Tweet Of The Day - Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand
Labels: 2010 elections, activism, Good As You, JMG, Kirsten Gillibrand, NYC, Pam Spaulding
Labels: 2010 elections, activism, Good As You, JMG, Kirsten Gillibrand, NYC, Pam Spaulding
Midweek Politics' David Pakman grills Porno Pete LaBarbara about Petey's notorious undercover adventures into the nation's leather events and all the other things that make LaBarbera the biggest kook in Kooklandia. Can you count the lies and contradictions? Somebody start a counter.
Labels: AFTAH, bigotry, hate groups, liars, Peter LaBarbera, radio
Labels: Canada, gay travel, Montreal, Quebec, tourism
"Unmarried women, 70% of unmarried women, voted for Obama, and this is because when you kick your husband out, you've got to have big brother government to be your provider." - Eagle Forum president Phyllis Schafly, who says that the president is deliberately trying to increase the number of people on welfare in order to ensure his reelection.
Labels: assholery, Barack Obama, Phyllis Schlafly, Quote Of The Day
It was homosexual rights vs. religion on Thursday in Jerusalem as some 3,000 Israelis joined a gay pride parade, marching with colorful balloons and dancing in the streets. The march infuriated Orthodox Jews. But Yonatan Gher, one of the parade organizers, says there is no religious monopoly on the Holy City. "The reason the march takes place in Jerusalem is not to upset anyone," said Gher. "We're here because we're Jerusalemites. This is our city as much as anybody else's." Ultra-Orthodox Jews held counter-demonstrations, carrying signs that read: "Sick perverts, get out of Jerusalem." Many agree with this man who says that the Bible describes homosexuality as an "abomination." "The promotion of a gay lifestyle in the streets of Jerusalem, which is the holiest city for the Jewish people, [and] for the other religions - for Muslims, for Christians - it's a provocation" said one Orthodox Jewish man.The planned donkey parade by Jerusalem's deputy mayor was downgraded to a donkey puppet event, when he was denied permission to bring the animals through the city's center.
Labels: gay Pride, Israel, Jerusalem, Jerusalem Pride
From "America's favorite dragapella beautyshop quartet."
Labels: acapella, drag, San Francisco, silliness
If doctrine is more than just cultural observances, there is no way it can merely be a casual, insignificant part of a believer’s life. For the true Christian believer, this means a life lived in light of Christ’s singular claim that He is “the way, the truth, and the life.” Taking His claim seriously, that He is the only way to the Father (John 14:6), means that all decisions are made in light of His teaching and commands. This includes His teaching that marriage is intended by God to be a life-long covenant — not just between the couple, but sealed by God and witnessed by fellow believers in the couples’ church community. That said, real Christian marriage includes a commitment to follow Christ, both in lifestyle and in childrearing. Religion that is not practiced is little more than a set of myths and of no more significance than the fairy tales told to toddlers at bedtime. Faith that does not make demands on behavior is not faith at all. Inevitably, a lack of unity in faith entails multiple problems on both the little and the large issues that couples continuously encounter as they face the task of building a strong, meaningful, harmonious marriage. How could it possibly be otherwise?(Via - Good As You)
Labels: asshattery, Chelsea Clinton, Concerned Women Of America, religion
“We are still working out the details of fitting our FY ‘11 budget to the figure our board of directors established,” Schneeberger wrote. “As soon as those decisions are final — we’re aiming for next week — we’ll share them with our ministry family first and then with our constituents and friends in the media.” In recent years, Focus has struggled to meet its budget. Even though the organization cut its budget from $160 million in fiscal 2008 to $138 million in fiscal 2009, it still suffered a $6 million shortfall. Schneeberger said last September that the deficit was largely due to the loss of donations from small- to medium-sized businesses. Donations from families has remained steady, he said.As of yesterday, FOTF had about 850 employees.
Labels: bigotry, Focus On The Family, hate groups, religion
Labels: biking, Montreal, Morning View, Quebec
Labels: American Idol, Ellen Degeneres, HomoQuotable, pop music, telev
Labels: Canada, food, Montreal, Quebec, restaurants
Labels: alcohol, JMG, JMG community, Montreal
"A study in the Netherlands illustrates car thieves' preferences. From 2004-2008, the most commonly colored vehicle stolen was black. This may be because black vehicles look more luxurious. Following close behind black were gray/silver automobiles. Of the 109 pink cars in the study, not one was stolen. A bright and uncommon color, like pink, may be as effective deterrent as an expensive security system. Ben Vollaard, who conducted the research, wrote, 'If the aversion to driving a car in an offbeat color is not too high – or if someone actually enjoys it – then buying deterrence through an uncommon car color may be at least as good a deal as buying deterrence through an expensive car security device.'""Honey, I just wonder what you doin' in the back of your pink Cadillac."
Labels: automobiles, cars, crime
Police think the threats are serious enough have increased patrols around her home to keep her safe. All four calls came Tuesday and each call mentioned the proposed employee non-discrimination ordinance. Someone also threw a dead cat on her lawn. Each phone call mentioned her support for banning discrimination against gays in city government. Distraught, Fullilove reached out to Jonathan Cole with the Tennessee Equality Project. "She essentially said that they were threatening to kill her," said Cole, who thinks the death threats are just another example of intolerance in Memphis. "It's scary and our city needs to stand up to this kind of ugliness." Police are keeping a close eye on Fullilove and her family. She's asked her telephone provider to track the calls. Meanwhile, Cole says the councilwoman's experience should highlight the need for the ordinance to protect gays and lesbians working for the city.Fullilove (great name!) says the threats will not make her back down. The vote on her legislation is expected to come on August 10th.
Labels: LGBT rights, Memphis, religion, straight allies, Tennessee
Towleroad provides the transcript:
"If you want to get to the nuts and bolts of it in the male homosexual world, I think the most heinous act is anal sex. Now, if anybody were to think about that in truth, they would say one person is being harmed by this act, which is why there are so many gastrointenstinal afflictions that come to many homosexuals that do this, and other kinds of afflictions. When you look at that individual act, you say, 'Did God create that? No way.' And would you ever want one of your children or grandchildren to be submitted to that kind of act? No."
Labels: bigotry, Catholic Church, NOM, religion
Labels: Quote Of The Day, religion, straight allies, writers
Lady Gaga, Please be a lady FOR our community. The state of Arizona is EXTRA right now. A wave of laws like SB 1070 is making it a crime to be brown and putting whole communities at risk. Both migrant and LGBTQ communities know what it is to have to fight for our full human dignity to be affirmed. You have the opportunity to play a special role in that fight in Arizona. Communities have called for a boycott of the state to make it happen. As an icon and beloved artist, please join us in boycotting Arizona and turn your trip into an opportunity to meet your little monsters in the migrant LGBTQ community so that you can speak out against the hateful laws and be a champion for this human rights cause.If she does join the boycott, will Elton John call her a fuckwit?
Labels: boycotts, GetEQUAL, immigration, Lady Gaga
Labels: gayborhoods, Montreal, Morning View
Last week, the American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey formally requested Dow open an inquiry into the fatal shooting of DeFarra Gaymon, 48, during a confrontation with the officer in Newark’s Branch Brook Park. The detective was investigating complaints about people engaging in sexual acts in the park. The Essex County Prosecutor’s Office is investigating the shooting, though the ACLU said, “considering the seriousness of the incident and many unanswered questions, this investigation demands the legitimacy that only an external review can provide.” After meeting with her top officials today afternoon, Dow concluded there was “no indication of a conflict with the Essex County Prosecutor’s Office handling this case fairly and impartially,” said her spokesman, Paul Loriquet. “That was never called into question.”And now the "investigation" remains with the very agency whose officers were involved. Wanna bet how THAT turns out?
Labels: cruising, murder, New Jersey, police brutality
The lawsuit doesn't seek the titles of "marriage" or "civil unions" for gay partners. Instead, it requests that the court system extend them the benefits and responsibilities of marriage based on the Hawaii Constitution's prohibition against sex discrimination. "We continue to be discriminated against," said plaintiff Suzanne King, who has been in a relationship with her partner for 29 years. "We're a family unit, and we live our lives just like everyone else, but we aren't treated the same." The legal action in state court comes as a response to the Republican governor's veto July 6, when she said voters should decide whether to reserve marriage for couples of a man and a womanThe chairman of the Hawaii Christian Coalition objects: "I feel insulted. They keep bringing up Martin Luther King, black rights and women's sufferage. This is not about that. This is about two males or two females practicing sex. It's behavior. It's no different from smokers or drinkers."
Labels: ACLU, Hawaii, Lambda Legal, lawsuits, LGBT rights
"This expresses what we think -- that this is a beastly act," Rabbi Yitzhak Pindrus, who represents the ultra-Orthodox United Torah Judaism party on the city council, told the Ynet news website. His spokesman Menahem Zaide declined to link the donkey march to the parade, saying only: "Donkeys also have rights to be recognised as couples. We are in favour of donkey rights," he told AFP. However, Zaide said they were still awaiting permission from the agriculture ministry. About 1,000 people were expected to take part in the pride parade under heavy security.In 2007 marchers at Jerusalem Pride were pelted with eggs and human feces by ultra-Orthodox protesters.
Labels: bigotry, gay Pride, Israel, Jerusalem, Jerusalem Pride, religion
“To work for or against candidates that one feels strongly about is the democratic process in America, but this latest Nazi-esque attempt to dig up dirt on a public official’s private life crosses the line,” said McGuire. “Senator Diaz has been a lightning rod for same-sex marriage activists displeased with his strong defense of the family. Same-sex marriage activists are merely looking for ways to agitate the deep pockets of their base in an election year. They know that Sen. Diaz has been a strong advocate for the Hispanic and African-American communities. He is loved by the people of the Bronx, and has nothing to fear from the gay Gestapo.”In 2008, Diaz bused 10,000 Hispanic evangelicals into NYC to beat their bibles and chant about homosexual damnation. And we're the Nazis? Incidentally, Diaz is now campaigning for the return of Hiram "Slasher" Monserrate. Because having a convicted spouse abuser in the state Senate is OK, as long as he hates queers.
Labels: 2010 elections, homophobes, NY Senate, religion, Ruben Diaz
Here am I in Montreal, not speaking a single word of French. Boo me. What languages do you speak? Which are you learning?
Labels: language, Montreal, Open Thread Thursday
Labels: gay travel, hotels, Montreal, Quebec
Tim LaHaye is the zillionaire author of the Left Behind series, which have sold 65 million copies to date. But he wants even more money, hence the "Obama is bringing us to the End Times" crapola. Marketing!
Labels: batshittery, end times, Mike Huckabee, religion, Right Wing Watch
It's like a gay version of Beastie Boys' Sabotage.
Labels: dance music, silliness, UK
And the part being blocked is the bit that got most of us so angry.
In a ruling on a law that has rocked politics coast to coast and thrown a spotlight on the border state’s fierce debate over immigration, United States District Court Judge Susan Bolton in Phoenix said some aspects of the law can go into effect as scheduled on Thursday. But Judge Bolton took aim at the parts of the law that have generated the most controversy, issuing a preliminary injunction against sections that called for officers to check a person’s immigration status while enforcing other laws and that required immigrants to carry their papers at all times. Judge Bolton put those sections on hold while she continues to hear the larger issues in the challenges to the law. “Preserving the status quo through a preliminary injunction is less harmful than allowing state laws that are likely preempted by federal law to be enforced,” she said. “There is a substantial likelihood that officers will wrongfully arrest legal resident aliens,” she wrote. “By enforcing this statute, Arizona would impose a ‘distinct, unusual and extraordinary’ burden on legal resident aliens that only the federal government has the authority to impose.”Activist judges! AGAIN! Wait, I can't hear you over all those exploding Freeper heads!
Labels: Arizona, feds, immigration, Jan Brewer, racism
Labels: Andrew Sullivan, Catholic Church, HomoQuotable, religion, Vatican
The Wall Las Memorias – an inspirational art project dedicated as a Latino AIDS monument on World AIDS Day in 2004 – has been vandalized. Apparently a mother went to see the name of her son on the Wall in Highland Park and found a section of the mural splashed in yellow paint. The Wall’s founder Richard Zaldivar told me: “The vandalism was done to the section of the AIDS mural that depicts a child saying, ‘I once knew a child with AIDS.’ And so it is really sad and very troubling that someone would use this opportunity to damage a piece of art that was created for the purpose HIV prevention and education to our community.Las Memorias Project will update the story on their Facebook page.
Labels: HIV/AIDS, Los Angeles, vandalism
Marie Exley of Colorado Springs is convinced that Armageddon, the end of the world as written of in the Bible, will come next year. Her conviction is so strong that, though unemployed, she’s paid $1,200 to buy advertising space on 10 Springs bus benches through October to get the word out. The ad says, “Save the Date! Return of Christ: May 21, 2011,” “I want to do all I can to get the message out,” Exley, 31, said. Exley got the idea for the ads from listening to Family Radio, a Christian broadcast heard on 55 stations in the United States, including KFRY, 89.9 FM, in Pueblo. It’s hosted by controversial Christian leader Harold Camping. Camping predicts Christ will return on the date in Exley’s advertisement. Listeners in other states have also purchased outdoor ad space to proclaim the date. The ads are written and designed by the creators of, an Ohio-based web site devoted to reminding people of Christ’s return. “We hope it raises awareness and sends people to their Bible,” said Robert Dunham, spokesman for “Time is running out, but there is still time for salvation.”The Mayans are going to be pissed about this.
Labels: Colorado, end times, religion
In an order granting summary judgment to the university on Monday, Judge George Caram Steeh of the U.S. District Court in Detroit held that the university's requirement that the student be willing to serve people who are homosexual was reasonable, and did not amount to an infringement of the Christian student's constitutional rights to free speech and free expression of religion. The university "had a right and duty to enforce compliance" with professional ethics rules barring counselors from being intolerant or engaging in discrimination, and no reasonable person could conclude that a counseling program's requirement that students comply with such rules "conveys a message endorsing or disapproving of religion," Judge Steeh wrote.Last year Ward refused to treat a suicidal gay student, telling fellow counselors that her religious views prevented her from helping him feel better about himself. Ward plans to become a high school counselor, if anybody will have her after this.
The Alliance Defense Fund, a coalition of Christian lawyers that is helping to represent the student, Julea Ward, issued a statement on Tuesday saying it plans to appeal the judge's decision. "Christian students shouldn't be expelled for holding to and abiding by their beliefs," said David French, a senior counsel for the group, which helped out in a similar lawsuit filed against Augusta State University, in Georgia, this month.
Labels: Christianists, education, Michigan, religion
“In March, GetEqual held a sit-in in Pelosi’s office asking her to bring ENDA to the floor for a vote. At that point, we said we keep coming back until it was voted on,” explained Heather Cronk, GetEqual spokesperson, who was participating in the protest. “So this is us making good on our promise, asking her to make good on her promise over the last few years on ENDA.”The story is still developing. Following along at GetEQUAL's Twitter feed.
The group of about 20 LGBT activists entered the Capitol as part of a routine tour through the Capitol. Upon reaching the rotunda, they sat down and pulled out signs reading, “Pass ENDA Now!” and “This Is Your Reminder.” Meanwhile, they began their signature chant, "I am ... somebody ... I deserve ... full equality." Eight to nine people were risking arrest in the action, according to Cronk, with the other half present to provide support including a couple legal observers.
Labels: activism, ENDA, GetEQUAL, Nancy Pelosi, Washington DC
Read Media Matter's analysis of where Glenn Beck's fear-mongering is taking us. And definitely check out Mother Jones' expose of Goldline, his primary advertiser.
Labels: Glenn Beck, Media Matters, teabaggers, wingnuts
Labels: GLAAD, MTV, Real World, Twitter
Not very cost-effective, but whatevs.
Labels: Apple, iPad, restaurants, silliness
Sen. Ruben Diaz has an annoying political survival instinct, but we want to set the record straight. We can help shift the playing field by showing that Diaz is not only bad for LGBT people – he’s bad for New York. With just 6 weeks to go before the primary, we need your help to fund a search into Ruben's closet. We'll post our research online, so his opponents, the media, and voters in his district will know the real Ruben Diaz.Hit the link above to help fund this research.
Labels: 2010 elections, activism, Fight Back New York, homophobes, NY Senate, Ruben Diaz
Boarding a plane without an agent to inspect or take your pass has arrived in the USA. Continental Airlines has confirmed it's testing the procedure at a gate at its hub in Houston Intercontinental. It's the first experiment at what's called "self-boarding" in the U.S. In self-boarding, passengers — much like customers of the New York City subway— swipe their boarding passes at a kiosk reader at the gate. That opens a turnstile or door to the jet-bridge. Although an agent isn't there to take the pass, one is typically present to handle problems and other customer service tasks. Continental declined to provide further details on its experiment. The Transportation Security Administration, which is in charge of air security, "determined it does not impact the security of the traveling public," says Greg Soule, a TSA spokesman, adding all passengers are screened at airport checkpoints prior to arriving at boarding gates.Lufthansa tells USA Today that self-boarding is "only a little faster" but frees up gate agents to help passengers with other problems. I doubt that's Continental's plan.
Labels: air travel, Houston, Texas
The Grammy-winning musician's brother, Sam Jean, just told me that Wyclef has already put together the necessary paperwork he will need to file by August 7 if he decides to launch a campaign. "It's an opportunity that he's exploring and exploring seriously," said Sam, who is a spokesman for Wyclef's Yele Haiti Foundation. "But it's not really coming from him, to be honest. Most of the population in Haiti is under the age of 26, I believe, so the youth have really clamored to him. They're the ones who are really excited and have said to him, 'Hey, why don't you run for president?'" Asked if he thought his brother will run, Sam said, "There's a very good chance."Jean's disaster relief foundation has been accused of financial mismanagement. But he probably couldn't do worse than Haiti's last few presidents.
Labels: Haiti, pop music, Wyclef Jean
Via Catholic Culture:
A survey of over 3,000 Californians conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute in June has found that Catholics strongly support the legal recognition of homosexual unions. Only 22% of white Catholics and 23% of Latino Catholics oppose the legal recognition of homosexual unions. 37% of white Catholics and 44% of Latino Catholics support same-sex marriage, while an additional 41% of white Catholics and 28% of Latino Catholics support homosexual civil unions. In contrast, 53% of Latino Protestants oppose the legal recognition of homosexual unions. The survey did not distinguish Catholics by frequency of Church attendance. “Protestants are much more likely to hear about homosexuality from their clergy than Catholics,” the survey report added. “Only 29% of white Catholics and 42% of Latino Catholics report hearing about homosexuality from their clergy.”Freepers say the poll's respondents are CINOS (Catholics in name only.)
Labels: California, Catholics, civil unions, marriage equality, polls
Labels: activism, JMG community, NOM, straight allies
She shrugs it off, but somebody should turn her story into a NOM-esque victim video, complete with their tragic piano music.
Labels: activism, bigotry, Indiana, marriage equality, NOM
Florida AG Bill McCullom still opposes gay adoption, despite his $120,000 payment to George Rekers turning into a national laughing-stock. "I don't believe the gay family model is good for the kids."
Labels: asshattery, Family Reseach Council, Florida, gay adoption, gay families, NARTH, prostitution, scandal
Labels: bigotry, gay Pride, Israel, Jerusalem, PhoboQuotable, Yehuda Levin
According to the Human Rights Campaign's VP Fred Sainz, the real reason for NOM's national Hate Tour is to draw out harassing counter-protesters so that those incidents can be using in court to thwart donor disclosure laws. Because SEE, we really DO get attacked by violent homofascists! Via press release from the HRC:
"The bus tour is a total sham, plain and simple," said Fred Sainz, HRC's vice president of communications. "NOM's highly-touted bus tour is less about so-called 'traditional marriage' and more about creating an elaborate and cynical stunt. NOM rolled out a summer of nationwide events in order to draw lawful protesters, all so that NOM and its allies can pepper ongoing lawsuits challenging public disclosure laws with made-up stories of harassment. This unprecedented victimization crusade is the lowest denominator of political activism, and it won't fly."I think Fred Sainz has nailed it.
In events in seven states, NOM has routinely played to crowds reportedly as small as two dozen people including NOM staff members. The organization's public statements on the bus tour have barely mentioned the content of the programs or the substance of its anti-LGBT message, instead focusing attention on much larger counter-protests that NOM has attacked as intimidation and harassment. NOM issued a press release last Friday saying that LGBT supporters have "approached and threatened children," engaged in "bullying tactics" and committed acts of harassment. However, NOM's uncorroborated claims belie legitimate local media reports demonstrating that pro-equality supporters, which have vastly outnumbered NOM's faithful, have been civil. NOM has yet to document any illegal activity or actual harassment, despite the presence of law enforcement at all the events.
NOM's efforts to trump up false claims of harassment are part of a radical nationwide plan to evade long-established public disclosure laws and to hide their political activities from legitimate scrutiny and accountability. In doing so, NOM has falsely alleged that their donors have been harassed and intimidated across the country to justify why it shouldn't have to play by the same rules as everyone else. These tactics have prompted a state ethics investigation in Maine and recent court defeats across the country.
Labels: bigotry, campaign finance, HRC, liars, NOM
Labels: bigotry, Courage Campaign, FAIL, NOM, Wisconsin
Labels: bigotry, hate groups, Indiana, NOM, Rob Tisinai
As you know, Target has a history of supporting organizations and candidates, on both sides of the aisle, who seek to advance policies aligned with our business objectives, such as job creation and economic growth. MN Forward is focused specifically on those issues and is committed to supporting candidates from any party who will work to improve the state's job climate. However, it is also important to note that we rarely endorse all advocated positions of the organizations or candidates we support, and we do not have a political or social agenda. In the context of this contribution, some of you have raised questions regarding our commitment to diversity, and more specifically, the GLBT community. Let me be very clear, Target’s support of the GLBT community is unwavering, and inclusiveness remains a core value of our company.The letter goes on to cite Target's 100% rating on HRC's Corporate Equality Index and the company's support of local Minnesota LGBT and HIV/AIDS events. Calls for a boycott and at least one protest at a Minnestota Target store have already occurred.
Labels: business, hate groups, Minnesota, retail, Target
Labels: contests, Father Tony, gay travel
The New York Liberty are bringing sports, entertainment and excitement to The World's Most Famous Arena, Madison Square Garden, all summer long. With All-Star Cappie Pondexter averaging more than 20 points a game, the Liberty are poised to make a strong bid for the playoffs. With tickets starting at just $10, it is truly Liberty for All.For tickets and schedule information, visit When purchasing tickets, use the "joemygod" code for a discount!
Labels: basketball, NYC, sports, Swag Tuesday
Labels: bigotry, Brian Brown, civil unions, New Jersey, NOM
Right Wing Watch tips us to Rev. Jim Garlow and Rev. James Robison calling for a 40-day fast in advance of the midterm elections so that Jeebus will put anti-gay candidates in office. Robison: "I've signed the Manhattan Declaration and I would have signed it in my blood." You might recall Garlow's 2008 claim that "same-sex marriage is worse than terrorism."
Labels: bigotry, Christianists, Manhattan Declaration, religion, Right Wing Watch, theocracy
Labels: HBO, spoiler alert, television, True Blood, vampires
Labels: assholery, economy, employment, Quote Of The Day, unemployment
Labels: Evan Wolfson, Freedom To Marry, hate speech, HomoQuotable, Indiana, NOM
A study released at the AIDS 2010 conference in Vienna claims that using widely-prescribed HIV medications as a preventive for new infections (PrEP) is safe for HIV-negative men who have sex with men. Please note that effectiveness in preventing infection results have not yet been released on this study.
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) with tenofovir (found in Viread, Truvada and Atripla) is safe for men who have sex with men (MSM), according to a U.S. study presented Friday, July 23, at the XVIII International AIDS Conference (IAC) in Vienna. PrEP is one of the most promising prevention tools on the immediate horizon. With PrEP, HIV-negative individuals take antiretroviral drugs to prevent becoming infected with the virus. The first PrEP studies are testing tenofovir alone (Viread), while several later studies are testing tenofovir plus emtricitabine (Truvada). Currently, all studies are looking at daily ongoing use of the drugs, but future trials are planned with intermittent dosing. The first efficacy results are expected later this year, but researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta presented findings from a safety study at this year’s IAC.As always, it's important to look at the size and the methodology of this study before making any decisions about your own health care.
Labels: HAART, HIV/AIDS, medicine, PrEP, safer sex
Calling it the First Amendment issue of our time, during his closing keynote at Netroots Nation, Sen. Al Franken warned that unless net neutrality is preserved, media corporations that are also internet providers will soon throttle the speeds of their competitors, an issue we've long been discussing here on JMG.
Labels: Al Franken, internet, net neutrality, Netroots Nation
This has been out for about eight weeks and while in the airport on Sunday, I read that it's gone to #1 or top ten in almost every country in the world. Super super infectious/annoying. The Venga Bus is coming and Crazy Frog is behind the wheel. By an Australian duo using a 1950's Italian sample.
Labels: Australia, dance music, silliness
The main reason for the concern? There's an explosion of data about to happen to the Web - thanks largely to sensor data, smart grids, RFID and other Internet of Things data. Other reasons include the increase in mobile devices connecting to the Internet and the annual growth in user-generated content on the Web.The plan is to move to the next generation of internet protocols which will use a 128-bit address, versus the current 32-bit system. Google and Facebook have already moved to the new system.
Labels: internet, technology
Joe The Plumber is making and paying for the airing of ads endorsing fellow teabaggers.
Labels: 2010 elections, Joe The Plumber, Missouri, Senate, teabaggers
An early release of the Netroots Nation straw poll taken from Thursday through Sunday and obtained by TPM shows that attendees of the convention in Las Vegas overwhelmingly want Palin to mount a presidential bid. Respondents were asked who would they "most like to see" as the GOP nominee to challenge Obama for reelection two years from now. Netroots attendees preferred Sarah Palin, with 48 percent of them choosing her. The next closest vote-getter was libertarian Rep. Ron Paul with 11 percent, followed by former Sen. Rick Santorum with 10 percent and former Gov. Mitt Romney with 9 percent. The others trailed in this order: Former Speaker Newt Gingrich (8 percent), Gov. Tim Pawlenty (7 percent), Former Gov. Mike Huckabee (5 percent) and Rep. Mike Pence (1 percent). It's obvious why progressive activists would want Palin to run against Obama, and certainly no reflection of the sentiment of Republican primary voters with two years before they make up their minds. Democrats view Palin as a flashpoint who is easy to campaign against (and who is a great help for Democratic fundraising).Netroots attendees also named the Reid-Angle battle as their top priority in 2010. (I concurred with the majority in both questions cited here.) For more questions asked of us, hit the top link.
Labels: 2012 elections, GOP, Netroots Nation, polls, Sarah Palin
Hitchcock's Strangers On A Train from 1951!
Labels: movies, Steve Hayes, Tired Old Queen At The Movies
Labels: closet cases, still totally gay, Ted Haggard, Tweet Of The Day
The two discuss Choi's recent official discharge, DADT-related activism, and where the movement is headed.
Labels: activism, CNN, DADT, Dan Choi, Michelangelo Signorile