Rachel Maddow performed another fine public service last night by connecting the dots on the various Fox News stories designed to convince white people to be afraid of blacks and minorities.
I suspect Maddow’s analysis will be familiar to most readers here; it seems obvious when you look at the abundant evidence over time. But there’s very little evidence it is understood and acknowledged outside the progressive blogosphere.
The video above from Rachel’s MSNBC show explains how four of Fox News major stories about "scary" black people are connected. They share a common theme and conservative political agenda that’s been around since Lee Atwater’s "Southern strategy." Scary black people are coming to get white people, so whatever is done to address their issues must be opposed as a threat to whites. By this logic, with the Obama Administration, whites have even more to fear blacks will succeed at whites’ expense. The strategy and its story are vicious, dishonest, and hurting the country. And its cynical purveyors know it’s wrong, but they don’t care, because politically it still works. Rachel shows that Breitbart is just a current Lee Atwater, and Fox News is the collusive medium for the hateful message.
You would think someone who is self-described as a "media critic", someone presumably trained to understand the manipulation and misuse of media, would understand what Maddow is saying here or would at least attempt to address the overwhelming evidence she presents.
But look how conservative Howard Kurtz, the disingenuous "media critic" for the Washington Post and CNN, handles the role Fox News played in spreading the false narrative that Shirley Sherrod (as well as NAACP) was racist. Note first how Kurtz subtly tilts the argument starting with the title, Finger-pointing at Fox in Shirley Sherrod firing. Sounds unfair to blame Fox already, doesn’t it? Then it gets more blatant:
But for all the chatter — some of it from Sherrod herself — that she was done in by Fox News, the network didn’t touch the story until her forced resignation was made public Monday evening, with the exception of brief comments by O’Reilly. After a news meeting Monday afternoon, an e-mail directive was sent to the news staff in which Fox Senior Vice President Michael Clemente said: "Let’s take our time and get the facts straight on this story. Can we get confirmation and comments from Sherrod before going on-air. Let’s make sure we do this right."
Sherrod may be the only official ever dismissed because of the fear that Fox host Glenn Beck might go after her.
To be sure, Kurtz goes on to note how O’Reilly taped his condemnation of Sherrod before the Administration announced her resignation, but shucks, BillO did apologize later, didn’t he? You’d think from this description that Fox was the model of forbearance and journalistic integrity, following their Senior VP’s caution to get the facts straight. But you’d be wrong.
Here’s Rachel’s rebuttal of this line of argument, using Fox’ own footage, laying it all out for Mr. Kurtz:
So how about it, Howard Kurtz? Do you think you owe your readers a straightforward apology?
Or more important, how about an acknowledgment not only that all that "chatter" you dismissed at the top of your column was correct when it suggested Fox News owes both Ms. Sherrod and its viewers an apology for its collusion in Breitbart’s scam?
And shouldn’t you now concede that Rachel Maddow’s connect-the-dots explanation is valid — that is, that she’s done exactly what an honest media critic should do?
Media Matters has a timeline of all the coordinated right-wing actions to smear Sherrod and NAACP.
Digby, on white/black and O’Reilly’s "apology."
Eugene Robinson, Obama needs to stand up to "reverse racism" ploy
I read the Kurtz’s column this morning and thought he had his head pretty far inserted up O’Rielly’s rectum. The piece was crap.
Howard Kurtz is an ass, a well known ass. And no, he could not find himself with both hands.
In the MSM, almost everyone fits Upton Sinclair’s observation:
Go Rachel!
Hacktacular Howie is an id10t
Always remember this when reading anything by Howard Kurtz: He is married to Sheri Annis, a prominent GOP media manipulator with “Fourth Estate Strategies” and a contributor to National Review, as shown by this 2005 hit job she did on Salon’s Anne Lamont.
So no, this doesn’t surprise me one bit. Just as it doesn’t surprise me to see that Mistah Kurtz is wrong about when FOX got involved. The Media Matters timeline shows that FOX was pushing this story online almost immediately after Breitbart posted it.
I avoid Fox News. Everyone should. In the last year, I doubt I heard more than an hour or so there and that was in protest at some public place. They spin every story so that it becomes impossible to know what part is true and what part false, er a lie.
Rachel did a good job in the video. I imagine Faux won’t really want to talk about this much more. (of course I am not watching Faux so I could be wrong!)
You have to be really careful about those black women. They could be after your farm, damn it.
Faux will have a difficult time now making Sherrod into this year’s Willie Horton or the “Welfare Queen”. (Goldman Sachs has that honor)
Of course, she had to bash Anne Lamont. Anne has curly hair in dreadlocks and goes to a black church. She may be after your farm, too.
Or the taxes you paid!
Hugh, so essentially you are saying that Howard knows nothing?
Too bad Kurtz did not read today’s NYT.
I’d love to see Rachel do a show about how Countdown works.
She could start with an on-location video of KO being roused from unconsciousness with his late afternoon [Edited by Moderator.]. Then while KO is being administered his [Edited by Moderator], Rachel could show us his basement freezer, and we could try to identify the [Edited by Moderator]. Later, over at MSNBC, she could give us backstage coverage of KO’s [Edited by Moderator.] in action during every commercial break.
I could go on. Man, it would be great. [Mod Note: No, it would not. While recognizing the attempt at humor, the result is not suitable]
Why are you here?
I thought Rachel’s construction and presentation was powerful Thanks for making note Scarecrow.
Why do you ask?
Hey, who threw me back to Bizzarro World? How should Democrats treat other Democrats who are being attacked by neo-con thugs?
Oh the irony, it is a Fox Senior Vice President. President Obama, hire this guy. And then Fox reporter Shep Smith is looking as if he should get a Pulitzer.
Wait, it gets weirder. Drug addled gasbag Rush Limbaugh has discovered lefty “obscure blogger” Spencer Ackerman is one of the secret leaders of the Bolshevik Mainstream Media.
Oh, sorry. I forgot that making fun of people isn’t allowed on this site. My bad. Won’t happen again.
It’s great when corporate media personalities squawk at each other like it’s news. Oh, wow, another media catfight. To an extent, Limbaugh is right..
“This is about how the [mainstream media] kills any chance of discourse that actually serves the people.”
These idiots deliberately won’t connect the dots. Which is why I just watched breathless reporting on CNN about why President Obama’s poll ratings among whites is at 37%.
Because a large portion of the media complex is deliberately stoking a race war.
Just wondered why he bothers to be here. He disagrees with everything that is said – must give him indigestion. I wouldn’t stay around some place I didn’t like.
Interesting, it showed Twain first replying to my first comment now it shows him replying to the Know Nothing’s comment. Hope I haven’t confused you Twain.
A system error it seems. See my 22.
I think it got it although I am usually easy to confuse. :)
He is hardly worth the time because he never makes an intelligent statement.
It is unseemly for a critter like Kurtz to speak of a lady like Shirley Sherrod. He should keep her name out of his corrupt, cynical mouth.
I need a drink!
Well said!
School’s out and mama’s at work and she forgot to put the kiddie lock on the machine.
The Maddow show was a good one. Unfortunately, as someone over at the TPM article on this thing observed, the show will mostly be playing to the choir.
I don’t know what to do about that, either.
But it’s nice that she is our voice – and Keith.
Dude…it’s the likes of you that we mock.
Nothing wrong with making fun of people, but there should be a point to it. I don’t see one in this case, and I don’t think the moderator’s deletions were the problem, since I can fill in the blanks.
In all the years we (St Pete for Peace) were protesting the wars I always said if we reach one person each time we go out we’ve accomplished something. Cesar Chavez once replied when asked how he managed to build the UFW, “One person at a time.” If one new person watches Maddow she’s accomplished something. That one person tells his/her friends and it grows.
I love watching Rachel’s segments. I’m not so pleased with KO. A little more research, and perhaps a bit less entertainment, would work better.
Yes, hopefully. We’ve become so balkanized though, even since Chavez’ day. Now, you can go find whatever news outlet that conforms to your prejudices, no matter what they are.
Well, maybe radical socialists have a problem …
But his special comments are really “special.”
Of course Limbaugh is right, he does know how his own strategy works. I’m just surprised that he would put that out in public.
CNN, or better Fox-lite, included.
Tropical depression in the Caribbean has been upgraded to a tropical storm and is on track for the Gulf oil slick.
It wasn’t Limbaugh.
Some have been, particularly the early ones.
Yeah, it’s kinda hard for me to find news slanted my way. *g*
I love Rachel, and that was a great segment. She’s still a shameless Obama supporter who parrots the ‘monumental achievements’ talking points of HCR and FinReg, among others.
*visualizing oil emulsifying in a blender*
My favorites were the ones he did around his Dad passing. There was real, honest, ballsy stuff. The fact that he could personally relate to the HCR debates was like pouring gas on a fire. He flared up big time.
Hey, maybe it will all wash up on shore so it will be easy to collect!
With all due respect to RM, who did a good job in that segment deconstructing what and how it happened… my question is: WHY would anyone (other than Fake “Nooz” & the RushGlenn-Heathers) take anything that Breitbart says or does seriously??
If anyone these days expects Fake “Nooz” to broadcast anything remotely approaching facts or reality, then you have to have a rock for a brain. Rupert Murdoch & Roger Aisles exist for one sole purpose: to make money for themselves. Period. They’ve found a winning formula by feeding braindead conservatives baloney that they want to hear, and so it goes.
With all due respect to RM for breaking it down, I think the bigger question is WHY would any POTUS actually knee-jerk react to something that Andrew Breitbart published? WHY? I can certainly *understand* checking it out, but simply REACTING and firing someone?? WTF??
THAT’s what’s “wrong with this picture.” Much as I appreciated what RM did last night, I REAlLY wanted her to ask that question. Albeit I knew that RM wouldn’t, since she waves the pom-poms for BHO. Too bad. That would’ve displayed even more chutzpah and journalistic integrity, imo.
Wasn’t it Larry O’Donnell on Countdown (or was it Rachel?) who pointed out that the NAACP should have recognized immediately Shirley Sharrod’s name and linked her to her husband and his past activism for civil rights? I thought it was spot-on — the NAACP deserves a blast, too, because they immediately threw Sherrod under the proverbial bus.
It was either Rachel or O’Donnell, and Ben Jealous had just been on one of their shows the night before.
Mistah Kurtz earns his pay doing exactly what he’s told.
If anyone thinks this will ever change, they do not understand the point of his position at the Washington Post.
Melissa Harris-Lacewell of Princeton made the subtle point that Ben Jealous should have known who Shirley Sherrod was, or found out if he didn’t, before acting precipitously. It may be a generational thing; MHL is Ben’s age, about, but she’s an historian. Ben didn’t check in with the Old School Civil Rights folks to figure out who Sherrod was.
Perhaps this was a reminder to Ben to be more engaged with the Civil Rights old-timers, to save his presidency of the NAACP. Or perhaps she was making a larger point, politely and obliquely, to another black president.
Thanks, Teddy! I knew it was on one of the two shows, and I thought at the time that it was particularly interesting because Jealous had just been on the night before.
I think Melissa Harris-Lacewell is superb, and I am always happy to see her. She is so good at course-correcting when KO or Rachel get out on a much too tenuous limb, reining them back gently with the facts. I’d love to take a class from her.
Perhaps now Jealous will do a little boning up on that topic.
I had not heard of her before but a friend of mine certainly knew who she was and is an admirer of hers. My friend is in rural soiciology and rural developemnt so that makes sense.
Unfortunately there are a lot of rock brained folks. Rachel’s construction was understandable even to them. That is why it is so good.
She has a website and a monthly newsletter, among other things. I wonder how much she actually teaches?
Melissa Harris-Lacewell
…and she has a media relations specialist who books her appearances!
The piece above casts Breitbart as the present-day Lee Atwater. In homage to the occasional demonstration of karmic justice in our universe, would it be ungracious to hope for the day when what passes for a brain in Breitbart, [Edited by Moderator. We do not wish ill on others.]? I think it’s the height of irony that what ultimately killed Atwater was a “benign” tumor that crowded out what passed for brain tissue in his skull. Our now annual conversation on race needs to redirected to a discussion about why so many of our fellow Americans are hungry for the offal that scum like Breitbart produces. . . , with a sidebar panel about why the President and his folks can’t seem to find a pair when dealing with the purveyors of such trash.
I just saw that too. Busy person but I imagine she is teaching a number of courses each year.
I appreciate the depth HUFF Post and fdl is going into this whole story and putting it into context. When you look at history and how the area was where Shirley grew up it is an amazing story. This is the type of thing we should be reporting. It’s a crying shame they would even try to use video with Shirley. But the greatest thing about this Shirley Sherrod debacle is that it is one part of a larger strategy. It’s obvious. It is almost the same thing every time. The far-right has an agenda and they want Obama gone and the best way to do that is to bring up race, check out this article I just came across that looks at the big picture:
billo did apologize for ‘not doing homework’. He continued the meme that there is a hint of racism in Sherrod’s position.
He blew the dog whistle for the wiggle room saying that she wanted to help the white folks with their ‘own kind’. tony blankley continued it with Ed Schultz.
It is disgusting that any of talking heads are unaware of the Black Southern tradition of story telling. Furthermore, she was thinking of the comfort zones of the farmers at the time. Also she had seen they were being ill served by that lawyer and found them a lawyer who prevailed for them in time to save their farm.
To msmolly, Ms. Sherrod is married to the co founder of SNCC
I think he has ruined is image with this episode (except with Faux and teabaggers) and most media outlets will not trust anything coming from him.
Hmmm….MHL’s website isn’t all up to date. Course description from 2007, workshop from 2008-09.
They would have been happier if Obama had come into the White House through the Butler’s entrance.
Yes, I know. That’s what Harris-Lacewell made such a point of…that Ben Jealous should have known who she and her husband are. They showed a photo of her husband.
Don’t be so sure. His championing of the ACORN videos was thoroughly debunked, and yet the media chomped right down on the Sherrod story as though ACORN had never happened.
There should be some heads to roll at the NAACP for this. They have egg all over their faces – they trashed an innocent person.
Amen, Twain, I agree. And I sorta thought Jealous’s apology was halfhearted. But maybe I’m wrong about that. I thought the administration’s apology via Gibbs was also half-assed. Lots of passive voice, “mistakes were made” construction. Not “we screwed up and we are terribly sorry” at all.
I would like to hear just one person in this administration say “we made a big mistake.” There would be thunder, hail and lightning.
I would just go clean out my ears, because I would assume I wasn’t hearing correctly.
But then, my sister thinks I am a “left wingnut.”
Tell you sister that you have many, many compatriots.
If you are looking for candidates for those who “understand” they are intentionally misinforming their audiences, I’d say Kurtz would be one of the first I’d point at.
There’s lots of sheep. Only a few shepherds. I’m pretty sure Kurtz is a shepherd.
A great one-two punch, Scare
Jim White is upstairs!
Woolsey Introduces Bill to Bring Back Public Option
As I have been saying for awhile, NAACP is basically irrelevant.
The problem is the Right Wing Media, but what should be troubling is how quick Democrats and Liberals are quick to rid themselves of somebody politically toxic when it comes to race.
This is the Right Wing taking another shot at equalizing things by saying “Look Black People Are Racist Too”, especially from a position of power.
After 300 years of Slavery, 150 years of Jim Crow, Rape, Murder, Redlining of Neighborhoods, A Justice System that fails to work, Underfunded Education in Urban Areas; Putting Trash Dumps, Oil Refineries, Toxic Waste Dumps and god knows what else near Black Neighborhoods.
And White People are wondering if Black People are angry????
I have been saying for years, be glad were largely too distracted with attaining wealth and status (legally or illegally). Never-mind that any uprising its quickly squashed.
Like it would be any different today. All these “teachable” moments Obama has no interest in.
Kurtz just keeps adding check marks to his resume with an over-abundance of stupid hack dings…
Inch by inch then row by row.
I did over 250 vigils and figured 250 thinking or changed.
At the start 5 /10 flipped the bird, at the end none because of staying power.
To gently engage those who show up here but don’t understand is the golden opportunity we can’t influence without engagement words first before the weapons is the ideal.
This needs to get reposted tomorrow. Great post Scarecrow.
We need to start a
timeline/FDL Covers frontpage click app just like the BP Oil Disaster coverage source.
We have been covering all four of the stories Rachel discusses and she even gave an indirect shout out to us in the first video link. EW has done a number of Breibart stories.
I would call it Telling The Lie.
This is a matter of national security. Some group of power wants to divide this nation. The more we confront the behavior, the better.
(I imagine the troll factor will attack this comment soon. Setting my stop watch.)
Both the Sherrod matter and the Journolist revelations have one thing in common that the ideologues from both sides remain blissfully and determinedly unaware; the controversies are excellent examples of epistemic closure on both sides…
Creating realities based on false authenticity; possessing a worldview that squeezes facts through an ideological or hyper-partisan prism, generates an inability to objectively perceive events in a rational and logical manner. Perhaps more importantly, it prevents both sides from talking to each other as each is in possession of a separate reality that neither recognizes as the truth.
There’s no down the Re-thug-lican Party — and its media representatives — are trying to stoke a race war for the obvious reason: divide and conquer. Get 100% of the white vote … for the White House. Rush Limbaugh and his ilk, from radio, and Glenn Beck and his Fox News ilk.
Guess what will happen?
… Epic failure.
Get ready for an Obama re-election landslide in 2012!
Breitbart has claimed that someone gave him this toxic selectively-spliced video clip, which he then posted on his website…but he won’t reveal who this person is. A) He’s lying, or B) someone did give the deceptively-spliced video clip speech-segment to him.
My theory based on B: someone in the Fox News research, video-editing department ran across this Sherrod speech, edited it down to a specific part of her speech that supported Fox News’ racist agenda, then gave it to Breitbart to post on his website, after which Fox News started running with it, repeating the same spin used on Breitbart’s website, completing the circle-jerk between Breitbart and the jerk-circle at Fox News. Plausible deniability. Which is why Dumbbart is refusing to reveal who gave him this toxic video clip in the first place. A Firewall established to hide that Breitbart and the jerk-circle at Fox News just handed this video back and forth.
Or A: Breitbart is a frequent guest on Fox News. He found this Sherrod speech, edited it down on video-editing equipment at Fox News himself late one night, took it back and posted it on his website, knowing that Fox News would play it over and over again, smearing Sherrod, smearing the USDA, smearing the Obama administration, basically still the same circle-jerk between Dumbbart and the jerk-circle at Fox News. Once again, a Firewall established to keep the connection between this video, Breitbart and Fox News hidden.
All Breitbart has to do to prove that I’m wrong is to reveal who gave him this deceptive, destructive video clip segment…but we know he won’t. Not trying to protect someone at Fox News, are you, Andrew?
I think I may have just solved this mystery.
Oh, pfui! Breitbart will not be hurt by this at all. If anything, he’ll make even more money from it. The MSM will take every fake video he can make. They love it, especially when they can sit around after the scam is shown up and say, “Well, we really have to get on this kind of story faster, like Fox and Politico and Drudge do.” Matt Drudge is another one well known for pushing stories without checking them if they suit his apocalyptic agenda.
Errr… Small point. You talk as if editing a video is hard. It doesn’t require any fancy equipment. I don’t happen to have the software on my computer right now, but I have had from when I was trying to fit long videos on CD’s (back before we had DVD’s). Given the video it wouldn’t take five minutes to extract a short segment. Even if you want to do more difficult things like change words in the audio, there’s easy-to-use software readily available.
The real reason she Sherrod got canned wasn’t her statement about race it was the follow up about class that got her fired. But, few will pick up on that.
No, they are talking about it from the standpoint of “traces behind”. He kept it off his computers on purpose. That is the point. Not that he couldn’t do it on his own equipment. That he didn’t want to do it on his own equipment in case his computers were seized as part of an investigation.
TheOracle is pointing out the premeditation behind the edited clip.
A Scottish Highlander should be able to do the lateral thinking to make the connections of intent. I know my Highlander family genes guided me to see that point. s/
One other fact. During one of his interviews — I saw the video somewhere (TPM, CNN?) — Breitbart said he had been made aware of the tape long ago but forgot about it; then when the NAACP complaint about TParty came up, he remembered, he claims, and called the source and asked them to provide the clips that showed what he had been told it showed.
So, if you assume he’s telling the truth (no reason, but just saying) he knew there was a tape that could be edited to show apparently negative stuff, and that’s what he asked for: an edit showing the negative stuff.
He’s also claimed he hadn’t seen the whole thing. If true, that means he knew there was more that might provide context, but he has never stated whether he asked about that context, even though he knew there was more — so all he wanted was a hit piece and didn’t care whether it was taken out of context. That’s an element of recklessness about the truth that will be relevant when/if she sues his ass off.
All that from his own mouth.
The problem with Rachel, bless her heart, or any other progressive, dumping some richly deserved shit on Fox’s head, is that we just got done watching the President of the United States, our great “progressive” hope, lick their ass like it was a lollypop.
Could you communicate with Jane about my comment @76?
I think it is an important consideration.
I have to be redundant.
Why would anyone on the so-called “left” take anything that Breitbart says with any degree of seriousness? Why was the laughably called “left” – in this case the NAACP, the POTUS, & Vilsack – so knee-jerkingly ready to immediately distance themselves, diss and/or fire Sherrod based on video from a serial liar like Breitbart?
With all due to respect to RM, to me the real story is about how the so-called “left” is so ready to diss and drop and fire one of our own based on an obviously ginned up story by a rightwing “media” well-known and well-documented to lie and lie and lie and spin????
My jaw is still on the ground over what BHO on down to the NAACP did to Sherrod based on some crap from the likes of well-known scum douchebag Breitbart.
To me, the story has less to do with Murdoch supported Breitbart, and more to do with WTF is going on with BHO, Vilsack and the NAACP??? Take note, citizens: if you’re on the so-called “left,” there’s NO ONE out there who will “stand up” for you. At the slightest flinch from the rightwing, YOU are toast.
I’ve gotta say, no one has made much out of the fact that she was asked to text her resignation in from the side of the road, or that she was basically fired while she was driving! A little research showed that this is not the first time this administration has fired someone who was on the highway driving. Doesn’t anyone else think that firing might elicit some emotional reaction? Or that firing is not something that should be done while someone is driving? Common decency tells most people this is something that is preferably done face to face, but certainly not while the party being fired is behind the wheel of a car.