Miriam Shaviv: "Commonly regarded as the doyen of the Jewish ‘blogosphere’."
Andrew Silow-Carroll: "On a personal crusade to save Judaism and journalism from, well, folks like me."
Jeff Sharlet: "If you crossed Jorge Luis Borges and Isaac Babel, and forced the monstrosity that resulted to write on deadline, you might wind up with something like the journalism of Steven I. Weiss -- erudite and two-fisted, obsessive-compulsive brilliance expressed in broad strokes. Weiss is a case study in how the internet can foster nonfiction writing that's deeper, smarter, and more entertaining than that manufactured through the chain of command at the dailies."
Jeff Jarvis: "One of the most energetic, talented, dedicated people I've met in this world."
Cecile DuBois: "Suprisingly young to have such a good reputation."