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Sunday, July 25, 2010
McMegan Is Always Wrong


The New Normal

I really don't know how people expect this country to survive with these trends.

Yet they fall into distinctly unequal classes: About half make $28 an hour or more, while the rest, the recently hired, make $14.

This oddity, which could become the norm in much of the domestic U.S. auto industry, arises from the jury-rigged labor agreement that the United Auto Workers, U.S. automakers and the federal government reached during the industry's near-death experience last year.

Unlike banksters, who did not have their pay renegotiated to $14/hour, autoworkers actually do something useful in society.

Sunday Bobbleheads

This Week has Timmeh and Gov. Christie

CBS has Abigail Thernstrom, Michael Dyson, and Cornel West.

Meet the Press has Timmeh, Anita Dunn, and Marc Morial.

Document the atrocities!

Next year's Netroots Nation will be in Minneapolis.

Bacon Sandwich Thread

Morning Thread

Not even go to mention that it's still hot.

Nope, not gonna do it.

Saturday, July 24, 2010
Evening Thread

Couple outs away from my local sports franchise winning my roulette losses back for me.

The Forgotten Foreclosure Crisis

About to attend panel with that title (with Merkley, Warren, dday, and Ryan Grim). Maybe a few more people will remember.

..sadly, Merkley won't take the bait from Ryan Grim and say who should be fired over HAMP. Dday says Gene Sperling should go.

...dday makes point that HAMP program isn't just failing, it's hurting liberalism, as needy people are confronted with this complicated "government" program which ultimately just hurts them.


...Warren reminding us that first wave of crappy ARM mortgages were refinances marketed to minority and elderly homeowners. I first realized we had a giant fucking problem at an ACORN presidential candidate forum where practically every audience member with a question was talking about this problem.

Afternoon Thread

Maybe I'll go bet it all on red.

How Many Extensions

It is of course good that the unemployment benefits extension passed, but it's going to have to be revisited yet again in November. And after January we're presumably going to need more than Presidents Snowe and Collins to continue passing such things.


Jan Schakowsky, one of the presumably good members of the Catfood Commission, just mentioned the introduced House bill for a public option, pointing out that having one will save money. This is a fact that her catfood commission members are unlikely to acknowledge, preferring instead to make construction workers retire at 70 remain unemployed and penniless for several years before their Social Security benefits kick in.

Accountable For What?

Just adding to the post below, ever since I've been blogging - anonymously at first, and then not - I've been hearing journalists talk about the need for people on the internets to be "held accountable."
Phillips announced: "something is going to have to be done legally. . . . these people have to be held accountable, they're a bunch of cowards." [The most noteworthy part of this might actually have come toward the end, when Roberts -- out of absolutely nowhere -- volunteered this creepy confession: "I always caution young people: never post a naked photograph of yourself on the Internet"; if there's anything needing greater attention, it might be Roberts' bizarre propensity for walking around starting conversations with "young people" about that].

Again...what kind of accountability? Jail time for being mean on the internets? Basically it comes down to "people who annoy me should get fired for stuff they do when not on the job."

Rules Are For Other People

The elite worldview can be summed up simply.

No We Can't

I know I have a boring, gloomy, and repetitive blog these days, but it's hard not to be depressed as I come to the realization that there are significant numbers of people in positions of power who seem to be under the impression that 9%+ unemployment for the next 18 months is ok.

First Cup of Coffee Thread

Or last call.

Friday, July 23, 2010
Friday Evening


Big Gulp

Five more banks get eated.

Maybe Somebody Should Do Something


NEW YORK ( -- The White House said Friday it expects that unemployment will stay at or above 9% until 2012, but at the same time forecast that the economy will grow by at least 4% in 2011 and 2012.

When the administration had the stimulus passed, the economic emergency which prompted it was projected to have unemployment peak at 9% and fall to just about 7% by the end of 2011. Without the stimulus.

This is so goddamn depressing, though Van Jones said I should clap louder.

Miserable Failure

HAMP has just allowed banks to squeeze a few more mortgage payments out of people before screwing them. Whether this is bug or feature I do not know, but either way the person responsible for this program should be fired.

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Drinking Liberally