put to use for public good.

Evening Thread


Wanker of the Day

John King.

Austerity For Some

I don't have any opinion about whether dealership closures were done properly, but it's still important to remember the differing treatment of the auto industry versus the banksters.

Learning To Love Free Money

The point is that there's little to be feared from either firing up the helicopters or, more realistically, simply obtaining more money to spend by moving decimal points on Treasury bank accounts instead of borrowing it, relative to the predicament we are currently in.


Tea Party racists, Michael Steele, Sarah Palin, perhaps George W. Bush himself, were all planted by liberals to make conservatives look bad. Clever liberals.

How High

While I do think "The Left" has made significant progress in dealing with the basic puke funnel that the right has, it's still the case that key actors still think dancing whatever dance conservatives want them to is a big part of their jobs.

Everybody Else Sucks

I don't think the double standard thing is especially new, nor limited to our own country, but what is new is that there are couple of examples so obvious and glaring that it's difficult to comprehend how reporters and editors run with them without an immense sense of shame. Or, really, how they run with them at all.

Sunday Bobbleheads

This Week has Joe the Biden.

Meet the Press has Cornyn, Menendez, Van Hollen, and Pete Sessions.

Face the Nation has Bill Richardson, JD Hayworth, and apparently a debate between someone from the NAACP and someone from the "Tea Party." I bet they'll debate who the real racists are! Oh joy.

Document the atrocities!

Wanker for the Ages

Lord Monckton.

Saturday, July 17, 2010
Evening Thread


Gravel Roads

Moving forward into the 21st century.

SPIRITWOOD, N.D.—A hulking yellow machine inched along Old Highway 10 here recently in a summer scene that seemed as normal as the nearby corn swaying in the breeze. But instead of laying a blanket of steaming blacktop, the machine was grinding the asphalt road into bits.

"When [counties] had lots of money, they paved a lot of the roads and tried to make life easier for the people who lived out here," said Stutsman County Highway Superintendant Mike Zimmerman, sifting the dusty black rubble through his fingers. "Now, it's catching up to them."

Fresh Thread


There Was Something Fishy In The White House Travel Office

And Clinton did the perfectly normal thing of putting his own people in, but that upset the press - then the Republicans - who liked the people in the travel office who did them lots of favors and began the process of making perfectly standard behavior illegitimate when done by democrats.

Further Adventures Of The Rich But Not Rich Enough

Apparently the poor dears aren't spending any money.

I've got an idea... tax cut!


Busy day for me. Not sure I'll be around much. There are plenty of fine blogs linked to the left that can keep you occupied.


Maybe I'm all fuzzy these days, but I seem to remember a day when the National Rifle Association talked, a lot, about gun safety, education and commonsense approaches to gun ownership in the US. Is this really the same organization?

What's truly amazing, though, is how the Washington NRA leadership is always there for the worst among us. Do you want to continue to sell guns to criminals, terrorists, and those not of sound mind through the gun show loophole -- unlike 69% of NRA members and 85% of non-NRA gun owners who support a simple background check at gun shows to prevent this insanity? No worries, NRA Executive VP Wayne LaPierre has got your back! Do you think it's a swell idea to sell guns & explosives to those being actively investigated by the FBI, TSA or DHS? Excellent! Top NRA lobbyist Chris Cox is there to ensure you can continue to hawk your wares to those who can't even get on airplanes because they are being investigated for being members of violent, terrorist organizations -- something 82% of the NRA's own membership and 86% of non-NRA gun owners agree is just plain nuts.

This is in the context of the NRA working to block an attempt by the cops to identify a serial killer.....

Friday, July 16, 2010


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Drinking Liberally