Can the experts fill in the blanks for me on the economy?
Sat Nov 21, 2009 at 12:27:15 AM PST
Hi. I'm a political hound and get really worked up on policy decisions for our country. I try to read as much as I can from news sources and blogs. The one area that I just have the damndest time comprehending is the economy. I guess I'm a little like John McCain and simply don't understand it.
I hope that some of you experts here can give me, in layman's terms please, some direction on what kind steps should be taken( progressive? I don't know and don't care as long as it works) legislatively to improve our economic position.
Tags: economy, Geitner, Ed Schultz (all tags)
The Important Crap
Fri Nov 13, 2009 at 07:55:23 PM PST
The Rec list right now just doesn't reflect the most important issues for the Administration and the country. Let's face it, we're not riding high in the polls for our policy positions. Why is that? Simple, the economy sucks. Just take a page from Carvilles Warroom and you'll understand.
We have been unfortunate enough to be stuck with the Bush recession. The problem is that we have to solve the problem from years of hands off, free market nonesense.
What makes it worse is that we have to decide how to fight a losing war in Afghanistan. Bush ignored it for the eight years he was in office and President Obama has to confront it. Cut and run and watch chaos or increase our presence and surly take more casualties.
To compound all of the above it's imperitive that we do something about Healthcare. The most significant problem in the amount of GDP that's sucked up.
We've been fucked by taking the office of the President after the most disastrous administration in history.
Tags: President Obama (all tags)
President Clinton calls out Teabaggers
Tue Nov 10, 2009 at 09:33:03 PM PST
The GOP has been beside themselves that our most progressive media personalities had the audacity to call the tea bag hat wearing Teabaggers, or Tea Partiers in GOP lingo, what they are. They don't like it because of the sexual connotations. Of course the shoe fits.
President Clinton today validated that sentiment.
Tags: healthcare (all tags)
Real heroes won the night
Sun Nov 08, 2009 at 03:04:27 AM PST
What a night! Congratulations to all that have been pushing for this outcome.
I think that we need to recognize some of the heroes in this cause in the house. I'll also offer some comments that weren't so helpful.
Tags: healthcare (all tags)
No Doubt, DKos is all about more Democrats not Better Democrats
Fri Oct 30, 2009 at 11:42:37 PM PST
After reading the highly rec'd diary discussing the disagreement between Hamsher and Congresswoman Eshoo, it's clear, DKos wants more Democrats and could care less if they are better Democrats. I don't say that in any way as a slight to Congresswoman Eshoo but as a slight to some of the hardliners that commented in the diary.
Tags: healthcare, Jane Hamsher (all tags)
A Message To Slinkerwink in Disagreement
Tue Oct 27, 2009 at 09:06:44 PM PST
I have to tell you that I'm in a disagreeable mood. I know you're going to be pissed but I have to speak about my disagreements.
Tags: Slinkerwink(Hero), Snark (all tags)
President Obama we need you Now
Tue Oct 27, 2009 at 11:04:30 AM PST
It's being reported by several sources that Joe Lieberman will join a filibuster if the Public Option is not removed from the Senate bill. Sir, I know that you can't force any Senator to vote one way or another, but I believe it's time for Mr. Lieberman to get an invite to the White House for a little one-on-one time with you.
Tags: Obama, Lieberman (all tags)
Do you support the Snowe Trigger?
Sun Oct 25, 2009 at 12:07:45 AM PST
It's time to ask the question. In my mind, the Snowe Trigger is the worst possible outcome for healthcare reform. To begin with it means everyone will call it a Public Option because of some fantasy that it would ever be triggered. The other big deal is that it means mandates. Will the mandates be triggered? Who knows, who cares, they'll force Americans to buy plans from insurance companies that have no competition. So, we'll end up with Insurance companies raking in billions from the 45 million new customers and the American public effectively taxed for junk insurance.
Tags: Olympia Snow, Health Care, Healthcare reform, trigger (all tags)
President Obama is he really being coy?
Wed Oct 21, 2009 at 08:04:15 PM PST
Yes. Our President, the one that campaigned on a public option for insurance reform is being MUCH less than demanding. Yeah, many, especially here think that he's playing some stupid version of chess. I think that he's missing the boat. Take for example his latest comments:
You know, there are going to be some fierce arguments over the next couple of weeks about health care. There should be. This is big. But understand that the bill you least like of the five bills that got passed would all provide billions of people who don't have coverage, coverage. (Applause.) Would all prevent insurance companies from barring you from getting health insurance because of a pre-existing condition. (Applause.) Would all set up an exchange so that small businesses could compete and get the same deal that big businesses do for their employees. (Applause.) Would all provide subsidies to people who don't have health insurance and give them a measure of security. All of them. (Applause.)
Bullshit. The bill passed by the Fc would mean mandates to buy junk insurance and the inevitable demise of the Democratic party.
Tags: healthcare (all tags)
President Obama, channel your inner Lincoln
Tue Oct 06, 2009 at 01:28:26 AM PST
Yes we all know that you are an admirer of our 16th President. We all are. So take some lessons please. President Lincoln stood for what was best for the country(union in those times).
I would save the Union.
Tags: healthcare (all tags)
We may be alright...or so say the latest tea leaves
Wed Sep 09, 2009 at 05:12:53 AM PST
I would be one happy camper to find out that I've been a total ass for the past two weeks thinking that the president would sell out on the public option. Only this morning am I seeing reporting that gives me a glimmer of hope. Check out this headline:
Gibbs: Public option still on table on health care
Tags: healthcare (all tags)
A president that follows rather than leads will pay the price in polls
Sun Aug 23, 2009 at 08:17:18 PM PST
Okay, yeah I was a Hillary supporter prior to the Dem convention last year. That doesn't make me any less of an Obama supporter now than the rest of you. I was/am proud to support Obama in his quest to get America back on the right track. I'm just not sure why he's decided to follow the Conservadems and Republicans into the abyss.
Tags: healthcare (all tags)
Have you donated yet?
Fri Jul 17, 2009 at 02:46:39 PM PST
Does anyone have doubt's to the the reach of Insurance Co. lobbyists? CNN - "Healthcare Reform In Peril", CNN again - Wolf Blitzer "President Obama's Hail Mary", MSNBC - Tamron Hall "peril" for healthcare reform. Can you imagine the load of garbage that we're going to hear on the networks tonight?
Thankfully we have a smart team in the WH, and they know the value of a news cycle especially on the weekend. Even though the Insurance Lobby has been pushing hard all day, starting yesterday actually, to give an impression of FAIL, President Obama said this afternoon "Now is certainly not the time to lose heart". The only FAIL has been Max Baucus's committee that's trying to drag their feet. Even the house committees with the so called "gang of six" have been making major steps forward on reform. Not that we need to let up on them, those 6 need to go.
Tags: healthcare (all tags)
Brits are gullible. Susan should have won.
Sun May 31, 2009 at 03:03:07 AM PST
Britains Got Talent finals were held tonight. Singing sensation Susan Boyle got beat, or more accurately was robbed.
Tags: Susan Boyle (all tags)
Anti-Union Management Thugs At Work
Sat May 09, 2009 at 08:23:23 PM PST
Let me tell you how these Anti-union management thugs work. This is personal and not a highlight of my life. It was so significant though that it changed me forever.
When I was a mere 18 yrs. old I got into management in my company via my father. He was plant manager, I was nothing special but I WAS his son.
This was a union shop and I WAS indoctrinated into the pitfalls of unions. It wasn't a big deal and for the most part had no bearings on my daily occurances with employees.
Tags: Embarrassment (all tags)
That this great man could carry NC, VA,FL
Tue Nov 04, 2008 at 10:56:44 PM PST
is telling. We've been subjected to Republican tactics that sought only to divide the country. Americans aren't stupid, the divisiveness cost McCain this election. Barrack had a MESSAGE OF INCLUSIVENESS AND HOPE.
Tags: Obama, Dean, Hillary (all tags)
OMG! - New write in candidate in MN-06-Update3 $312 per minute
Sat Oct 18, 2008 at 04:06:02 PM PST
LOL- sorry diary police but can't help myself here. Just a short note of a new article. Bachman is SOOOO TOAST.
Immelman registers as 6th District write-in
Aubrey Immelman, who mounted an unsuccessful Republican primary challenge to U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann, said today he will file to run as a write-in candidate for the 6th Congressional District in the Nov. 4 election.
Immelman, a professor of political psychology at the College of St. Benedict/St. John’s University, said he decided to run a write-in campaign after becoming upset at Bachmann’s comments on a cable talk show Friday.
Tags: Elwyn Tinklenberg, Michele Bachmann (all tags)
Poster on Democratic underground
Fri Oct 03, 2008 at 04:43:10 PM PST
I'm gay. There have been too many negative posts on Obama-Biden stands on gay rights. This is ridiculous. We have the luxury of having the most PRO GAY RIGHTs ticket in all of history.
Obama-Biden what equal rights for GLBT. Too many 'gays' think it's not pure enough.It would be a shame for the glbt to throw the baby out with the bath water.
Obema-biden are on our side. Please give them your support. It's idiotic to trash our csndidates,
my felow gay and lesbian peers, they are our best hope.Please support the ticket. Du has gone negativeon the stand and that'sa shame. We can win this. Lets gays show support for Obama-Biden, Strongest ticket for gay rights.
Tags: gay (all tags)