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  1. RT @GawkerTV: Mark Zuckerberg On Privacy, Private Jets, Hating Interviews and The Social Network
  2. @mattchew03 Yeah, problem is not many people watch Tosh.0
  3. Dear @johnbiggs, why can't you just get a @tumblr like everyone else?
  4. “Apple was scared that the iPad would cannibalize sales of Macintosh computers. That’s not happening.”
  5. RT @antderosa: Help Report Sarah Palin’s Ground Zero mosque note to Facebook for being “Racist/Hate Speech.”
  6. Cheesy Blasters from 30 Rock in real life! (via @tiwyf)
  7. RT @bigratsgoboom: Things that happened: A coworker had gmail open and then asked me, "How do I go back to the Internet?" #fb
  8. @tenenbaum w00t! Congrats!
  9. So, How Much Do TV Writer's Really Make?
  10. @pareene Good question!
  11. @hunterw Ew.
  12. @KristinaLuca Well done!
  13. RT @devondola: My favorite part of @gawkertv trivia night is the love boat credit reel. And the PBR special. Thanks to @kristinaluca and ...
  14. @farris4 We should have had a tape trivia night!
  15. Anyone want to go see Step Up 3-D with me?
  16. RT @goldman: There's no undo in texting; you hit send and it goes. But with the iPhone4 you hold your hand over the antenna until it err ...
  17. RT @plunkett: Annnnnnnd...... more fun with 4chan...
  18. RT @fromedome: Welcome to 1990 RT @nichcarlson: You thought frozen grapes were good? Wait till you try: FROZEN BLUEBERRIES
  19. How Hipster Gray Hair Became A Vogue-Endorsed Look
  20. RT @GawkerTV: You're Invited: Gawker.TV's Television Trivia Night