
Sherrod AP

Ousted ag official unsure about returning to work

AP – Sat Jul 24, 5:31 pm ET

Former Agriculture Department official Shirley Sherrod, who was forced to resign after a blogger posted comments she made to an NAACP audience about race, is unsure about returning to a government job, she says. Full Story »

Ex-CIA chief: Strike on Iran seems more likely now

AP – Sun Jul 25, 12:31 pm ET

A former CIA director says military action against Iran now seems more likely because no matter what the U.S. does diplomatically, Tehran keeps pushing ahead with its suspected nuclear program. Full Story »

Geithner favors allowing some tax cuts to expire

AP – Sun Jul 25, 9:05 am ET

Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner said that allowing tax cuts for the wealthy to expire would be "the responsible thing to do." Full Story »

Uncertain future for Reid despite rebound in Nev.

AP – Sun Jul 25, 8:30 am ET

Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid's chances for six more years in Washington may be like tossing dice in a casino, even if he has made headway against Republican challenger Sharron Angle in a state with the nation's highest rate of joblessness. Full Story »