July 21, 2010

The Watering Hole: July 21 – Made it Ma! Top of the Week!

Top of the World? I’m glad I made it through most of the week.

This is our open thread. Enjoy!

July 21, 2010

bark art

Following a long unused trail down through an aspen grove I found this appeal…

This could be the cause of the carvers distress:

This artist wasn’t much for words, yet the message is clear.

The claw marks were 6 feet high on the tree, and quite deep….

July 20, 2010

A Disturbing Trend

First, it was Acorn, with a selectively edited video used to shut down an effective organization for helping the poor and disadvantaged.

Now, it’s Department of Agriculture ex-employee Shirley Sherrod, forced to resign following the release of a highly edited video which made her appear to be racist against white people.

These events remind me of the 2nd grade student who paid her classmates $1.00 each to say a substitute teacher touched them inappropriately. Children as young as 6 or 7 years old know they can get someone fired on the mere allegation.

Now, that appears to be a primary weapon of the reich-wing.

It’s a disturbing trend. 

One which must be stopped.


July 20, 2010

The Watering Hole: July 20 – Carping

picture source: prairierivers.org

Now President Obama doesn’t care, we all know this. And here’s another crisis, that he doesn’t address appropriately: The Asian Carp Crisis.

“President Obama and the Army Corps of Engineers have failed to fight Asian carp aggressively,” said Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox, a Republican running for governor.

He added: “Asian carp will kill jobs and ruin our way of life.”

WTF? Obama’s fault? Give me a break!

I am fully aware of the havoc a species can cause when introduced into a new habitat. The new species is perfectly able to extinguish or significantly reduce the number of indigenous species. There are many examples, from rabbits in Australia to toads to giant crab in the Baltic Sea. And, as with most devastating incidents affecting nature,the carp invasion has the same source: Man.

This is our open thread feel free to comment!

July 19, 2010

Why is it the skeptics always have to be right?

source: NASA

I so wished this was over. The containment cap on the Deepwater Horizon well had stopped the leak finally and I was thinking about researching on what could be done to speed along the clean up process and help nature come into some kind of balance again. “Not so quick”, said some, they only say they plugged it. “Wait and see”. And now, instead of posting about the clean up efforts necessary, I am posting about the oil spill and yet another failure.

The Oildrum (who else?) were the first to report it.

Admiral Allen’s letter via The Oildrum:

Dear Mr. Dudley,

My letter to you on July 16, 2010 extended the Well Integrity Test period contingent upon the completion of seismic surveys, robust monitoring for indications of leakage, and acoustic testing by the NOAA vessel PISCES in the immediate vicinity of the well head. Given the current observations from the test, including the detected seep a distance from the well and undetermined anomalies at the well head, monitoring of the seabed is of paramount importance during the test period. As a continued condition of the test, you are required to provide as a top priority access and coordination for the monitoring systems, which include seismic and sonar surface ships and subsea ROV and acoustic systems. When seeps are detected, you are directed to marshal resources, quickly investigate, and report findings to the government in no more than four hours. I direct you to provide me a written procedure for opening the choke valve as quickly as possible without damaging the well should hydrocarbon seepage near the well head be confirmed. (read more)

AP reports:

NEW ORLEANS — A federal official says scientists are concerned about a seep and possible methane near BP’s busted oil well in the Gulf of Mexico

Both could be signs there are leaks in the well that’s been capped off for three days.

The official spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity Sunday because an announcement about the next steps had not been made yet.

The official is familiar with the spill oversight but would not clarify what is seeping near the well. The official says BP is not complying with the government’s demand for more monitoring.

So it is not over yet and BP is obstructing again on the issue. Washington’s Blog has a post up on this. And read this discussion about the obstruction by BP , too:

There are 4 alternative explanations for the unexpectedly low oil pressure in the BP well: (1) A leak in the pipe in the well bore; (2) flow under the well between sand layers; (3) a blockage in the well; or (4) depletion of the oil reservoir.

This essay focuses on the fourth possibility: depletion of the oil reservoir. Specifically, BP claims that the oil well pressure is perhaps 1,200 pounds per square inch less than expected because the oil reservoir has been depleted.

The size of the reservoir is crucial in testing BP’s theory. While there are other factors which determine oil pressure, the size of the reservoir is probably the most important. (read more)

What makes me really nervous is the obvious unwillingness of BP to answer Congress’ questions about the geology at the drilling site. As one of our Zoosters (please forgive me, I can’t quite remember who it was) has pointed out a while ago, no drilling will even be considered without a doing geological survey first. So why is BP keeping mum about the findings of this survey? The geology is key to any efforts to shut down the well permanently and compromising the geological structures at the well site would finally make the spill permanent, if it isn’t permanent already.

For those of you, who don’t have the time to read all of the above, I’m reposting the video of Anderson Cooper’s interview with Ed Markey found at Washington’s blog:

Bring out the handcuffs for the BP management and jail them until they comply and then some!

July 19, 2010

Watering Hole – July 19, 2010

When does being called a “bird brain” become a compliment?   If the bird is a crow, then it is a compliment.  Crows are extremely good at problem solving.

As researchers explore the nature of the intelligence of animals, the corvid family presents some arresting examples of brainy birds. The most common corvids are crows, ravens, and jays; other relatives are the rooks, magpies, choughs, nutcrackers, and jackdaws. The familiar corvids are large, noisy, and social, and they are not shy in the presence of people. They play pranks, tease other animals, and engage in aerial acrobatics for fun. Crows live happily in human settlements and have found many ways to exploit the curious human trait of discarding food.The strong social structure of corvids has been widely studied, as have their complex vocalizations and cooperative actions. Pioneering animal behaviorist Konrad Lorenz studied jackdaws in his native Austria; his King Solomon’s Ring reports his interactions with them and observations for their behavior.

Corvids are known to mimic human voices and other sounds and to enjoy the confusion that results. Zookeeper Gerald Durrell recounted the antics of his pet magpies, who learned to imitate the Durrell’s maid’s call to the chickens to come and be fed. When the magpies got bored, they called the chickens, who came running in anticipation of a treat. When the disappointed chickens went back to roost, the magpies called them again, and again, and the chickens, no match for the clever magpies, fell for the ruse every time.

Read more at this link, Cleverness of Crows

More here.

Now it’s your turn to Speak Up.

July 18, 2010

Sunday Roast: Something’s Gotta Give

The rich aren’t just ‘rich’ anymore, they’re super-duper-mondo rich, and the poor are just more and more dirt poor.  The middle class is shrinking everyday, and they sure as hell aren’t joining the super-duper-mondo-rich crowd.

As I was surfing around the interwebs this week (I promised myself I would remember where, but you know that goes), I found a link to this post: 22 Statistics That Prove That The Middle Class Is Being Systematically Wiped Out Of Existence In America.

The whole list of 22 items is depressing enough, so I pulled 7 that might hit close to home for the average American:

#1) According to a poll taken in 2009, 61 percent of Americans ”always or usually” live paycheck to paycheck, which was up from 49 percent in 2008 and 43 percent in 2007.

61% is an unbelievable number, but when you take into account that the number of Americans living paycheck to paycheck rose a whopping 12% in one year, that is just staggering.  We may want to put money away in a nest egg for the future, but because our money doesn’t go as far as it used to go, we simply cannot.

#2) The number of Americans with incomes below the official poverty line rose by about 15% between 2000 and 2006, and by 2008 over 30 million U.S. workers were earning less than $10 per hour.

As with the first item, the number of Americans living in poverty has taken a huge leap in recent years.  These are working Americans who nevertheless still remain in poverty.  Excuse me, but Americans work harder than ever these days — where is the money going? Keep reading →

July 17, 2010

Obama’s Weekly Address: Filibustering & Obstruction

While Democrats try to go about the business of getting things done for the people — helping create jobs, boosting small businesses, extending unemployment insurance payments, and more, a minority of Republicans continue to obstruct the business of the Senate by filibustering EVERYTHING.

The best way to jump start the economy right now is extending unemployment benefits, so families will be able to buy the things they need to survive.  But Republicans stubbornly insist on “making their stand on the backs of the unemployed,” by screaming and moaning about the deficit — oh my god, the DEFICIT!!!

No Republican will so much as utter the word “deficit” when they are in power — while they happily destroy any surplus, spend money like drunken sailors by giving unbelievably generous tax cuts to the richest people, prosecuting two wars completely off the books, and trying to permanently repeal the estate tax.  This is how Republicans prove they are not in government for the people — they only think about the “small people” at election time.  It’s all about trying to make President Obama fail.  Period.

If the Republicans want to filibuster EVERYTHING, according to the Senate rules they certainly may do that, but no more of this “cloture” crap — make them stand up and do the damn filibuster.  Bring in the cots!  Make the Republicans stand up for their mighty principles so the American people will have the opportunity to understand what all the fuss is about.  Do it proudly, Republicans!!

I dare you.

July 17, 2010

The Watering Hole: July 17 – What solar can do

picture source: BBC

The Zephyr, a solar plane has managed to stay in the air for seven days:

The UK-built Zephyr solar-powered plane has smashed the endurance record for an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).

The craft took off from the US Army’s Yuma Proving Ground in Arizona at 1440 BST (0640 local time) last Friday and is still in the air. (read more)

The Solar Impulse, a Swiss project and a manned flight has made it through the night, which is another milestone for solar powered aircrafts.

It’s a momentous achievement—Solar Impulse has made it through its first night flight, running entirely on batteries charged with solar power during the day. It’s the first time a manned plane has done this. WRS’s Conor Lennon spoke to our reporter Tony Ganzer, who has been watching the plane’s progress since it took off on Wednesday morning and we catch the plane’s pilot, André Borschberg, who spoke to us from inside the aircraft in the early hours of this morning. (read more)

Solar is the kind of energy that will get us a long way.

This is our open thread, please feel free to comment on this and other things that cross your mind.

July 16, 2010

Music night. Happy Birthday, Ed

I have to admit, this one was easy for me. In February 1995, I was “working” in Louisville for several days and my host, who should probably remain nameless, drove me to a fascinating beer pub in Indiana. As I sat in the backseat, peering out at the unfamiliar night, he and his fiancee were passing me some herb provided by a local bartender/grower that was of a particular potency and nature lending itself to music. And the perfect accompaniment to the slow collapse of my brain cells was the unfamiliar album, Throwing Copper, by the band Live (out of York, PA). None of their albums before or after were particularly interesting, but I consider Throwing Copper to be one of the best alternative rock albums of the period and one which has held up perfectly. Lead singer and songwriter Ed Kowalczyk, along with a sterling band (particularly, Chad Gracey on drums), and some infectious songs remain among my favorite musicians. As always, there is more after the jump and you are encouraged to post your own music video favorites. Do yourself a favor, however, and do not miss the third video, a recent concert performance by Kowalczyk.

Keep reading →

July 16, 2010

The Watering Hole: July 16 – Has the oil spill been stopped?

Picture source:Yahoo

BP has announced yesterday that the oil spill from the Deepwater Horizon well has been stopped for the first time since the accident.

Video feeds from the floor of the Gulf of Mexico continue to show no leaking oil

Oil firm BP is awaiting test results from the blown-out well in the Gulf of Mexico, a day after staunching the flow of oil for the first time since April.

The firm is checking how much pressure the well can withstand while the valves on its new capping device are closed. (read more)

This is, of course, good news. But there is scepticism, too:

We will need to wait another 24 hours or so – and engineers will have to continue monitoring sonar and visual images (both help determine if any oil is leaking from the seafloor), and seismic data (to determine if there are any new leaks below the seafloor) – before engineers can determine how stable the well is. (read full story)

Admiral Allan says (via The Oildrum):

“We’re encouraged by this development, but this isn’t over. Over the next several hours we will continue to collect data and work with the federal science team to analyze this information and perform additional seismic mapping runs in the hopes of gaining a better understanding on the condition of the well bore and options for temporary shut in of the well during a hurricane. It remains likely that we will return to the containment process using this new stacking cap connected to the risers to attempt to collect up to 80,000 barrels of oil per day until the relief well is completed.” (read post)

The video from the oil well shows no obvious spill right now. Yesterday, however, I thought I saw something spilling in the background. My eyesight sucks so don’t take my word for it. If, God forbid, I really saw it, it would mean the entire well is compromised and this would be disastrous.

The relief wells  are generally seen as the sure-fire solution to the oil spill. If, that is, those wells are up to standard.

HOUSTON, July 13 (Reuters) – U.S. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said in a memorandum that problems were identified “in recent weeks” with blowout preventers on BP Plc’s (BP.L: Quote) (BP.N: Quote) relief wells, which are seen as the only proven way to kill the Gulf of Mexico oil leak.

In a 29-page memo to Michael Bromwich, director of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE) dated Monday, Salazar said “performance problems” with the blowout preventers were found when new testing requirements were imposed after the April 20 blowout that preceded the gushing leak. (read full story)

I am not surprised at all. Not at BP’s producing yet another blunder, neither, I must say, at the watchfulness of your government, who found out before yet another blowout preventer failed. There are many voices out there, who claim the government’s response was inadequate. I beg to differ. The Obama administration made sure there were live cams down there, so the claims “only” 1’000 barrels/day flowed from the well were quickly and obviously debunked. The Obama administration insisted on two relief wells being drilled, so there was a second shot, if the first failed to hit target. The Obama administration has delayed the testing of the new cap, because increasing the pressure was a dangerous proposition and needed to be done in the best possible way, not hurriedly. I still believe this is not over yet and I still believe this catastrophe is mostly unmanageable by us humans who caused it. But everybody who thinks the government should do more ought to sit back, think and go back in time only three years. And then honestly assess, what the Bush administration would have done.

Never mind my lengthy post, this is still our open thread so feel free to comment on this or on anything else  on your mind.

July 15, 2010

Rehab: What the Gulf and Mel Gibson have in common

All cartoons are posted with the artists’ express permission to TPZoo.
Steve Sack
, Minneapolis Star-Tribune

July 15, 2010

Where’s the party?

It wasn’t very long ago that one of the primary targets in the Tea Party’s plan to cleanse the GOP was the sitting Senator from Arizona, John McCain. Both the Wingnut blogosphere and the “liberal media” confidently predicted that the old buzzard was gone completely, to be replaced by the Tea Party sweetheart, J D Hayworth. In a turnaround becoming a consistent pattern with the Tea Party, someone forgot to vet the candidate very thoroughly. In late June, it turned out that Hayworth had cut a commercial in 2007 for the National Grants Conference, a firm which charges for seminars in–how to get your mitts on government grants. Oops! Predictably, Hayworth said the ad was a mistake (after all, he never expected to get caught) and that he hoped his constituents would look the other way in 2010.

“I should not have made the ad,” Hayworth, who is challenging Sen. John McCain for Arizona’s GOP Senate nomination, said in a statement. “I hope voters will look past a video presentation made three years ago and instead look at the issues confronting us in 2010.”

Yeah, well, how is that working out for Hayworth and the Tea Baggers?

A Behavior Research Center survey released Thursday indicates that 64 percent of likely Arizona Republican primary voters support McCain, with19 percent backing former Rep. J.D. Hayworth, five percent supporting Jim Deakin, a Tea Party activist, and 12 percent undecided. The primary is scheduled for August 24.

Ouch. Nineteen percent? Maybe this has something to do with the deathly quiet lately fallen on the Tea Party in regard to Arizona.

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July 15, 2010

A Road not Taken

I happen to believe Jimmy Carter was one of your best Presidents in the 20th century. He is a warmhearted, intelligent and perspicacious man. It is a tragedy, that he wasn’t allowed a second term. The world would be a better place if politicians like Carter ruled it. The documentary above is tracing the destiny of the solar panels Jimmy Carter had installed at the White House in 1979. Reagan dismantled them as soon as he became President. If you have a chance to watch the doc, please do.

July 15, 2010

The Watering Hole/Feeding Trough: July 15 – Foodie Alert!!

Steak tartare.....Mmmm?

Photo by gummitch

Okay Zoosters, you asked for it!  Post your recipes and favorite (or least favorite) food experiences here.   I’ll have a pad a pencil ready to make a shopping list.  ;)

Now we’ve seen how gummitch spends his Saturday nights, so I’m a bit green around the gills.  But he assures me the wine was fabulous — if he remembers correctly.  Heh.

This is our daily open thread, so feel free to comment on any subject!
If your tummy isn’t growling long before lunch time,
we’re not doing the food thing right.

July 14, 2010

Not so fast, chump!

Created for TheZoo by Paul Jamiol
All cartoons are posted with the artists’ express permission to TPZoo.
Paul Jamiol
Jamiol’s World

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July 14, 2010

Grampy McSame on the loose

All cartoons are posted with the artists’ express permission to TPZoo.
Jeff Danziger
, Syndicated Political Cartoonist

July 14, 2010

Good luck with that…

All cartoons are posted with the artists’ express permission to TPZoo.
Jeff Danziger
, Syndicated Political Cartoonist

July 14, 2010

You’re on your own, lazy

All cartoons are posted with the artists’ express permission to TPZoo.
Matt Davies
NY Journal News

July 14, 2010

$220 million lashes with a wet noodle

All cartoons are posted with the artists’ express permission to TPZoo.
Paul Jamiol
Jamiol’s World

July 14, 2010

The mouth that roared…

All cartoons are posted with the artists’ express permission to TPZoo.
Steve Sack
, Minneapolis Star-Tribune

July 14, 2010

Marley’s chains…

All cartoons are posted with the artists’ express permission to TPZoo.
Paul Jamiol
Jamiol’s World

July 14, 2010

The Watering Hole: July 14 – Lacrosse

The Iroquois Nationals Lacrosse team is being barred from participating for what’s considered the Olympics of the sport because the U.S. government won’t allow them to re-enter their nation without United States passports.

An Indian Nation Stranded in in the United States

The Iroquois invented Lacrosse! Is this justice?

This is our open thread. Please feel free to offer your own comments on this or any other topic.

July 13, 2010

O’Reilly “roasts” Sarah Palin over Immigration – This is where it gets very complicated, Governor.

She’s still a moron.

July 13, 2010

Support Bernard Rappaz

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Hemp pioneer and rebel  Bernard Rappaz is on hunger strike for more than 100 days now  and in seriously weakened condition.

Rappaz has been sentenced to 5 years and 8 months in jail for the production of hemp and on other charges. Swiss Authorities have now decided to transfer Rappaz to Berne’s Inselspital (sorry no english link available)  in order to “persuade him to stop his hunger strike”. Releasing him and finally stopping this ridiculous judicial farce seems, however, out of the question.

Hemp is not just THC and not only used to do a little recreational smoking, but one of the oldest cultivated plants mainly used for its durable fibre. It has been cultivated since the stone age. Why it is of the utmost importance to Switzerland to keep Rappaz in jail, even at the risk of his losing his life, just totally escapes me. Especially since the use of cannabis is more of a misdemeanor here in Switzerland than a crime and gets you a fine instead of a sentencing. (again sorry no english link found)

Obviously child abuse is a far less serious crime than growing weed. Director Roman Polanski was released in Switzerland yesterday.