Thursday, February 03, 2005
White House shifting rationale for Soc Security reform - now say private accounts will do NOTHING to help make SS more solvent
Absolutely incredible. As OddJob notes in the comments to a previous post, it's just like the rationale for the Iraq War all over again. Bush pulls some prefabricated plan out of his pocket - i.e., something he's always wanted to do anyway - then just starts changing the reason for it week by week until he gets his way. Read More......
Senate tells world torture is ok, Geneva Conventions not so much
Did Focus on Family Violate the Law?
An organization that monitors religious groups has asked the Internal Revenue Service to investigate whether the conservative Christian group Focus on the Family broke the law by trying to sway presidential election voters.There are very strict restrictions on political activity by non-profit organizations. Although, one gets the sense that some right wing groups think those rules don't apply to them. Let's see if the IRS has the gonads to do a thorough investigation. Read More......
In a letter Tuesday to the IRS, Citizens Project complained about a November article in a magazine printed by Focus comparing presidential candidates George W. Bush and John Kerry and their positions on abortion, stem-cell research and same-sex marriage.
"You're pro-life, and you want to preserve the traditional definition of marriage for the next generation," the article states. "So which of the presidential candidates comes closest to sharing your values?"
As a nonprofit organization, Focus on the Family is forbidden to endorse political candidates or parties.
CATO Institute becomes George Bush's latest Bitch
Compare this from CATO's blog post today:
The anti-reform coalition has made a mantra out of the phrase “there is no crisis” when it comes to Social Security. They have even constructed a blog dedicated exclusively to convincing the world there is no Social Security crisis called “There Is No Crisis.”Wow. Their own poll shows the majority of Americans believe there is a crisis. Or does it? Check out the rest of that poll they cite, detailed in their own press release posted 5 days ago on their Web site:
But it appears the anti-ownership crowd has miscalculated in making this their principal talking point. According to a Cato Institute survey conducted by Zogby International, only 6.7% of all Americans agree with this sentiment. Meanwhile, a majority of Americans (52.2%) believe Social Security “is facing serious problems" and requires "major changes." Moreover, a plurality of older Americans (37.8%) feel Social Security is facing serious problems and requires major changes. You can read the entire poll by clicking here.
In addition to being untrue, the “there is no crisis” argument against Social Security choice is simply -- literally -- unbelievable.
"[F]ew voters (14 percent) agreed with President Bush that Social Security was in 'crisis.'"Uh, so your point would be?
Kudos to Matt Stoller at for catching this. Read More......
Lieberman says Bush's treatment of detainees at Guantanamo is "progressive"
Now, sure, some would call that kind of reasoning, oh, authoritarian or totalitarian. Some would even compare it to the way the Nazis treated the Jews, or Stalin treated his millions of victims, or what Mussolini did in fascist Italy, or any other two-bit mass murderer throughout history. But this is different. Because we say it is. And hey, I understand those Japanese-Americans were living high on the hog during the 40s in their little US-built concentration camps.
Lieberman, being Jewish, should know better. I am quickly tiring of his bullshit. Read More......
This Is Great!
From The London Review of Books:
"In 1992, a year after the first Gulf War, I heard Dick Cheney, then secretary of defense, say that the US had been wise not to invade Baghdad and get ‘bogged down in the problems of trying to take over and govern Iraq’. I heard him say: ‘The question in my mind is how many additional American casualties is Saddam worth? And the answer is: not that damned many.’
In February 2001, I heard Colin Powell say that Saddam Hussein ‘has not developed any significant capability with respect to weapons of mass destruction. He is unable to project conventional power against his neighbours.’
That same month, I heard that a CIA report stated: ‘We do not have any direct evidence that Iraq has used the period since Desert Fox to reconstitute its weapons of mass destruction programmes.’
In July 2001, I heard Condoleezza Rice say: ‘We are able to keep his arms from him. His military forces have not been rebuilt.’
On 11 September 2001, six hours after the attacks, I heard that Donald Rumsfeld said that it might be an opportunity to ‘hit’ Iraq. I heard that he said: ‘Go massive. Sweep it all up. Things related and not.’
I heard that Condoleezza Rice asked: ‘How do you capitalise on these opportunities?’
I heard that on 17 September the president signed a document marked top secret that directed the Pentagon to begin planning for the invasion and that, some months later, he secretly and illegally diverted $700 million approved by Congress for operations in Afghanistan into preparing for the new battle front.
In February 2002, I heard that an unnamed ‘senior military commander’ said: ‘We are moving military and intelligence personnel and resources out of Afghanistan to get ready for a future war in Iraq.’
I heard the president say that Iraq is ‘a threat of unique urgency’, and that there is ‘no doubt the Iraqi regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised’.
I heard the vice president say: ‘Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction.’"
Read More......Frog penis scandal erupts in Britain
Apparently, there's a very popular frog used to sell cell phone ring tones in Britain. For some reason, his designers gave him a small penis (and testicle I think). The family values crowd is not happy (perhaps they only like their frogs well-hung). What will the children think, they ask. Probably that the frog is a boy.
You can read more about the scandale here, and here's the frog's home page. Read More......
US condoned Iraq oil smuggling during embargo
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Georgian PM dies from a gas leak
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