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- Glenn Beck
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- Fox News
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Chasing the phony New Black Panther mirage, the conservative movement is now wallowing in the kind of unapologetic race-baiting that mainstream American politics hasn't seen in decades, if not generations.
But the press pretends otherwise.
Fox News (aka the Opposition Party) openly and proudly engages in jaw-dropping episodes of demagogic race-bating, as they depict the president of the United States as a hater of white people who's quietly assembling his progressive army for a "race war," yet the press sits quietly, watching from a distance, and decides uniformly that there's no story there.
You can practically hear the audible justifications: "Well, it's just Fox being Fox." Or, "It's just Rush being Rush."
I'm sorry, but when the most-watched cable news channel relentlessly depicts the president and his administration as being the home to get-whitey racists, it's news. And having the most listened-to radio talk show host in American claim that our first African-American president purposefully keeps the unemployment rate high in order to exact revenge against white America -- that's news too.
What Fox News, Limbaugh and the rest of the GOP Noise Machine are doing today in terms of unapologetic race-bating is a disgrace. How the press is handling the unfolding story isn't much better.
Read the full Media Matters column, here.
Follow Eric Boehlert on Twitter: www.twitter.com/EricBoehlert
Fox devoted more than 8 hours of airtime to discussion of New Black Panthers
"...Six Fox News shows have discussed the phony New Black Panthers scandal during a total of 95 segments since Megyn Kelly's June 30 interview hyping the unsubstantiated allegations of right-wing activist J. Christian Adams. In all, these Fox shows have devoted more than eight hours of airtime to discussing the New Black Panthers..
And what makes it even worse is the BIG MOUTH talking heads are just as bad. Chris Matthews and all his mouth won't speak on Fox's diatribe either. PUNKS, all of them and they make me sick!
That's why it behooves all of us to investigate on our own people. We cannot sit around and wait for justice to prevail because it won't. We must keep each other apprised and up to snuff because nobody else is capable of doing the job for us. The 4th estate has d.ied a de.ath!
the week of 9/11/01. I knew it would not last! UBL must be laughing with glee at all of us!
hateful language is not a good thing for either side.
Fox news and its viewers must be truly proud.
If Republicans regain control of Congress or the Presidency, it will be the fault of CNN executives, FOX executives and the rest of the soulless suits in the media who allow the evil that men do to prevail.
Oh, one more question: who is this Eric Boehlert? I've never heard of him. With content like this, I understand why!
Eric Boehlert is with Media Matters, an organization started by a former conservative who decided he had to do something to counter the lies he kept hearing from his side of things, lies that ultimately turned him away from conservatism. Thank God for Media Matters. The propaganda put out by Faux "news" and fright-wing radio could go unchallenged given how the rest of the media is all owned by huge corporations who have no real objection to the fright wing trying to make liberals look bad. At least Media Matters cares about the truth and is unafraid to call out the fright wing on their lies.
What is phony about the cracker baby comment, the night sticks, their rhetoric, the NAACP connection , the Obama Holder incompetence here,,,
You don't even go into what the Panthers did or what FOX did
Hope you are enlightened
Sorry, but kc was right. It's such simple stuff-easy to research and get right, yet you have it all wrong. Kc didn't mention anything about the legal guardian thing so not much need to bring that up.
You forgot one important issue. When Sarah Palin was stumping for McCain at all her rallies, she brought onstage bigots who bashed Obama, etc. and she did nothing to stop them. Go through all her rallies and see that she laid the seed and allowed them onstage to spurt hate.
Prove her a liar... we all saw it.
2010 is light years away from the world the framers of the Constitution envisioned. When the Constitution and the Bill of Rights were written, the authors could never have imagined the instantaeous and world wide communications systems that are now at everyone's fingertips, or that poisonous, intentionally untrue and harmful propaganda could be spread so rapidly, being used to destroy a President's Administration and bring harm to our nation... all under the protective cloak of the !rst Amendment!
FoxNews teams, Limbaugh and others KNOW that they are lying and harming our nation and its citizens by doing so, with their apparent rationalization that they need to get that Black man and his family out of THEIR White House, no matter what it takes! Their non-stop propaganda may well be protected, in terms of legal recourse, but the time is drawing near where the legal system should not be the only thing these enemies of all that is good about our nation need fear! They are unafraid of any personal consequences. They may well be wrong!
Wishful thinking! If it didn't work, Fox wouldn't do it.
You need more than just 5 fans. : Faved, too.
In reality, the Supreme Court ruling didn't really change anything, since big business has been using Fox News as a huge marketing scheme for their republican corporate-owned candidates at least since 2002.
See? We give you both racism and lies... BALANCED!