
soldier AP

5 Biggest Revelations of Wikileaks Documents

The Atlantic Wire – Mon Jul 26, 7:27 am ET

The revelations are sure to spark wide debate about the U.S. role in Afghanistan and the nature of the ongoing war. Here are what currently appear to be the five biggest things we've learned so far. Full Story »

No new recession, let tax cuts die: Geithner

Reuters – Sun Jul 25, 11:05 am ET

Rangel says he seeks fairness in ethics case

AP – Sat Jul 24, 10:12 pm ET

Intelligence officials, past and present, are raising concerns that the WikiLeaks.org revelations could endanger U.S. counterterror networks in the Afghan region, and damage information sharing with U.S. allies. Full Story »

Poll: A few cracks in Obama's Hispanic support

AP – 2 hrs 33 mins ago

President Barack Obama's once solid support among Hispanics is showing a few cracks, a troubling sign for Democrats desperate to get this critical constituency excited about helping the party hold onto Congress this fall. Full Story »

Black Caucus chair on Rangel: Don't presume guilt

AP – Mon Jul 26, 11:22 pm ET

The leader of the Congressional Black Caucus warned fellow Democrats on Monday against rushing to judgment and pressuring New York Democrat Charles Rangel to admit ethical misdeeds. Full Story »