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There are a couple issues here:
1. Are there women out there who feel beautiful and sexy even if they are overweight? Most definitely YES. I would encourage you to look at this blog -- http://fatshionable.com/ -- to see an example of someone who clearly believes that she is sexy and hot (and that there's a place for high fashion in her wardrobe, despite being a short size 16). There may be a cultural bias towards slender (white) women, but there are lots of plump women out there who are enviably beautiful.
As a size 14 myself, I definitely feel that pressure to be thin, though fundamentally I don't think my body is suited for it. I've never been thin, either; since I was in high school, I've been a 12/14/16. I'm active and healthy and completely within the target range for health indicators for my age. I can run a few miles, I hike on the weekends, I've got good core and upper body strength. Should I still lose some weight? Yes, if only to relieve the extra stress on my joints. Will I? Well, I'll keep with the active thing, and if I lose weight, great; if not, meh.
Do I appeal to hot men despite being a bit chubby? Yes, without question. I have had more than one hot, smart, good guy tell me that he thought I was sexy. Attitude, I think, has a lot to do with it. Do I also get shot down for being chubby? Well, I've gotten shot down lots of times, but it may/may not have been because of my weight. You just have to learn to let it slide off; I'm not a fit for every guy out there, and I've done my share of rejecting, too.
The key here is that I have the quality of life I want, and that, all things considered, I'm pretty happy with my body. Which brings me to the second point...
2. You are not comfortable in your body, and you don't feel healthy. This -- plus your statement that you've gone up 8 sizes in the last 18 months -- says to me that you've put your body through some serious stress. I don't know whether you mean the jump from a size 8 to a 16 or a size 8 to a size 24, but either way, we're talking about a weight gain that is likely more than 25% of your initial body weight, which is really substantial. Is there depression or anxiety at work here, too? I think you should sit down and have a chat with your doctor about the changes your body has undergone in the last year or so. It may be that he or she can point you towards someone to talk to, or help you figure out a way to lose that weight. Or, at least, put a halt to the weight gain.
As far as a strategy for losing weight -- especially when you're feeling particularly hideous -- I recommend finding some activity that is fun and social but that builds the physical part into it. (I am allergic to gyms, so this is the only way for me to reliably get exercise.) I do volunteer trail maintenance and have a regular hiking buddy, but you could do anything from signing up for a tennis or dance class to getting a few friends together for a weekly group bike ride.
Be gentle with yourself, and do something for yourself that makes you FEEL beautiful. Things, I'm sure, are not nearly as bleak as they feel right now.
Best of luck.
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Being sexy can't only be seen on your physical appearance or stature, you have to feel it within yourself even if your fat, it's how you project. I must consider Tyra as a chubby woman way back but still men sees her as hot and attractive because that's the way she want us to see her. Maybe it's time for you to take health products that will help you feel good about yourself.
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