Robert Knight, a homophobe with the religious right, is freaking out because the Oxford English Dictionary reportedly has updated their definition of "marriage" to correlate with the current status of legal marriage in the world (marriage for same-gender couples was already legal in Canada, Belgium, and elsewhere even before May 17 in Massachusetts). The religious right bigots are now saying that Oxford English caved to "political correctness." Of course, that's absurd - they simply updated a definition that now has changed.
But the bigots got me thinking. And they raise a good point. The definition of marriage has now changed. It is no longer legally defined as the union of a man and a woman in the US, Canada, Belgium, and at least one more country (I think Holland). If you folks want to do a bit of research, check out various dictionaries, online and off, and see how they define marriage. And if they define it incorrectly, either send the definition to me or post it as a reply to this post - then post some good contact info for the dictionary, and we can start a campaign to get the definition changed.
Thanks Mr. Knight for giving us such a great idea. Had you not said a word, we'd have never thought of this. :-)
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Polling and Political Wrap, 7/27/10
3 minutes ago