WASHINGTON, DC, 12:36 AM, SAT JULY 31 | Advertise on Wonkette | tips@wonkette.com | SUBMIT A TIP | RSS

Robert Gates Hates All Children Who Aren’t Boy Scouts

Look, kids! It's your friend Robert Gates! He is like the Justin Bieber of adults.Defense Secretary Robert Gates addressed this week’s Boy Scout Jamboree, the most important event in our nation’s history, because SOMEBODY couldn’t bother to come. The Wall Street Journal described Gate’s speech as “cranky” — just because he attacked the character of innocent young (non Boy Scout) Americans, who are “increasingly physically unfit.” MORE »


Black Republicans Make Movie To Tell Black People To Stop Being Slaves

GET ON THIS MAN’S UNDERGROUND RAILROAD, BLACK PEOPLE! Haha, you guys are on a plantation still. WHAT? THAT IS NOT OFFENSIVE! You are slaves to statists, you see. And this man is allowed to say you are being enslaved by the Democrats because HE IS BLACK. So why don’t you watch this hip movie? Look, that man is running places! RUN! RUN! RUN! Stop criticizing tax cuts for the rich! RUN, GOD DAMNIT, YOU STUPID SLAVES! MORE »


Newt Gingrich Continues To Be Terrible On Mosque Issue, Is Joined By Anti-Defamation League

They are so cute, but they just want your money.Newt Gingrich is very busy! Look, there he is, saying Sarah Palin will run for president! And wow, he wants us to explode the other two members of the “Axis of Evil!” But more importantly, it is his job to stoke fear over the proposed mosque near the World Trade Center site, so it is no surprise he is using that hate to raise money for himself. You know what is a surprise? The Anti-Defamation League is joining him in this hate. MORE »


Wesley Snipes didn't pay taxes, either.SO CHARLIE RANGEL CAN RUN FOR PRESIDENT NOW, AND HUNT MOOSLIMS AT GROUND ZERO? “The subcommittee that investigated Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) has recommended that the embattled lawmaker face just a ‘reprimand,’ a mild form of punishment similar to that given to Rep. Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) when he was rebuked in 1997.” [Washington Post]


The Imaginarium of Doctor Chaudhary

Incorporating 'Tiger Beat.'You know, I originally pitched this weekly column to Tiger Beat, and they obviously jumped at it. But then I realized that the best place in the world for my devotion to Our Pantymelter in Chief was this reactionary liberal blog for overeducated elitist assholes, which is why Wonkette and I are happy to bring you another edition of “Barry Can You Hear Me?” MORE »


Sarah Palin Shows Obama How To Lead By Example

The first sentence of 'America by Heart,' verbatim.
When will Barack Obama stop dicking around on his BlackBerry and offer to help Sarah Palin kill all the Mexicans squeezing through our giant pore-border with Mexico? Also, what? [Twitter]


Linda McMahon Will Kick Your Junk, For Liberalism

Connecticut GOP Senate candidate Peter Schiff is trying to raise enough funds to educate the good people of the Nutmeg State about his primary opponent, wrestling lady Linda McMahon, and her out-of-control, crotch-kicking ways. This information could save thousands of Republican men from making unwanted trips to the testicle doctor. MORE »


Teevee’s Matlock Betrays Seniors By Shilling Socialism

It takes a kind, familiar stroke-voice to relate information to people with stroke-voices, so Medicare has signed up Andy Griffith to tell them about the changes that colored man has made to their Medicare benefits WITHOUT ASKING THEM FIRST. Yes, Andy Griffith, the man who played the sheriff who was exonerated for killing the character “Rodney King” on The Andy Griffith Show and the detective who raped, decapitated, and ate a woman in a cookie factory on Matlock. Andy Griffith is being paid to keep old people quiet while President Obama quietly runs up behind them and kills them. MORE »


Levi Johnston May Have Fathered Another Baby, Is Probably Angling For WH Budget Director Job

OMB. You know me.The fate of our democracy hinges on the life of a single man: Levi Johnston. AND IT IS FOR THIS REASON that we follow him closely. There may be other issues that are more interesting to cover, but we have a duty to blog about Levi Johnston and the sex he may or may not be having, even though it is boring. And thus, we must tell you that Levi Johnston is “one of three possible fathers” of the baby that now resides in his ex-girlfriend Lanesia Garcia. The stock markets are fluctuating wildly on word of this important news. MORE »


Resembling Rick Perry Could Make You Famous

Has anyone ever told you that you look like professional secessionist Rick Perry, leader of the Most Glorious on High Kingdom de Tejas y Rattlesnakes? Well, today might be your lucky day, because there is a job in Austin waiting for you! It involves acting and could make you famous among said rattlesnakes, and also predator drones. MORE »


Nation Of Hobos (and Demons)

Cartoon Violence!By the Comics Curmudgeon
As our nation’s level of unemployment continues to skyrocket, we must ask ourselves: Are we all hobos, now? Answer: yes. But how will this affect the hobo sector of the American economy, which has always been governed by a strict set of rules? First the hobo hassles some square dude or lady in a suit, and then the square either sneers “Get a job, hobo,” or guiltily throws some money at the hobo without making eye contact, or, if they’re particularly self-righteous, gives them the soggy, leftover half of a sandwich they couldn’t finish at lunch, while the hobo thinks, “Damn, how am I supposed to buy drugs with this half-eaten pesto-chicken on ciabatta?” Now that there are no more squares and no more sandwiches, America is changed forever. This is all a roundabout way of saying that there are drawings of hobos (and also demons) after the jump. MORE »


Anthony Weiner Still Likes To Yell On The House Floor and Now Also At Pete King

Here is New York Democrat Rep. Anthony Weiner on the House floor, yelling and pointing. Haha, he cares about his country and likes calling Republicans on their bullshit sometimes. Yeah, that is probably not going to work, but it is entertaining! The bill in question would have provided $7.4 billion in heath care benefits to 9/11 recovery workers, but it failed. Republicans said they voted against it because of “procedure,” according to Weiner’s tirade, and we always listen to people who are yelling, so let’s assume that is the whole story there. Later, Weiner was on Fox News and yelled at Rep. Peter King through the camera, even though King was standing behind him. MORE »


‘True Patriot’ Jailed For Loving America Too Much

Give me liberty or give me all your money, right now, in a bag. -- Patrick HenryMichael Fenter wasn’t down with President Barack Obamar’s socialistic jillion-dollar bailouts of the nation’s banks AT ALL. So one day the Seattle area boat builder, farmer-man and hardcore Real American grabbed his gun, got into his Libertymobile and started robbing banks in Washington state and California — to take the bailout money back. For a while there, he was really on a roll! But then America decided to punish him for expressing his love of country in this most eclectic manner. MORE »


Judge Who Ruled Against Arizona Immigration Law Getting ‘Perverted’ Messages From Haters

Let me show you where I stick this arm, judge!U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton high-fived a bunch of illegal immigrants the other day and ruled against the parts of Arizona’s immigration law that would have made them melt. BUT NOW REAL AMERICA IS ANGRY. You see, “some of the messages sent to Bolton are positive, but others are ‘from people venting and who have expressed their displeasure in a perverted way.’” Haha. “My cock hates illegal immigrants so now you have to ANSWER to my cock, which you can see in this photo I sent along.” MORE »


Iowa GOP Will Impeach Obama, For Accepting Nobel Prize

Impeach him for THIS, too.There has only been one president in American History who was clearly headed for impeachment and conviction and removal from office: Richard Nixon, the worst crook to ever slither inside the White House. Even four decades later — and after many of his loathsome henchmen went on to scheme and manipulate within another four Republican administrations — Nixon is both the very low standard America has set for Criminal Presidents and the only example, ever, of presidents so guilty that they’ll actually resign rather than face justice. And that’s why (?) Republicans have, ever since, spent all their time trying to make up some reason why a Democratic president should be impeached. For example, did you know Barack Obama must be impeached because, uh, the Iowa Republican Party wants to “change” the 13th Amendment. MORE »


Chelsea Clinton Gets Married Tomorrow, In World’s Most Important Wedding

  • I remember you well at the Chelsea Hotel, you were famous, your heart was a legend.Remember Chelsea Clinton, the poor little rich girl who lived in the White House during our last era of Peace & Prosperity, when people had no problems beyond grunge, Windows 95, Oval Office blowjobs and the rapidly growing chasm between the wealthy and the poor? Well, Chelsea has not been in the news very much, ever, other than that time a couple of years ago when her mom was accused of “whoring” the adult child, during a primary campaign. It’s no wonder the entire Democratic fundraising community of moneybags is so upset about not getting invited to Chelsea’s “small wedding,” because what are we now, chopped liver? Is the wedding “small” like the checks we wrote to Bill and Hills and now we’re not invited to be Chelsea’s “best man” or at least perform the ceremony like cool friends always do these days? MORE »