Roy Blunt is running for Senate in Missouri to bring back the glory of Tom DeLay, George Bush and Jack Abramoff

Rep. Roy Blunt was the key ally for President George Bush, Majority Leader Tom DeLay and the notorious Jack Abramoff. He helped destroy the American economy, led the GOP’s “culture of corruption,” and aided the rush to war. Now, he wants to be a Senator.

Fired Up! Missouri has been covering Blunt for years. That will be a go-to blog for this race — and, they’ve already begun the fun. (I remember hearing from a reliable source that Blunt had his congressional staffers assigned to read that blog first thing every morning to see what was being written about him. There was a lot.)

One of the first post’s on Blunt’s Senate candidacy at Fired Up! Missouri led me to this USA Today headline from 2006, Blunt, DeLay shared connections to lobbyist Abramoff with this as an intro:

Rep. Roy Blunt and the man he wants to succeed as House majority leader, Tom DeLay, shared similar connections to convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff and to corporate lobbyists.

DeLay, Abramoff, Bush: Missouri is always a battleground state but I have to think Missourians aren’t going to be clamoring for a return to the days when DeLay and Abramoff controlled Congress.

Blunt may still get a primary opponent, Sarah Steelman.

The incumbent Secretary of State, Robin Carnahan is running on the Democratic side. Looks like she won’t have a primary. Missouri is always a tough state. We’ll be doing what we can to help Robin. We’ve set up an ActBlue page to help raise money. I know it’s early and economic times are tough, but every dollar matters, especially the early ones. ActBlue lets donors set up monthly payments, which is what I’m doing with a couple candidates — giving a small amount each month. If you want to get a sense of Robin, check out these videos: An ad from the 2004 Sec. of State campaign (one of my favorites) and her announcement video.

On October 27, 2010, Joe was one of five bloggers who interviewed President Obama. Joe is a DC-based political consultant with over twenty-five years of experience at both the state and federal level. Joe has managed political operations and legislative efforts for both candidates and issues-based organizations. For seven years, he was the Director of State Legislation at Handgun Control, Inc. He served as that organization's first Political Director during the 2000 cycle. Joe is a graduate of the University of Maine School of Law. In addition, he has a Masters in Public Administration from Lehigh University and received his B.A. from the University of New Hampshire. Joe also has a fun dog, Petey, a worthy successor to Boomer, who got Joe through eight years of Bush and Cheney. Joe likes to think he is a world class athlete having finished the 2005 Chicago Marathon in the time of 4:10. He has completed six other marathons as well -- and is still determined to break the four hour mark.

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