

Posted at 16:53 by Gavin M.

Above: Andrew Breitbart, peter B-list

Peter A. List, Big Government:
Context Is Everything. NAACP’s Jealous ‘Snookered’ Himself

  • The Left uses the nefarious trickery of Saul Alinsky, yet now that we’ve brilliantly used the very same tactics on the NAACP, they’re attempting to pose as the victims of some nefarious trickery.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™

Note: We support the NWACP, because let Breitbart try this one on them, and with a right-left, right-left, he’s toothless, and would be saying, “Goddamn, they’re ruthless.”

Title cf., and cf. recursive puns.


National Association for the Advancement of Communist Policies

Posted at 13:09 by Tintin

ABOVE: “Moanin’ Mona” Charen

Shorter Mona Charen, America’s Shittiest Website™
The NAACP’s Descent

  • Since nobody’s lynching Negroes anymore, the NAACP can just shut the fuck up and go away now and stop using bogus charges of “racism” to try to turn America into a communist country. Oh, and one more thing: colored people calling white people racist is even more offensive than white racism.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


I See A Rude Person

Posted at 14:11 by D. Aristophanes

Advice Goddess Amy Alkon:

On another boneheaded note, my hotel removed all refrigerators and minibars from the rooms. I had to pay $10 to have a small refrigerator brought up so I could keep four days of salami (which I always carry with me, in case somebody’s serving pasta or something I don’t eat).

Does ‘salami’ have a hidden meaning? Who knows. Some of La Alkon’s commenters suggest she tell the hotel staff she needs to refrigerate prescription medication, to which she replies:

And regarding saying I need the fridge for medication, I committed to being an ethical person a while back, so I don’t get to do that sort of thing.

Oh, I don’t know. There must be a shrink out there who will verify with a note that bringing your own meats to a dinner party in case your host’s food repulses you is some sort of condition.

Above: Dining with foreign dignitaries à la Alkon.

Meanwhile, commenter ManR reveals that in his world, the beds magically grow 12 inches when you lay on them the wrong way!

I love hotels esp. when the humongous bed is 12 inches shorter at the head than the feet and no one can deal with it. Rested the other way, which made watching tv rather interesting.

He ought to have checked the guest register. The problem might have been all the rotting salami Alkon stuffed into the headboard the night before.


Netroots Nation – Shameless Plug

Posted at 2:53 by D. Aristophanes

So Bradrocket, Edroso, Amanda Marcotte, Sady Doyle, Jesse Taylor and myself will be hosting a panel on bleggity-floo at Netroots Nation 2010. We are in a battle to the death with these guys, so we need all your support. Below, Pinko Punko and Run drop knowledge on what it’s all about:


Hell In A Randbasket

Posted at 16:36 by D. Aristophanes

Kids today just don’t fear the fiery pits of Gehenna, warns ‘politically incorrect’ researcher-writer Bonnie Alba in an important Renew America don’t-think piece:

Fury of HELL denied

“I greatly fear that the denial of the eternity of future punishment is one wave of an incoming sea of infidelity.” Charles H. Spurgeon

If you read beyond the above quote, prepare to be challenged. Either that, or you will continue in your denial. In post-modern churches, you’re not likely to hear much about the eternal Hell that awaits all of us. Right up front, God does not want you to go to the Hell he has prepared for those who reject Him. (2 Peter 3:9)

God is like a psychotic health nut who runs a Taco Bell franchise — He wouldn’t eat a Gordita Supreme if you held a gun to His head, but He’ll shove it down YOUR throat if you ever so much as think He’s kind of a dick. And that goes double for anybody who’s at risk for diabetes.

Above: Charles H. Spurgeon tells his flock to go straight to Hell.

Up until the mid-19th century, warnings of Hell and God’s final judgment were very much part of the Gospel message preached from church pulpits. Then the age of enlightenment, so-called rational reasoning, entered into the minds of men.

Damn you, rational reasoning! If you hadn’t crept into our minds, surely we’d have invented a longer-lasting candle by now!

The post-modern humanistic, universalistic view of God as the God of Love ‘who saves everyone in the end’ has numbed the consciences of believers and unbelievers alike to the God of Creation and All his attributes.

The effect on unbelievers was the real rub — nothing could be more insidious than getting people who already didn’t believe in supernatural scaremongering to not believe in it all over again.

What most people know is that Jesus was ‘Love incarnate’ — kind and compassionate, who did miraculous things like loving, reaching out, healing, feeding thousands, teaching about God.

In reality, Jesus orchestrated drone attacks on Philistine villages, lobbied for offshore drilling and shot Peter in the face on a bow hunt.

Why would people need to attend church if God is going to save them anyway. If, there is no Hell. If, God is Love and nothing else. Why would people see a need to attend church if they don’t believe they’re not going to face any punishment for their sins and unbelief.

Also, why would people see a need to use proper punctuation to indicate an interrogative. If, there is no Spellcheck.

Jesus issued a strong warning to Jewish religious leaders, “You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape the damnation of Hell?” (Matthew 23:33)

Mel Gibson, call your office! Bonnie Alba’s got THE picture to revive your derailed career: ‘Snakes On A Plane 2: Heretical Hebrew-loo’.

There are many reasons given for decreases in church attendance. But I think this might be the one main reason: Christian ministers have forsaken the total Gospel as Jesus preached — Heaven and Hell. It is why the diluted message makes no impact on the hearts of human beings who are centered in themselves and their hearts hardened to stone. The conscience of a people are untouched by guilt and fear of God.

Truthfully, more preachers should jump out of bushes and yell ‘Boo!’ at random passers-by. That ought to scare them back into the pews.

Today’s God is more like a Genie in a lamp who grants the desires of our self-serving lives.

Which is why He was recently spotted wearing a bikini top and inexplicably shacking up with a young Larry Hagman. ‘Who Shot J.C.?’ etc.

Nothing funny about my joke: In a local coffee klatch, a guy asks ‘Who believes in Hell anymore?’ and one guy answers, ‘Those who are there.’

Nope, nothing funny at all.


Hue And Cry

Posted at 11:46 by Gavin M.

Horn If You’re Honky

Mark Williams, MarkTalk.com:
NAACP Resolution: [National Association for the Advancement of] Colored People change minds about emancipation

  • Imagine a group that calls blacks “Colored People” hurling charges of racism!

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


1) He might’ve teeped Artie, but he isn’t going to teep many more people at the current rate of ascent.

2) Say, here’s a golden oldie.


Why Is That Nigruh Callin’ Me A Saltine?

Posted at 7:31 by Tintin

ABOVE: Miss Kim Priestap

Shorter Kim Priestap, CheezWhizBlog
What is it about the word cracker?

  • This hateful, racist n**g*r with a preposterous nom de niguerre — where do these people come up with these names????? — is soooooo stupid he can’t even figure out a proper racial epithet to use against white people like me. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but Wheat Thins will never hurt me.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Give Me Your Well-Rested, Your Rich, Your Pampered Dignitaries etc.

Posted at 6:44 by D. Aristophanes

ABOVE: Greg Gutfeld

Shorter Greg Gutfeld, Big Hollywood:
Daily Gut: What I Learned From ‘Cops’

  • It’s like Rand Paul says — the Sultan of Brunei would totally trade places in a heartbeat with a homeless septuagenarian schizophrenic living on the streets of Detroit, and I’m not being funny. No, seriously — I’m really not funny.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


What Wingnuts Want

Posted at 22:11 by D. Aristophanes

The leaked recordings of Mel Gibson’s violent rants against ex-girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva would seem to be enough to put anybody off their lunch, but not Mad Mel’s loyal supporters amongst the FoxNews.com commentariat.

‘It’s pretty sad how since the release of “The Passion Of Christ” the media has taking every angle and advantage to humiliate and capitalize on every negative move or failure that Mel Gibson has made,’ laments somethintothink. Make a feature-length ode to the blood libel and those dirty Jews that control the media will hound you to your death.

Francheska Bardacke also sees a progressive hand somehow pulling the strings in this affair: ‘[I]f studios continue to support MG after such hostile and racist slurs (not to mention atrocious behavior regarding his girlfriend such that there needs to be legal action) I will lose all faith in Hollywood.’

Just wait for a slow news day, Francheska — Breitbart no doubt has an evergreen post on file explaining how self-hating studio execs were behind this whole thing.

Commenter ti1968 fingers the true culprit in Mel’s demise — Oksana, the ‘gold digger’ who ‘is using this to her advantage’. Presumably, the ‘this’ in question is getting screamed at by an unhinged racist and allegedly having your teeth knocked out for good measure. Virginia-based trishl notes sagely that the supposed ‘victim’ in l’affaire Mel ‘looks just like Octo-mom and is just as crazy as Octo-mom’.

We would only add that the Russian-born Oksana is a Slav, and everybody knows that they are only an evolutionary rung up from the sub-human Juden, who also breed like vermin and bear large litters of scheming Christ-killers. That is, if you believe in evolution — and truthfully, you’d be a fool to fall for such a scam. Better to think of Russians as large vodka-swilling rodents that crawled out of Lucifer’s ass roughly 6,000 years ago.

Carigis, meanwhile, is having none of this hand-wringing over Mel’s supposed transgressions: ‘I am buying one mel gibson movie for every day that fox rehashes this silly domestic dispute that is none of its business in order to try to drum up ratings.’ Happily, this may require a reboot of the Lethal Weapon franchise if the Gibson-Grigorieva saga goes on for a few more weeks. Danny Glover could use the work.

Bree is more pleased with the Fox coverage of the story than Carigis, nitpicking only that ‘you “*” out the F word and the B words, which is great, but you don’t do the same for the worst word in the article (hint, initials g and d).’ And goddamnit if she isn’t right!

Finally, wise words courtesy of jeanettemurray from Texas: ‘I feel so badly for such a great man that gave us “The Passion of Christ”. He must be caving in to the demons tormenting him. He needs our prayers, not our condemnation.’

The debbil made him do it.


What For Does She Sing? (Only Mr. God Knows)

Posted at 15:07 by Tintin

Eh, Thers, what is your Chav Knacker Rap when compared to the glories of Englatvian or Latglish?

Full lyrics here since Aisha’s English is, well, barbaric. I do not think there has ever been a better Eurovision lyric than this:

What for are we losing?
Only Mr God knows why
But his phone today is out of range

Apparently Mr. God gets the same shitty service on his AT&T iPhone as everyone else.


Every Time They Think They Weaken The Nation*

Posted at 15:10 by Tintin

ABOVE: New bathroom innovation keeps people from pissing all over the
bathroom floor.

Shorter John Hinderaker, Power Failure:
Gitmo, Let Me Stay!

  • Hey, Libs, I got proof positive that Camp X-Ray is essentially nothing but a Four Seasons Resort on a lush tropical isle: people would rather stay there than get murdered.

Paul Mirengoff, Power Failure:
A Skunk By Any Other Name

  • Groups should be called by whatever name they choose to be called, except for, of course, “Progressives.”

Shorter Scott Johnson, Power Failure:

  • Nanny-state laws are not applicable to me, and I am planning vengeance (of a type I cannot now disclose) on anyone who attempts to enforce such laws against me.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™

*Cf. (no. 100)


A Screaming Comes Across The Sky

Posted at 15:03 by Tintin

And blows up Thers, who thought he was safe, with “An Eastern European Kinda Funk.” Silly Thers.

Of course, an Alvin and the Chipmunks remix was inevitable and is below the fold.

Read the rest of this entry »


Curl Up And Dye

Posted at 15:12 by Tintin

ABOVE: Otoplasty Candidate Noel “Just For Men” Sheppard.

Shorter Noel Sheppard, Newsblusterers:
Guess Which Liberal TV News Host This Is?

  • Rachel Maddow dyes her hair.*

Shorter Newsblusterer Commenters:
Guess Which Liberal TV News Host This Is?

  • Bull dyke with a strap-on if you ask us.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™

*This is the same Noel Sheppard who got all splutter-faced when some bloggers mentioned that Sarah Palin might have gotten a boob job.


Fly, Fly, Fly, Fly!

Posted at 17:24 by Tintin

Shorter Jim Hoft, Gateway Dumbtwit
Taliban Training Killer Monkeys to Shoot Americans!

  • I’ll believe absolutely anything.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Stay classy!

Posted at 23:37 by Sadly, No!

Now that the whole country* is sad over the German team’s 1-0 loss to Spain last night, some journalists have decided to crank up the inappropriate comparisons machine. To wit (our translation):

Just as the love between Teresa and Robert Enke didn’t have a happy end, the same now unfortunately holds true for the party people and this promising team.

Who was Robert Enke?

At the time of his death, he was widely considered to be a leading contender for the German number one spot at the 2010 World Cup.

On 10 November 2009, Enke committed suicide.

* Sadly, No! is headquartered in Germany.


Tired Gay succumbs to…

Posted at 23:26 by Sadly, No!


PS: We at Sadly, No! don’t like to think of ourselves as reasonably mature.


Two-Minute America’s Dumbest Homosexual™

Posted at 14:18 by Tintin

ABOVE: B. Daniel “Gay Patriot West” Blatt

Dan-no has been driving around the United States visiting relatives which meant he hasn’t had time to post much. But that hasn’t stopped him from keeping his thinking cap on and thinking deep thoughts about the perfidy of liberals, especially gay liberals. So when he made it back home, like the elephant uncorked by the monkey, a torrent of, er, posts came flowing out.* Because our job is to read shit so that you don’t have to, here are Dan’s latest posts.

Yes, Virginia, gay marriage is legal in all 50 states*

  • Gay marriage is already legal in all 50 states because no one has ever been arrested in any of them for getting gay married.

A Reflection on the Declining Number of Verizon Stores*

  • What? They now sell mobile phones at Best Buy, Walmart and Radio Shack?

On Gov. Lingle’s Veto of HI Civil Unions Bill (& related matters)

  • Lingle vetoed the gay marriage bill in Hawaii because gay liberals suck.

A Reflection on the Liberals in My Family & the Critics of our Blog

  • Liberals should tolerate my anti-gay political views because I love my relatives.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™

*Cf. (canonical elephant joke no. 8)


My Boxer Shorts Have My Name And It Says Romney

Posted at 19:30 by Tintin
“Uh oh. Fart.”

Not since George Allen’s macaca moment has any aspiring presidential candidate so thoroughly and completely dashed his chances for the White House in two sentences or less as Mitt Romney did yesterday in a WaPo op-ed. In the WaPo piece, Mitt, hoping to prove his own foreign policy chops, criticized the New START, which he called Obama’s “worst foreign policy mistake yet.”

Unlike past treaty restrictions, ICBMs are not prohibited from bombers. This means that Russia is free to mount a nearly unlimited number of ICBMs on bombers — including MIRVs (multiple independently targetable reentry vehicles) or multiple warheads — without tripping the treaty’s limits.

Yes, he actually said that. This is the man who wants to be the Commander-in-Chief, the leader of the free world, and the guy who takes the 3 a.m. phone calls in the White House and yet he thinks that you mount ICBMs on bombers. And even though Mitt apparently can’t tell the difference between an ICBM and a lawn dart, he still has the nerve to criticize Obama’s foreign policy.

I guess Romney thinks that missiles are like Irish Setters and you can just strap ‘em to the roof.

Over at Slate, Fred Kaplan points out the rest of the dumb-assery (and there’s plenty of it) in Romney’s op-ed.


Who Eats Seafood Anyway?

Posted at 13:14 by Tintin

ABOVE: Kevin D. Williamson (really)

Shorter Kevin D. Williamson, America’s Shittiest Website™
The Cost of the BP Cleanup, in Corn

  • All the federal tax money spent on ethanol should be given instead to BP and other oil companies to help them pay for oil spills.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Photoshops From Hell

Posted at 20:34 by Tintin

A guilty pleasure for many true connoisseurs of wingnuttery is feasting their eyes on the headline artistry of Jim “Gateway Dumtwit” Hoft, who has hunt and pecked out on his encrusted keyboard such classics as Baby Survives 3 Days With Shot in Chest After Parents Commit Global Warming Suicide, Obama’s Most Frequent White House Visitor Is Radical Socialist (Video), and Dems Continue “Listening Tour”– Fists, Boots, Bullhorns, Stomping Heads, Smashing Faces, Assaults Included.

But I think that this post title may turn out to be my personal favorite.

HuffPo Crops AP Photo to Give Netanyahu Devil Horns

You’ve got to admit that this title, which brilliantly melds wingnut conspiracy theory with the elementary school prank of sticking up your fingers behind someone’s head, is breathtaking from a purely formal and aesthetic viewpoint. And the post that is adorned by this masterpiece doesn’t fail to deliver.

Of course, here at Sadly, No! we know a little bit about altering photographs to make them better.

Was this an accident?

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