Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Today on the Signorile Show

Let's go through the massive Washington Post series on the "fourth branch of government," which they headline "Top Secret America: A Washington Post Investigation." The first installment, yesterday, is called "A Hidden World, Growing Beyond Control." It's getting lots of coverage on the cable networks and Post reporters worked on for two years and the paper is hyping it big time. But I must say that going through, it there's nothing shocking even if alarming: A gigantic overreaction to 9/11 was something many of us were warning about for years, not just because of the huge money pit but most importantly because of the civil liberties implications even as we are not much "safer" than we were. And that's pretty much what the story points to. Lots of facts and details about what we do and how much it costs, with no confirmation if any of it works. We'll get into it.

The U.N. has given recognition finally to the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission, over the objections of Russia, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, and with the support, for the first time, of the United States.

Guest / 3:30pm EST - Three powerful antibodies have been dicsovered by US government scientists to combat 91% of HIV strains. Mark Schoofs outlines this in a recent article for the Wall Street Journal and joins us this afternoon to talk about them.

Guest / 4:30pm EST - We played some audio of the JONAH ex-gay survivors yesterday afternoon, talking about the absurdness of these types of programs. Ben Unger and Chaim Levin join us this afternoon to tell us their stories.

Further proving just how dangerous closeted gay politicians can be, California Legislator Roy Ashburn, outed last year after a drunk-driving bust, has apologized for his antigay votes and explained them a bit more. Lots to discuss here.

Did Justice Ginsburg plant a "time bomb" for a future marrage decision? We actually had commented on this back when the Supremes ruled against the Christian Legal Society. We'll get into it more today.

And why do some lesbians like to watch gay male porn? An interesting detail revealed in the new film, The Kids Are Alright, and we're going to ask women to call in today to explain -- or perhaps tell us why they think it's just plain not true or overblown or totally wrong.

These stories and much more, today on The Michelangelo Signorile Show! Always check back here throughout the day as we book guests and topics, updating this post.

And, don't forget, you can follow me on
Twitter and Facebook!

Listen to The Michelangelo Signorile Show weekdays live from 2-6 pm ET on Sirius XM's OutQ: Sirius 109, XM 98 and on the Sirius XM iPhone app. Not a subscriber? Not a problem! Listen online any time with a free seven-day pass or, if you have an iPhone or Blackberry, go to the app store and download Sirius XM for free, for a 7-day trial, and listen on your phone.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Advocate Reposts Andrew Marin Article

The Advocate has reposted my 2006 article about Andrew Marin, since it is now getting much more attention. This confirms that the Article was never "retracted" it as Marin claimed -- until he recently admitted it wasn't true, after I called him on it.

Today's Signorile Show

We're back from a week off, and so much to get into before we head off to Vegas and Netroots Nation, broadcasting live from the Rio Hotel Thursday and Friday. Lots to talk about today, including the attacks on the NAACP for calling out racism in the Tea Party. After all the blather, now the teabaggers have only proved the point: Tea Party Express spokesman Mark Williams has been expelled by the Tea Party Federation for making racist comments (in a letter to Abe Lincoln!). We'll get into it all.

Back to the future? BP says it has sealed the well, but leaks are detected.

Hmm. Evangelicals supporting immigration reform.

Why is the media so quick to report on a black "hate group" but rarely point out that The Southern Poverty Law Center lists several anti-gay groups which the media treat as "mainstream," as hate groups as well, including Family Research Council and Focus on the Family?

Guest / 3:30pm EST - Cocaine has been one of the biggest black market industries for years. The US governments spend millions to combat the problem, but many say this is a waste of time and money. Tom Feiling joins us this afternoon to talk about his book Cocaine Nation: How The White Trade Took Over The World and how a legal market could and should be created.

Guest / 4:30pm EST - The racism debate between the Tea Party crowd and the NAACP has been front and center in the past few weeks. Fresh from the 101st NAACP Annual Convention, Mark Thompson, host of Make It Plain w/ Mark Thompson on Sirius Left 146 and America Left XM 167, joins us to talk about the debate.

Police in Palm Springs are grabbing their crotches in bathrooms to entice gay men to have sex with them, then arresting them. How do you spell E-N-T-R-A-P-M-E-N-T? And should the police be charged themselves with public lewdness?

We must talk about the Vatican's latest announcement: Attempting to make the ordination of women a grave crime, on a par with, yes, child sex abuse!

NYU has decided that it doesn't want nude photos and video of artist Larry Rivers in which the subjects are his two daughters, who have complained it was sexual abuse since they were underage. Now the question is, what to do with the photos? Is this art or child porn -- or, can it be both? -- and what should be done? We'll open up the phones to you.

What Arizona and its immigration bill hath wrought: Neo-Nazi's are patrolling the border.

And, don't forget, you can follow me onTwitter and Facebook!

Listen to The Michelangelo Signorile Show weekdays live from 2-6 pm ET on Sirius XM's OutQ: Sirius 109, XM 98 and on the Sirius XM iPhone app. Not a subscriber? Not a problem! Listen online any time with a free seven-day pass or, if you have an iPhone or Blackberry, go to the app store and download Sirius XM for free, for a 7-day trial, and listen on your phone.

Back on the Live Show Today

Back from vacation, all rested up and so ready to be back to the show. Hope to hear from many of you this afternoon.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Today's Signorile Show

I'm on vacation all week and today and tomorrow thrilled to have Lizz Winstead guest-hosting. She'll be hitting all the big issues and of course, if the Prop 8 decision comes down, Lizz is at the helm! Listen in.

And, don't forget, you can follow me on Twitter and Facebook!

Listen to The Michelangelo Signorile Show weekdays live from 2-6 pm ET on Sirius XM's OutQ: Sirius 109, XM 98 and on the Sirius XM iPhone app. Not a subscriber? Not a problem! Listen online any time with a free seven-day pass or, if you have an iPhone or Blackberry, go to the app store and download Sirius XM for free, for a 7-day trial, and listen on your phone.

Transcript of Andrew Marin Seminar

Very thankful to Jim Burroway of BoxTurtleBulletin for transcribing the Andrew Marin audio clips which I posted a couple of days ago. Below are the transcripts of Marin's seminar from 2008 to youth pastors:

"Part of our national research study that we're doing, I talked about a lot of those results yesterday, but here's something for you guys. We have found that the average age of someone today in 2008 that first realizes their same-sex attraction: thirteen years old. On top of that, the average age of somebody today in 2008 who comes out and declares their sexual orientation as gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender: fifteen years old. Fifteen!

"Think about this. We have a window here of thirteen, fourteen, and fifteen years old, and that window gives us the realization of attraction of same sex, and there's a quick two years before they totally come out and say hey, I'm gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender.

"And we all know when someone comes out and declares their orientation, they tell everybody -- family, friends -- and what happens is that then their identity becomes wrapped up in being gay. How much more difficult is it for somebody whose identity is already wrapped up in being gay than it is for someone who might have a same-sex attraction and their identity is not wrapped up in being gay?

"There is a huge, huge period within those two and a half, three years. And what we have to do is start deconstructing the integration. Because once everything is integrated -- and I'll touch on this construct in a couple of minutes here -- but once everything is integrated, it is going to be rough!. It's going to be rough for us, it's going to be rough for them, it's going to be rough for parents and family and everybody. So if we can hold off the integration part, the better off we're going to be with all this. So just understand once again: thirteen, fourteen, fifteen years old. "


"I want to talk about "expectation yields integration." Now what am I talking about? I'll give you an example. When my third best friend Dan came out to me the third consecutive month, we started talking from that point forward. And Dan had been my best friend since second grade, raised in the same neighborhood, same friends, same school, same church, played the same sports, same everything. And Dan told me when he came out, "You know, Andrew, I can't do the God thing anymore. You know? I can't be a part of church, I can't pray, I can't do that."

"And that was the first time in my life -- now granted, my best friends had only come out to me for the previous two months here so everything was a new experience for me -- but that was the first time that I actually realized, oh! This is a bigger issue than about someone's gayness or straightness. Because Dan feels like that he has to sprint as far away from church and from God and religion as he possibly can, just because he came out.

"And I didn't know what was going on, so I asked him, 'Why? Why do you feel like that? Why do you feel like you have to leave? Why do you feel like you're not a child of God anymore? Why do you feel like these things?'

"He said, 'Because I don't belong anymore. I don't belong anymore.' And within the next three months, Dan lost a bunch of weight, got the little 'fauxhawk', started wearing tight clothes, started acting effeminate, talking effeminate. And I was like, because we went to college and we went to different colleges and so we saw each other at Christmas break, I go, 'Dan, who the heck are you dude? I've been your best friend since we were in second grade and now you're like, you're the stereotypical flaming gay guy who now can't be a part of God or the Church or anything just because he came out.'

"And that's when I realized Dan had an expectation in his head of what gay meant. Dan had an expectation in his head that gay people are supposed to dress a certain way, act a certain way, do things a certain way, and be a certain person. He had that expectation, and because he felt like he couldn't be a part of the church anymore, part of God anymore, part of being a child of God, he felt he had to just fully integrate himself into the broader gay and lesbian community, become the thing he thought in his mind was acceptable to everyone else like him. Expectation yields integration. And this is a very, very real thing. "


"What we have to understand from our mindset is that there is a clear expectation in many of our youths' mind of what gay is. And if they have that same-sex attraction, they will automatically start leaning in that direction. Thirteen, fourteen and fifteen years old. And when they come out and tell the world -- their parents, family, friends, teachers, school, all that stuff -- so when they fully integrate themselves at that point (I don't want to say it's too late because once again, think big picture principal that we have until the last breath to accomplish what the Lord has for our lives), but in the same fashion, that's who they are. That's all that they are.

"And as I talked about yesterday, the behavior equals the identity. The act of sex equals the whole person. I have so many in the gay community who are grown up that say, "Dude, if you take away my gay sexuality, you take away everything that I am as a person." And those [are] people who are adults. So I see it on the back end. So as much as I can tell you what happens on the back end is as much as we can realize how to deconstruct this traditional process on the front end where you guys are."


"Now, you're saying well how am I supposed to answer that question, 'Do you think I can change my sexual orientation?' This is a background framework for what I'm going to say.

"So one thing that I've learned about answering questions is that the more opinions you give, the more trouble you'll get in. I learned that one the hard way back in the day.

"So now what I say if someone says, 'Well do you think gay people can change their sexual orientation?' I say facts. I say, 'Do I know people who have changed their sexual orientation?' Yes, I know people like that. Do I also know people who have tried to change their sexual orientation and have not been able to? Yes, I know people like that.

"And really, it's as easy and as simple as that. It changes the conversation away from your opinion of, oh yeah, I think everyone should change or I think everyone should be straight. The stating of fact or opinion, because most of the time, once again, if you're talking to either a youth with a same-sex attraction or someone in the broader gay community, they're thinking to themselves, especially the youth, it's like "aw man, I can't change, I don't know where this came from, I don't know, whatever..." And the moment you say everyone should be like this, they look to their secular gay community which says, 'Hey! I'm gay! It's great! Come on! Let me give you some love!' And they're like, wait a second. What my youth pastor says doesn't match up with all of these people who said they tried to change and can't.

"And so if that's the only option that we give them, once again, where are they going to lean? The easy road or the hard road? But if you then state instead of that, if you say, 'Do I know gay people who have changed?' Or if you don't know anyone who has changed, it's okay. You know? You can say, 'Do I know that there have been gay people who have changed? Yes. Do I know that there have been people who have not changed? Yes.' And then, you know, getting them back into the whole Bible scene and Word of God and all that stuff, you know, we know where to go from that point. But it diffuses and it changes the conversation."


"Well you know, even in that situation where the kid's like, 'Hey, I'm gay, I just want to be gay and I want to be Christian, I want to be a gay Christian' and whatever -- there is a ton of hope for a person like that. Because you have to understand, you have to think big picture. And the funny thing is if you bring up --- because I'll tell you, a lot of fifteen year olds don't think about what their life is going to be like when it's thirty-five. Especially for a kid who's like, 'hey I'm fifteen and I'm a gay Christian' -- I don't think that quite resonates with what that's going to be when you're thirty-five years old and you can't be married and you can't have kids and, you know, it's a lot different of a life than at that point fifteen year olds can grasp, you know? And so, even if you throw something like that out there, about, well this is for the long haul and you have to think about the big picture and thirty-five and you know with all of this other stuff happening, the great part is, if they're willing to come to you and say something like that, you can provide that hope in Christ [and] take away the whole sexuality issue. Take it away, you know?

"What we don't want to have happen is the sexuality or the behavior become the identity. We don't want to have the expectation become fully integrated. And the more we focus on sexuality as the issue, not even the issue like a sin issue, but just if this kid comes to you and says this, the more you focus on sexuality in his life, the more sexuality becomes the dominant figure of who he is. So remove it, and instead plant in there everything else from pretending that it's not there, you know."

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Rebroadcast Today

Off from the show this week and today you'll hear a rebroadcast of interviews and discussions from the recent past which many of you requested. Tomorrow and the Friday, the so smart and wonderful Lizz Winstead will guest host!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

More on False Prophet Andrew Marin

If Andrew Marin has lied about The Advocate having "retracted" my 2006 expose of him, what else is he lying about? And shouldn't LGBT people be concerned about that?

I've written about Andrew Marin and his surfacing again, with his group, The Marin Foundation, showing up at Chicago Pride last month, and "apologizing" for Christians. His group claims to be a "bridge" between Christians and gays but in fact he refuses to say homosexuality is not a sin and tells gays and Christians both whatever they want to hear while he tries to promote himself. Below are some audio clips which we played on the show two weeks ago when his group received some attention on the blogs for the Pride "apology." The audio is from a 2008 seminar where he counsels youth pastors on how to deal with gays, and I think you'll agree -- though I'd like you to judge for yourself -- that what he says is very disturbing and ultimately antigay.

I'd exposed Marin in an interview on my radio program and further in The Advocate in an article back in 2006, and he seemed to go underground, his website having disappeared, as the article reports, after the interview on my show and after major LGBT groups dropped any association with him. But as Dan Savage observed, he was just laying low, waiting to come back. Marin is now lying to people -- yes, something good Christians are not supposed to do -- telling people that The Advocate "retracted" the article and that everyone in the article said they were misquoted. (He publicly states this as well in a comment on his blog).

The Advocate did no such thing. The reason that the article is not on its website is because nothing from that time is on The Advocate website. You can look for any other article from that issue and it is not up there. (But you can find it here if you want to read it.) I have now spoken to several of the people quoted in the article and they stand by it completely. From my recollection, only one person in the article (besides Marin himself) wrote in to defend Marin at the time -- Steve Forst from the gay Catholic group Dignity, which had given Marin's group money, believing him to be a "bridge," and probably got flack from its members -- and it hardly revealed any major inaccuracy or any significant factual error in the article. Forst simply stood by Marin and was unhappy with my criticism. And I responded to Forst's letter in the Advocate, standing by what I reported and giving my side of what Forst told me. Surely this exchange on the letters page -- which happens at publications every day, thankfully, because dialogue is good -- was not a retraction of any kind.

Last week I interviewed Bruce Steele, who was the editor of The Advocate at the time. Here is what he had to say: "The Advocate stood by the piece and never retracted any portion of it. The only reason it wasn't on the web site is the same reason why nothing from then is on the web site: The Advocate has been through several owners and several servers."

I think it's important to refute the lies and distortions of Andrew Marin (and as I asked above, If he's lying about the Advocate piece, what else is he lying about?). I worry about young LGBT people, many brought up in very religious homes, who really want to believe Marin is a "bridge" between gays and evangelicals. Because it seems to me, from the audio clips below, his goal, beyond promoting himself, is to try to get to young LGBT people before they come out, so they can find his version of Christ and take a different route -- and one decidedly not about being out and proud or within the LGBT community. His disdain for the LGBT community and LGBT culture is evident here and his disdain for those who "come out" is obvious. He is welcome on my show any time and we can go through all of his claims -- about his beliefs and about what he says about me and my work, more of which I've heard or read, and which is filled with lies and distortions -- so those of you who have an interest in this should urge him to accept the invitation.

The clips below (full transcripts of which are here), which we played on the show two weeks ago, are from a seminar Marin gave to youth pastors in 2008 on "How to Answer LGBTQs." You be the judge of what he is saying.

In this first one he says that pastors have a "window" between the critical age of 13 and 15 when they can reach young people with same-sex attraction before they "integrate" into the gay community.

Here, he describes what happened when his best friend "Dan" came out and how he'd become what Marin clearly sees as freakish and as what happens when people come out: "lost a bunch of weight...got the little 'fauxhawk'...started acting effeminate, talking effeminate...the stereotypical flaming gay guy."

In this clip he says Christians must intervene in gay youths' lives before they come out because if they don't being gay will become their identity.

Here, Marin addresses the question, “What if you’re asked if people can change their sexual orientation?”His answer: Be evasive!

In this clip Marin addresses a question from the audience: What do you do when you encounter a gay youth who thinks he or she could be Christian and also openly gay or lesbian? Answer: There's "hope" for someone like that because it's hard for youths to realize at 15 what life might be like at 35, when they can't get married or have kids -- implying gays shouldn't/can't get married or have children as adults -- so give them the "big picture," of what it might be like at 35, but whatever you do, DON’T mention sexuality!

Those are really just a few clips, just the tip of the iceberg re: that seminar. You can listen to it in full here. If Andrew Marin is interested in coming on my show, I'm happy to have him. And if he wants to keep lying about me and about himself, I'm happy to keep exposing it. I'd rather him very much above the radar and I'm glad that his group got the attention it did at Chicago Pride because it gave more of a chance to expose him and his group. I hope they keep doing high profile events.

UPDATE: Here are full transcripts of the above audio clips.

UPDATE II: Marin, not surprisingly, has declined to come on my show to discuss this -- after first chiding me on his blog for supposedly not inviting him. (We reached out to him last week, after we'd discussed this audio on the show, but he'd apparently chided us the week before, when we ran the audio; I made sure to invite him on). I knew he would not come on the show because he knows he's been caught in lies, trapped. If he has nothing to hide, why not come on the show and have a discussion? Again, let's keep him above the radar.

Update III:
Marin has now responded in an almost hilarious statement that creates all kinds of straw men, distorting what critics have said and then shooting down the criticisms, as well as responding to some of my criticisms with truly weak excuses for every one of the deceptions and lies he's been caught in. And, what I think speaks volume is that he has shut off the comments. So much for dialogue and being "a bridge" between communities. Go and check it out and then please do come back here and comments on what he said.

Today's Radio Show

I'm off for the week but honored to have Sam Seder is guest-hosting today, and of overjoyed as usual to have Lizz Winstead back, guest-hosting on Thursday and Friday.

And, don't forget, you can follow me on Twitter and Facebook!

Listen to The Michelangelo Signorile Show weekdays live from 2-6 pm ET on Sirius XM's OutQ: Sirius 109, XM 98 and on the Sirius XM iPhone app. Not a subscriber? Not a problem! Listen online any time with a free seven-day pass or, if you have an iPhone or Blackberry, go to the app store and download Sirius XM for free, for a 7-day trial, and listen on your phone.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Off for the Week, But the Show Goes On

Please welcome the unstoppable Mike Rogers who is sitting in for me today on the show. Check out his sites Blog Active, PageOneQ and Raw Story!

And, don't forget, you can follow me on Twitter and Facebook!

Listen to The Michelangelo Signorile Show weekdays live from 2-6 pm ET on Sirius XM's OutQ: Sirius 109, XM 98 and on the Sirius XM iPhone app. Not a subscriber? Not a problem! Listen online any time with a free seven-day pass or, if you have an iPhone or Blackberry, go to the app store and download Sirius XM for free, for a 7-day trial, and listen on your phone.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Weekend Back Talk

A few listener survey comments I read on the show last week. If you're a listener and haven't taken the survey, please scroll down and click through on the right. Thanks!

Audubon, NJ (XM)

I love the factual information that Michelangelo comes up with. His interviewing skills are fantastic. I'd be interested in having a segment on OutQ like Michelangelo's show that involves a Lesbian perspective...or maybe just a weekly segment as part of his show, to allow some conversation between the two of them as well as an alternative perspective. Of course, I'm interested ;). Thanks for being there for our community and providing a classy, informative, factual, and safe place to communicate and debate the issues that face the gay community!!!

Indianapolis, IN (Sirius)

I believe the Pentagon is trying to sabotage Don't ask, Don't tell" repeal with their questionnaire. The other day on the news Barbara Starr was reporting that gay troops were being warned: "You could be outed if you fill This out," which I believe is just a fear tactic to keep gay troops from from filling out the forms. Of course they don't want gay troops to fill out the form!

Attica, NY (Sirius)

I was amused by your comment last week about how someone pronounced his name. But under what scenario is "ile" pronounced "elli"? Shouldn't your name be pronounced "Signor-relay"?

Pinedale, WY (Sirius)

You mentioned today on the show if there are any atheists out there that are against gay marriage. I believe there are. No matter how hard we try to get rid of the influence because it is so ingrained in our culture its almost hard to get rid of completely. i believe it will take at least 2 to 3 generations before the enshrinement of religious culture leaves our society or at least becomes less influential on our culture.

Hugo, OK (Sirius)

The story about the Taliban was interesting but I still feel that as an informed citizen I can get this information from other news organizations. It isn't like I don't want to be well rounded and know about information that isn't specific to the GLBT community but again I can get that in other news show or talk shows. I listen to OutQ because I want a gay perspective and again although I found the story interesting this time I didn't get the GLBT connection. Still love your show.

Gainsville, TX (XM)
Mike just because we live in Texas doesn't mean we voted Republican. And David why do you laugh when you say Hugo,OK? I find both of you condescending to those of us who pay your salary. The people who but trucks that use gasoline and help provide energy so that we can listen to your show in our trucks. New York isn't immune from conservative legislatures so quit being so condescending to us in Texas and Oklahoma.

Broadalbin, NY (Sirius)
My husband and I both enjoy your show very much and appreciate your perspective and knowledge. I often learn new information through your interviews and commentaries and then follow-up with further research on my own. I appreciate feeling updated on current LGBT issues. Have been listening for about 3-4 years. ** Listeners who think you are single-minded or inconsiderate are unfortunately not as well informed as they could be, and I hope you never change too much of HOW you run your show. ** Keep up the fantastic