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  1. RT @gabedelahaye: Easily the best quote regarding the BP oil spill that I have read thus far:
  2. RT @lucasvpraag: Waiting for FCIC to mention my genius idea to include the 100s of emails from Lloyd to me re cutting boy's department t ...
  3. Malia and Sasha are such underminers:
  4. RT @Lafsky: This is sort of...incredibly awesome: #teamPaulina
  5. I feel like I just got off a yacht after drinking several bottles of pinot grigio. The woman is a genius.
  6. "Out of something REALLY bad/ ugly has come something good. Tks for helping spread the message. I am grateful. Kelly."
  7. "Dear Jessica: I am so glad you found the PSA on my youtube. com channel. Its a really serious issue for anyone at any age..."
  8. I just received an email from Kelly Bensimon thanking me for making fun of her PSA.
  9. "Federal officials are hoping James Cameron can help them come up with ideas on how to stop the disastrous oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico."
  10. Crap, I have done all of these things. RT@dealbreaker Ace Greenberg Has Some Advice He’d Like To Share
  11. Ace!
  12. RT @truththesleuth: statement condoms are a terrible idea even before you bring ed hardy into the equation
  13. RT @koblin: someone should write a trend story about trend story takedowns.
  14. I figured it out! The entire time we've been watching #Lost, we were all dead.
  15. If Goldman ruins my Friday afternoon by settling with SEC at last possible moment I will show them what populist rage *really* looks like.
  16. RT @fneel: There is no tangible difference between this AP story an an Onion one: #Journalism!
  17. I love our photo people, who uncomplainingly execute whatever ridiculous Photoshop idea pops into my mind:
  18. @comfortablysmug I like all strange beasts, regardless of their ethnicity, gender, or creed.
  19. Just thought of a comeback for something that happened two days ago. That would never happen to Obama.
  20. Ooo! An entire book on "strange beasts of Japanese film" has arrived in the mail. Manna from HarperCollins!