Where is your bus?
Let's find out. We provide easy access to real-time transit
information for the Puget Sound region and beyond.
Our Goal
We want to make it easier to use public transit by providing easy access to schedule and real-time arrival information for the buses and trains you ride every day.
We provide:
- Real-time arrival information for a number of transit agencies.
- Arrival info for every bus stop.
- Easy access to information across a variety of devices.
Why? We're riders just like you and we don't like waiting for the bus any more than we have to.
Our Research
OneBusAway was started by students at the University of Washington, and it supports research on improving the usability of public transportation, such as the Explore Tool shown above. Check out our research page for more information.
Our work is all open-source software, so that others may reuse and build upon our efforts.