July 20th, 2010 by Miss Jia || Filed Under: Interviews
I had a long hard day yesterday and decided to take a nap, not realizing that I’d be missing Usher’sBehind the Music special on VH1. When I woke up, I saw everyone (on Twitter) talking about how ‘good’ and in depth it seemed to be. Of course, he talked about the usual (Chilli & Tameka) but he also talked about his earlier years while working with Diddy. I enjoyed it! Check it out if you missed it last night and post your thoughts!
Shyne’s cute ass is fresh outta jail and already making (some) ladies’ loins scream mine included. He is too cute! Anyway, he recently did a spread with XXL where he talks about returning to Belize after doing his bid in prison, future projects and of course, Diddy:
I don’t know whether he was nervous. When you’re afraid and you’re emotional, that’s a different survival tactic. Those are the people that do anything, regardless of character and integrity, to preserve and protect themselves, regardless of who they hurt. I guess maybe that was the situation. Never been in a situation like that, where he facing years, and he got hundreds of millions and all that shit at stake. But where I’m from, doesn’t matter. You lose everything for your comrade. Again, if you’re in battle, I’ll catch a bullet, too. It ain’t like, Yo, he’s dead. Don’t make no sense for me to die, too. Nah, I’ma die, too! So you hope or you take for granted that all men are the same. But I know all men are not.
You can check out some footage from the shoot after the break!
PS: I can do without that damn bowl cut though…and did this jigga say he had a baby on the way? Dang…his sperm works quick as HELL!
July 20th, 2010 by Miss Jia || Filed Under: sponsored
I recently decided to make a purchase of another four door vehicle to have just in case I wanted to take a road trip with my girls, do hellafied grocery shopping or have a nice “roomy” vehicle that I could use on a regular basis while still feeling safe. That’s why I chose the Toyota Camry. Since I’m only 30 years old, I didn’t want something that “looked” like I was hauling around a soccer team and small church. However, style and room was #1 on the list. I believe that all four door whips don’t HAVE to have the traditional look and although my camry has four doors, I still feel stylish when I drive it. Another bonus to the Camry is that it’s excellent on gas! We all know that gas prices go up and down just as much as the weather changes, so you definitely want something that fits those changes. So far, I love it! If you haven’t, make sure you check out Toyota’s Facebook page HERE and share some of your positive experiences!
PS: Ladies, if you do a lot of shopping…or need that extra light for that last minute makeup application, check it out (just make sure your car is completely STOPPED/PARKED) before you try this)! So much room!! LOVE IT!
*Compensation for this post was received by Toyota via Glam
July 19th, 2010 by Miss Jia || Filed Under: New Music
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Check out this new track by Steph Jones called B E A-utiful. The song is basically an ode to beautiful women all around the world, no matter your color or size. I really love this song! Post your thoughts!
July 19th, 2010 by Miss Jia || Filed Under: Interviews
Ciara is next up to be featured on MTV’s new show, When I Was 17. During this (short) clip, she talks about her ambitions in high school, catching her boyfriend on some hosh-t, and a cute story explaining a time when she almost had to piss in a bottle. This was cute. Check it out and post your thoughts!
July 19th, 2010 by Miss Jia || Filed Under: Side Eye
While Janet Jackson was busy sittin’ pretty for a photoshoot with Blackgama, PETA was busy running their trap as they’ve become known to do at least once a month. To say that they’re a little peeved at Janet rockin’ fur is an understatement:
It’s amazing what celebrities will do when their careers are on a downslide, but we didn’t think that Janet was this desperate. Surely she knows enough about suffering and unjustified death to recognize that both occur in the production of a fur coat. We are asking her to think again and to donate these stolen skins to be used as bedding for animals orphaned by other human-caused disasters, such as loss of habitat.[SOURCE]
Wow…so in addition to using MJ’s death in their argument, they’re also dissing her career status? Ouch! Whatever works, I guess. What do you guys think? Was PETA out of line? Post your thoughts!