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Sunday Sep 5, 2010

The Matt & Bill Montage listed in

The good folks at honored Matt Lewis' final turn as regular co-host of The Week In Blog with one classy montage.

Friday Sep 3, 2010

The Week In Blog: Farewell Matt Edition listed in

The latest The Week In Blog is up at which was the final edition with Matt Lewis as regular co-host. We discussed blog reaction to the possibility of a Republican wave in November, the nomination of Joe Miller in the Alaska senate race, the President's Oval Office address and the state of the blogosphere over the course of our year-and-a-half co-hosting TWIB. Watch it below.

Sunday Aug 29, 2010

The LiberalOasis Radio Show: Not So Fresh Edition listed in Radio Show

The latest LiberalOasis Radio Show podcast is up, as Traci Olsen and I discuss the pointless Glenn Beck rally, the looming tax cut battle, Alan "Milk Cow" Simpson and Traci's not feeling so fresh about Summer's Eve.

You can download the podcast at these links: (iTunes / XML feed / MP3).

Or you can simply listen below.

Saturday Aug 28, 2010

The Week In Blog: No Narrative Edition listed in

The latest edition of The Week In Blog is up at where The Winston Group's Nicki Kurokawa and me discuss blog reaction to this week's primaries, Rep. Boehner's speech of lies, the Iraq drawdown, Alan "Milk Cow" Simpson and the looming Bush tax cut battle. Watch it below.

Saturday Aug 21, 2010

The LiberalOasis Radio Show: John Hodgman vs. Robert Gibbs Edition listed in Radio Show

The latest LiberalOasis Radio Show podcast is up, a special edition with America's Renaissance Man, John Hodgman. He is not pleased with Robert Gibbs. He is pleased with Traci Olsen.

You can download the podcast at these links: (iTunes / XML feed / MP3).

You can also hear Mr. Hodgman discuss non-political things over at The Bill Dwight Show podcast.

Saturday Aug 21, 2010

The Week In Blog: The Not At Ground Zero Not A Mosque Edition listed in

The latest edition of The Week In Blog is up at featuring Matt Lewis and I delve into how the Park 51 project has divided both left and right in the blogosphere. Watch it below.

Friday Aug 13, 2010

The LiberalOasis Radio Show: Immigrant Unicorn Edition listed in Radio Show

The latest LiberalOasis Radio Show podcast is up, with myself, Traci Olsen discussing the week's primaries, conservative attacks on public servants, the hypocrisy of Rep. Paul Ryan, the ramifications of the new border security bill, and why Washington is a broken city.

You can download the podcast at these links: (iTunes / XML feed / MP3).

Friday Aug 13, 2010

The Week In Blog: Is The Tea Party Over Edition listed in

The latest edition of The Week In Blog is up at featuring Kristen Soltis and I discussing blog reaction to this week's primaries, new data on immigrant children, Ross Douthat's anti-equal marriage rights column and Rep. Charlie Rangel's diatribe. Watch it below.

Saturday Aug 7, 2010

The LiberalOasis Radio Show: Victory Lap Edition listed in Radio Show

The latest LiberalOasis Radio Show podcast is up, with myself, Traci Olsen discussing the Prop 8 ruling, the future of Supreme Court nominations, the conservative attack on the 14th Amendment, the conservative hatred of teachers and making sense of Lady Gaga.

You can download the podcast at these links: (iTunes / XML feed / MP3).

Friday Aug 6, 2010

The Week In Blog: 8 + 14 + 0 Edition listed in

The latest edition of The Week In Blog is up at featuring Matt Lewis and I discussing blog reaction to the Prop 8 judicial defeat, the conservative attack on the 14th Amendment and campaign to stop the "Ground Zero Mosque" (which is not on Ground Zero, nor is it a mosque.). Watch it below.