Thursday, August 05, 2010

So Wonderful, on About a Million Different Levels


The day after the Prop 8 decision, Althouse, who supports gay marriage, instructs her readers:

Why not cheer yourself up by thinking about the boost this will give to conservatives in the upcoming election? And leave gay people alone.

The readers, naturally will none of it.

"Nope - sorry. This is bullshit and I will not consider it otherwise."

"But, will gay people leave me alone?"

I've put the rest of this snakepit below the fold...

I'll Take "anti-Christian bias even though both guys are Christian for $1000", Alex?

David Bernstein and Putz play to the rubes:

JEFF JACOBY: Why is it that Mel Gibson is ripped by the media for anti-Semitic statements, and Oliver Stone isn’t?

Well, gee, Mr. Wilson, maybe because one guy hasn't had a hit movie in a decade and nobody gives a shit about him except wingnuts and the other guy is Mel Gibson. I mean, it's not even close:

[to clarify: this graph shows the lifetime gross of each man's movies over the last decade]

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

If By 'The Left' You Mean a Keynote Speaker at the Federalist Society and a Reagan-Appointed Judge... Sure!


In an extremely ironic twist, today America's gay bashers took it in the ass.

TS ADDS: And in a FURTHER ironic twist, the majority of teabaggers are displeased with a gay marriage ruling.

And a Big Old Fuck You to The National Review.

"Justice requires that the lawsuit brought by David Boies and Theodore Olson be laughed out of court."

-- June 20, 2009

(Side note: I'm delighted to see Judge Walker cite Lawrence v. Texas. In his dissent in that case, Scalia warned that the ruling "leaves on pretty shaky grounds state laws limiting marriage to opposite-sex couples." Yep.)

Lady, You're Not Welcome in Brooklyn Either.

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Althouse: "I'm not a Bigot, Just Lazy!"

Ann Althouse is pretty pissed about the LPC's unanimous decision to clear the way for the construction of Park51. And she's "trouble[d]" that The New York Times makes it seem that people like her

just hate (or dislike) Muslims and, for that reason, would deny them the same freedom other religious persons enjoy.

Well, maybe Althouse should grateful! If she's not a bigot, she's either lazy or stupid. Consider her words:

But what should not be lost, in understanding that, is that the owner's freedom means that the owner has a choice. The owner is certainly not required to build a Muslim center and mosque on that site. Because it is a choice, it's not wrong for the community to ask: Why are you making this choice? Why are you doing something that feels so painful to us? The community isn't wrong to plead with the owner to choose to do something else with that property. It's not enough of an answer to say we are doing it because we have a right to do it.

Except, of course, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf and Park51 have been perfectly clear about why. A little paper Althouse has probably never heard of, The New York Times, noted last December that

A presence so close to the World Trade Center, “where a piece of the wreckage fell,” said Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the cleric leading the project, “sends the opposite statement to what happened on 9/11.”

“We want to push back against the extremists,” added Imam Feisal, 61.

Also, Park51 has a mission statement, but I can see how Althouse missed this because it's written in size 24 font. (Remember when Althouse blamed Democrats because she didn't have time to read the hcr bill? This time, she'll probably blame the Times for running an article on Sam Kinison's birthday.)

Open Letter to Hugh Hewitt.

Please stay out of New York's affairs, you pasty hillbilly cunt. And as to this:

I oppose [the Cordoba House] because the land and buildings damaged by the assault are now part of the sacred space of America's great civic religion.

Um, eat me? Yes, Ground Zero is a big ugly hole in the ground, but more importantly, it is a massive piece of real estate. It is not, no matter what our worthless piece-of-shit former mayor says, a 'sacred space'. If it's so sacred, how come you ain't bothered by the prospect of an NYU dorm on the old Deutsche Bank lot (a deal which will dump thousands of drunken little Felicitys into Lower Manhattan) or, worse, a battalion of Condé Nasties tromping across this hallowed ground?

Well golly, I'd hate to speculate.

The Cordoba House is exactly what this city needs. The fact that it's a couple of blocks from the Bush Administration's biggest failure is just gravy.



Monday, August 02, 2010

Where'd you rather live?


TS ADDS: Also too.

Top 5 "Talladega" Lines Tim Pawlenty Won't Touch.

Hilarious loser Tim Pawlenty admits that Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby is one of his favorite movies -- but is probably lying! -- and is especially fond of the "red-hot smoking wife" line.

Herewith are a few others Pawlenty probably won't, but should, quote:

"I like to think of Jesus as a mischievous badger."

"Are we about to get it on? Because I'm as hard as a diamond in an ice storm right now."

"I like to picture Jesus as a figure skater."

"I threw a bunch of Grandpa Chip's war medals off the bridge."

"The room's startin to spin real fast... cause of... cause of all the gayness."

Paul Babeu, Not a Nice Person.

You've seen that story, headlined Arizona Sheriff: ‘Our Own Government Has Become Our Enemy’? It's a loving CNS profile of Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu, who is, says CNS, "hopping mad at the federal government."

Babeu is a piece of work. He likes appearing on The Political Cesspool, a show which openly supports white supremacy; he pals around with King Truther Alex Jones; and, to top it off, he's got a friend in David Duke.

Drudge probably could have chosen his anti-immigrant posterboy a bit more judiciously. Does it surprise you that Malkin and her lessers are lapping this up? No, I suspect not.

Mendacious Cracker.


NEW YORK TIMES: Prepare Yourself For Social Security’s Failure. So is this the hope, or the change?

Key quote: “One financial planner, who has dual citizenship in the United States and Greece, said he was not taking chances. ‘Having seen what happened in Greece, I feel even more strongly today that I should not count on any Social Security for me and my younger clients,’ said the planner, George Papadopoulos, 43, of Novi, Mich. ‘I will continue to tell clients not to highly rely on Social Security and think of any money coming their way as gravy.’”

Really? I'd say the key quote is this one:

Social Security will, according to the last annual report from its trustees, be able to pay full benefits through 2037. Then, if there are no changes in the program in the meantime, the taxes collected will be enough to pay out only about 75 percent of benefits through 2083.



Put this Erickson classic on a t-shirt and I'd buy it:

Time flies when you’re fighting for freedom.

Fighting for freedom = sending rubber balls to Mitch McConnell, Silly Putty to Kent Williams, and fake dog shit to Earl Pomeroy.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Mary Matalin is a Vampire.

From the alternet review of Pamela Geller's The Post-American Presidency:

Number of times President Obama is referred to as Barack Hussein Obama (excluding notes and index): 52

Number of times the phrase "new world order" appears: 1

Number of pedophiles with whom Geller implies Obama had a less-than-wholesome relationship: 1

Number of conspiracies involving Timothy Geithner and Barack Obama’s mother: 1

Number of countries Obama is accused of "abandoning": 2 (Poland and the Czech Republic)

Number of facts attributed to African Press International, a fake news organization: 1

Yeah, Cole nails it again.


Just so we’re clear, Sherrod was scarred by the murder of her father and subsequent failure to prosecute the murderers in the Jim Crow south, and Breitbart was scarred when Clarence Thomas was beaten to death on live television in the well of the Senate by Ted Kennedy and Joe Biden while the NAACP stood by and did nothing asked some questions before being promoted to a lifetime position in the highest court of the land. See- they’ve both been traumatized!

Friday, July 30, 2010


Putz, two months ago:

MEGAN MCARDLE: “Andrew seems very pleased by the progress we’re making with the auto bailout. I’m not seeing it.["]

Yeah, well, you're an idiot.


Vintage Peretz.

Marty Peretz is nearing K-Lo territory:

Assange and, to a lesser extent, Manning are already heroes. So here is roughly my view of them...or at least of Assange. Well, it's not exactly my view but that of Tunku Varadarajan who writes brilliantly and regularly for the Daily Beast.

Anthony Weiner goes off.

How NOT to dispel the notion that you're a misogynistic asshole.

From Bret Easton Ellis' interview with Details:

When American Psycho was published, some of the attacks from feminists were so vitriolic. Did that bother you?

Women are crazy! So no, it i didn't. I grew up with two sisters and my mom. I saw first-hand how emotionally unstable women can be. To a degree I do believe that the book is feminist in nature. I think it's a book that is criticizing certain male values and behavior. So the feminist response was just - you know, it was retarded.

Pretty Much.