Jon Hilsenrath has a nice piece on the puzzles of gradual deflation, Japan-style. But I’m not sure whether readers will understand quite what the puzzle is — and they certainly wouldn’t gather from the article that there’s actually a literature about this puzzle.
So here’s the underlying puzzle: since Friedman and Phelps laid out the natural rate hypothesis in the 60s, applied macroeconomics has relied on some kind of inflation-adjusted Phillips curve, along the lines of
Actual inflation = A + B * (output gap) + Expected inflation
where the output gap is the difference between actual and potential output, and A and B are estimated parameters. (The output gap is closely correlated with the unemployment rate). Expected inflation, in turn, is assumed to reflect recent past experience. This relationship predicts falling inflation when the economy is depressed and the output gap is negative, rising inflation when the economy is overheating and the output gap is positive; this prediction works fairly well for modern US experience, explaining in particular the disinflation of the Volcker recession of the 1980s and the disinflation we’re experiencing now.
But here’s the thing: the inflation-adjusted Phillips curve predicts not just deflation, but accelerating deflation in the face of a really prolonged economic slump. Suppose that the economy is sufficiently depressed that with expected inflation at 3 percent, actual inflation comes out only 1; expectations will actually eventually catch up, so that if the economy remains depressed we’d expect inflation to go to -1; but if the economy remains depressed even longer, we’d expect inflation to go to -3, then -5, and so on.
In reality, this doesn’t happen. Prices fell sharply at the beginning of the Great Depression, when the real economy was collapsing; but they began rising again when the economy began to recover, even though there was still a huge negative output gap. Japan has been depressed since before incoming freshmen were born, but its chronic deflation has never turned into a rapid downward spiral.
So what’s going on? There’s a body of work I’m surprised we haven’t been hearing more about: the downward nominal wage rigidity literature. I learned about the concept from Pierre Fortin; Mr. Janet Yellin, aka George Akerlof, and co-authors wrote quite a lot about it. (Sorry, don’t have time to search for unprotected versions). What this literature argues is that, probably due to bounded rationality, there’s some downward inflexibility in prices and wages even after expectations have had time to fully adjust. And there’s a fair bit of empirical evidence to that effect.
Why is this important?
First of all, it explains how sustained gradual deflation can persist.
Second, it offers a reason — above and beyond concerns about the zero lower bound — to target a significantly positive inflation rate: at low inflation, more prices and wages will “want” to fall, but be blocked by downward rigidity; so even in the long run, the Phillips curve isn’t vertical at low inflation, and you can get permanently lower unemployment by accepting, say, 4 percent inflation rather than insisting on stable prices.
Third — and I fear that this is going to be a major issue in the future — it’s important to take account of downward rigidity so as not to get fooled into accepting a persistently depressed economy as normal. Picture America in, oh, 2014: unemployment is still around 9 percent, prices are falling about 1 percent a year. Many economists might look at that situation and say, well, deflation is stable, not accelerating, so we must be at the natural rate of unemployment — move along, folks, nothing to see here.
So it’s time to start focusing on downward rigidity and what it implies. After all, all indications are that we’re going to be dealing with a depressed economy for a long time to come.