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Cover story: Jettisoning jet lag
What are the molecular events that allow us to overcome jet lag? Kiessling and colleagues report that jet lag temporarily disrupts the body’s circadian clock but can be adjusted through rhythmic release of glucocorticoids (page 2600).
Cover image courtesy of Merve Ulug Evern.
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In placental mammals, sexual reproduction is a highly complex and tightly controlled process that begins with germ cell development and ends with the birth of live young. The articles in this series comprise an overview of our current understanding of many of the events crucial to sexual reproduction in placental mammals and point to some of the ways forward to moving from “bench-to-bedside” to enhance pregnancy success rates in fertility clinics.
Stem Cells
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MTORC1 regulates cardiac function and myocyte survival through 4E-BP1 inhibition in mice
Organic anion transporting polypeptide 1a/1b–knockout mice provide insights into hepatic handling of bilirubin, bile acids, and drugs
Sirt3 protects in vitro–fertilized mouse preimplantation embryos against oxidative stress–induced p53-mediated developmental arrest
Castration resistance in human prostate cancer is conferred by a frequently occurring androgen receptor splice variant
Modeling metastasis biology and therapy in real time in the mouse lung
Hypoxia-inducible factor 2α regulates macrophage function in mouse models of acute and tumor inflammation