The striking feature in the current debate about austerity and stimulus has been the lack of attention to investment -- in physical and human capital -- as the proper way back to sustained growth. At a time when China is building hundreds of miles of subway lines, tens of thousands of miles of highways, a couple of dozen nuclear power plants, and a network of tens of thousands of miles of high-speed intercity rail lines, the US struggles to launch a single substantial project. China saves and invests; the US talks, consumes, borrows, and talks some more.
We have moved from a society in which "there are some things that one simply does not do" to one in which "if everyone else is doing it, I can too." Business ethics and professional standards have been lost in the shuffle.
Is there anyone Obama won't fire or throw under the bus if Fox asks him to? What if they ask Obama to fire himself? Would he do it? Or would he just fire Biden and say he met them halfway?
When information that is supposedly of and for government is in private hands, the power of that information can be used to serve private agendas with the risk of corporate and private players influencing policy to suit those agendas.
Everyone should be worried about security. But to strike out at a small religious group of Muslim women in France in case someone planning to do harm will emulate their clothing is not the way to go.
Andrew Breitbart has done it again. This time, he's flimflammed the White House, the NAACP and the traditional news media. I wonder who will be fired and disgraced next.
Nuclear disarmament is a job for faith -- and for the kind of social movements that faith at its best has always inspired.
As his Afghanistan policy has demonstrated, Obama seems to lack the power and the will to resist the hawks in Washington and has probably concluded that if you cannot beat them, joining them is the next best option.
Later today, the President is expected to sign an extension of the unemployment benefits, providing a modest level of help to the 2.5 million Americans that lost income because of the GOP's obstruction.
That a snappy uniform or even intense combat in far-off countries don't magically transform troops into heroes seems a simple point to make, but it's one worth making again and again.
The overwhelming majority of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans not only see our dependence on oil as a security threat, but believe that we need to pass clean energy legislation.
The mass media proved completely incapable of handling this latest issue of race and racism in an objective and thoughtful manner. The media jumped on the bandwagon to unfairly smear her integrity.
What has to change to make us wake up? What if you stopped juggling tasks, quieted down, put away your technology, and took some time to reflect on the consequences of the choices you're making?
The "teachable moment" of Shirley Sherrod is that she, like Rosa Parks has used her quiet strength and grace on national television to win over a nation.
The peace movement needs to stand with whistleblower Bradley Manning and Wikileaks in their efforts to let Americans see the truth about what the military is doing in our name. We can handle the truth!
With Facebook now claiming over half a billion members worldwide, Ms. Sherrod's new job will mean that she is responsible for approximately 2.3 trillion imaginary sheep.
The International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission has its work cut out for it. But its actions won't be effective without a widespread movement calling for an end to persecution based on sexual orientation.
God loves human beings because of the fullness of the divine beauty that they display and their resultant ability to recognize God's beauty. God then asks, as any lover would, that they love him in return.
Mel, you've changed! You used to be fun! And funny! Remember when you did What Women Want? You danced! You had a twinkle in your eye! You acted like a human being! It was awesome!
The disappointment Obama supporters feel is not simply due to their naïve expectations and hope being hijacked by reality.
The Obama team's poor foreign policy performance calls into question its overly diplomatic approach. But Hillary Clinton has now signaled that she is frustrated with just talk and wants action. It's about time.
Shirley Sherrod and the Social Security system have a lot more in common than their initials. In both cases, the administration spent too much time playing along, rather than asking tough questions and fighting for what's right.
There's nothing New Yorkers like better than a long conversation about what's up in Albany. Take a deep breath. Just for a minute, let's review where we're at.
Do we really understand the significance of the latest AIDS study's reported results? As we all know, statistics can be used in very creative ways that sometimes misleads the reader as to the effectiveness of a new drug or procedure.
We're going to have to bring our revenues and our spending in line in the long-term. But to drop every other consideration because we supposedly can't afford to help our own neighbors is absurd and unfair.
Although the problem weight control drugs try to fix -- a body turning surplus calories into an energy reserve -- is normal, they may prove to be elusive not just now, but forever.