Sunday, September 04, 2005

Bush orders flags to half staff for Rehnquist. Did he do the same for Katrina victims?

UPDATE: That's exactly what happened. They did it for Rehnquist today, within hours of his death, and realized it would look rather callous not to do it for the hurricane victims a week AFTER the hurricane. So they did both today. The hurricane victims were a CYA afterthought. Lovely. Read More......

FOX News Online Poll: How's Bush Doing?

May we respectfully suggest you vote "Disgraceful response"? Read More......

World Reaction To Katrina: Sympathy To Jeers

An amazing range of responses are coming from around the world. The LA Times saw everything from concern to jeers -- and you know your country's image around the world must be at ROCK BOTTOM when a horrific disaster like this results in jeers. But USA Today's was the most eye-opening (and amusing, frankly). Canada's prime minister was rightly pilloried for saying nothing till late Wednesday. Some Islamic extremists said Katrina was part of their global jihad (they must be cribbing from Pat Robertson) and Venezuela's Chavez dubbed Bush "king of vacations." Read More......

Open thread

Off to watch a movie for a bit. Post away. Read More......

Mary Landrieu finally gets a spine

E&P; reports on Landrieu's appearance on This Week today. She threatened to punch anyone, including the President, who badmouthed local and state leaders:
"If one person criticizes them or says one more thing - including the president of the United States - he will hear from me," she said on the ABC program. "One more word about it after this show airs and I might likely have to punch him. Literally."

She burst into tears as she looked at a broken levee. "The President could have funded it," she said. "He cut it out of the budget. Is that the most pitiful sight you have ever seen in your life? One little crane."

She also referred angrily to comments Bush had made Friday at the New Orleans airport about the fun he had in her city in his younger days.

"Our infrastructure is devastated, lives have been shattered," Landrieu said. "Would the president please stop taking photo-ops?"
Landrieu tried to be nice to the Bush people and they screwed her and her constituents. Actually, they killed her constituents. Read More......

Americablog: The Big Hits Of The Week For Aug 27 - Sept. 2

Here's a rundown of the most popular postings of the week up to Friday -- the ones that drew the most traffic and inspired the most comments. If you love Americablog, you probably already send your friends the links to some of your favorite posts. Why not send a link to this weekly roundup to let them know the incisive, biting and fresh commentary and information available on Americablog 24/7?

Naturally, this week was dominated by Hurricane Katrina, the worst natural disaster in US history. Traffic was so high, and the postings were coming so fast and furious, it's impossible to capture the many, many highlights. But here are some of the absolute peaks. Thanks for providing your commentary, your feedback, your thoughts and your links to stories we might have missed. You make Americablog the effective, supportive and growing community that it is.


Before the extent of the storm was clear, some other news popped up, including Michael in New York's revelation that "America's Taliban Is Here," a story about the far right Christians who want to literally take over South Carolina and form a theocracy.

Soon, the storm struck.

John in DC jumped on Bush's seeming indifference to this unfolding disaster with "While New Orleans wakes up to Biblical proportions disaster, Bush is bopping off to AZ and CA on Monday to push his Medicare drug plan."

Astonishingly, Bush would continue to ignore the obvious tragedy for days -- something the MSM proved afraid to speak up on but one that Americablog pointed out again and again and again.

Bush's only concern has been for the oil industry as mocked by Joe in DC with "Bush might tap strategic petroleum reserve to help oil industry."

Some tried to use the focus on Hurricane Katrina to get away with murder, but Joe in DC blasted the devious ways of the governor of Kentucky with "Corrupt, Arrogant and Just Plain Idiotic."


Now the devastation is becoming clear, the waters are stil rising and the indifference of Bush continues to astonish.

Rob in Baltimore -- back with a vengeance -- leads the assault with "People Are Dying President Bush -- Have You Sent Enough Troops?"

John in DC wrote an open letter to Bush about the need to wake up to his responsibilities with "Mr. President, Come Home."

Michael in New York urged everyone to their local media outlets voicing the concerns they had and read on Americablog about Bush's lackadaisical manner in "Bush's Response To Horrific Disaster: Indifference. How Will You Respond To Bush?"

John in DC spots the criticism of Bush leaking into the MSM with "CNN Says Bush Should Stop Vacationing And Get To Work."

Rob in Baltimore plugs into a terrific local source of info in LA with "WWL: Mayor Reports Massive Communications Failure Will Flood City."

John in DC's disgust was manifest with "Bush spending one final night of vacation in Crawford tonight while people are dying in New Orleans and across the South."

And perhaps the posting of the week in my mind was Rob in Baltimore's brilliant juxtaposition of news photos showing the disaster in the South alongside Bush goofing around with a guitar in California the very same day. Brilliant. Send "How Out Of Touch Is Bush On This Disaster?" to everyone.


The incompetence of the Republicans is matched only by the inability of the Dems to step up and take action (or at least umbrage) when Bush behaves like a fool. John in DC captured the frustration of many with "Where The Hell Is The Democratic Party?"

An open thread (normally off limits under Americablog's stringent "Hits of the Week" bylaws) was paired with some welcome good news: "Bush Polling At An All-Time Low."

John in DC had more on Bush's fiddling while Rome burned act in "How cute. While people died in New Orleans Bush played a guitar with the presidential seal on it!"

Michael in New York hopefully spotted a trend with "New Storm Warning: Brewing Anger Over Bush's Indifference To This Disaster."

John in DC shook his head over "Religious right group, heralded by top religious right leaders, says God destroyed New Orleans because of gays."

Questions about the lack of preparations arose via"CNN's Cafferty Raises More Questions," noted John in DC.

The MSM got more pointed as Rob in Baltimore revealed with "CNN Reporter Blog: Government Overwhelmed."


Chris in Paris brings up a topic that will explode in the media in the next 48 hours with "Bush's failure to respond and the race issue."

Rob in Baltimore sums it up with "Desperately Too Little, Too Late."

You think you can't be surprised anymore by the behaviour of Bush and his cronies, but we all were astonished when John in DC broke the news: "BREAKING: Sec. of State Condi Rice caught buying several-thousand-dollar pair of shoes in NYC moments ago; spends last night at Broadway show!"

Joe in DC mocked more tone-deaf politicians with "Rebuilding New Orleans "doesn't make sense" to Hastert."

Chris in Paris wondered "Is it possible for Bush to wipe the smile off his face?"

John in DC blasted the blame-the-victim mentality of Bush with "New Bush admin. talking point: New Orleans residents deserved it."

Michael in New York wondered "Is This Disaster Natural or Man-Made?"

And the media found its voice now that it is staring incompetence and lies in the face. John in DC observed "Paula Zahn is about to kill the head of FEMA" and "Anderson Cooper rips, rips, rips Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA) for being a pro-Bush shill."

John in DC also highlighted some causes with "Reuters: Agency documents show Bush funding cuts helped cause New Orleans disaster."


The media got more pointed as Michael in New York noted with "Ted Koppel Rips, Rips, RIPS Michael Brown of FEMA On 'Nightline.'"

John in DC and Michael in New York were astonished to find out that "Omigod: DICK CHENEY Has Been On Vacation" and wondered "Is Cheney Ill?"

Joe in DC crowed "NY TImes: Bloggers Force Condi Back To Work."

For good measure, Joe in DC added "The Head of FEMA Is Delusional."

Michael in New York had fun with telling you "Breaking: Bush To Go On A Helicopter Ride!"

John in DC noted approvingly that "CNN Says Bush Visit To Hurricane Is Nothing But Political Photo-Op."

Chris in Paris was astonished that the President kept talking about oil instead of people with "Bush In Biloxi."

John in DC said simply "George Bush Needs To Step Aside" and offered as proof that "CNN's Cafferty says relief arrival is being timed for Bush arrival."

John in DC also shook his head when "Lead religious right group promotes theory that God wiped out NOLA on purpose."

Joe in DC endured garbled syntax in order to tell you "Bush Speaks in NO."

Michael in New York wonders "Where's Dick?"

And John in DC sums it all up with a devastating photo and headline combo under "Mission Accomplished." Read More......

NY Times: Bush Severely Damaged National Guard

Echoing our posting "Is This Disaster Natural Or Man-Made?," the New York Times in an editorial called "Man-Made Disaster" makes clear what many of us have been saying for years: that Bush has cavalierly damaged our nation's security with his backdoor draft of the National Guard and Army Reserve. Because Bush abused their trust and went back on the compact between this country and those brave volunteers, many fewer retiring soldiers will sign up for these groups in the future (Louisiana is at about 45% short of its goal this year in signing up new recruits). That's going to weaken our nation's security and ability to respond in case of terrorist attack or natural disaster for DECADES to come.

Here's the NYT, which adds that obviously ALL the available Guards should have been activated before the storm struck:
Things would have been even worse if a comparable domestic disaster had struck last year, when an even greater percentage of National Guard units were deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan. Some states had more than two-thirds of their Guard forces overseas. After several governors protested, the Pentagon agreed to adjust its force rotations so no state would be stripped of more than half of its guardsmen at any one time. That promise has been kept so far. But honoring it in the months ahead will be extremely difficult with active-duty forces so badly overstretched in Iraq, and prospects for any significant early withdrawals looking bleak.

One lasting lesson that has to be drawn from the Gulf Coast's misery is that from now on, the National Guard must be treated as America's most essential homeland security force, not as some kind of military piggy bank for the Pentagon to raid for long-term overseas missions. America clearly needs a larger active-duty Army. It just as clearly needs a homeland-based National Guard that's fully prepared and ready for any domestic emergency.
Read More......

BREAKING: Contractors NOT killed; Cops Protecting Them

Don't be surprised when confused stories come out and get contradicted. Here's the latest, according to the AP and the TV folk; the Army Corps of Engineers had contractors at work, they were shot at by some lunatics (obviously, there is no justification for such lunacy) and the police shot and killed the people who were attacking them. Assuming these are the facts, bravo to the police for protecting emergency workers, bravo to the people volunteering to go into these dangerous situations and our thoughts are with the 99.99% of the Americans who continue to suffer, mostly due to incompetence by Bush during this national disaster. Remember: this chaos has erupted and continues because for the first three days of this disaster Bush and Cheney and Rice STAYED ON VACATION. Read More......

Bush better book his vacation now

Another hurricane possible in coming weeks. Read More......

Open Thread

And please donate to the Red Cross. Do NOT donate to the Salvation Army -- they are not a non-partisan group but a far right intolerant religious group that hates gays, pushes its religious beliefs on the people it provides aid to and doesn't deserve your money. There are plenty of great groups like the Red Cross that can use your money efficiently and without later using it to discriminate against Americans they disapprove of and attack you and/or those you care about. Read More......

The Mighty Have Fallen

From Yahoo, AFP reports:
The United States has accepted an offer of UN assistance following the Hurricane Katrina disaster which has devastated New Orleans and other communities along the US Gulf coast, a UN spokesman said.

He said in a statement that a UN Coordination team is in Washington "consulting with government officials on how best the UN can complement the United States own emergency efforts.
"The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, the World Food Program, the World Health Organization, UNICEF and the High Commissioner for Refugees are ready to provide emergency staff and a wide variety of relief supplies as and when necessary," said the statement.
I find it impossible to imagine how so many anti-UN people feel right now when the United States needs help from the UN because of the Bush administration's incompetent "government". Read More......

Is Katrina Bush's Tet?

Prior to the 1968 Tet Offensive in Vietnam, the Johnson administration and Westmoreland assured the American public that everything was fine and under control. Tet blew the lid off of that lie and while it was a failed offensive by the communist forces, the public relations impact was the beginning of the end for LBJ and public support for his foreign adventure in Vietnam. The American public heard a story that was so painfully opposite of what they could see with their own eyes on television.

Despite saying he would not politicize 9/11, Bush rode that early and often en route to victory last year. Who could forget the fear mongering and "only we can keep you safe" messages that were pounded into the heads of the US public? We heard about the post-9/11 changes and how this crack team had learned so much and was making the changes to keep America safe. Those clowns from the past were all clueless, but Team Bush was professional and were here to save us all.

Now fast forward to this week, post-Katrina. Are the images from NOLA and the Gulf Coast images of a safer nation? Are we seeing compassionate conservatism in action? Did this team have a plan and what lessons did they learn from 9/11? They wanted to make security and 9/11 an issue so fine, let's talk about 9/11 and the lessons that were learned. What the world has witnessed was that we actually took steps backwards since 9/11 and Bush had no plan. Anyone who has watched these events unfold on television can see that the talk is just talk and that the facts tell us something very different. The big lie has been exposed. Read More......

George Bush Is Solely Responsible For Abandoning The Levees

George Bush is solely responsible for weakening the levee system that should have protected New Orleans. Yes, for decades projects have been on the boards to do a massive rebuilding project. (Total cost? $14 billion, which is exactly what we spend in Iraq every six weeks.) Louisiana has begged and pleaded for that work to begin and we all shoulder responsibility for ignoring that obvious need -- you can blame every President from JFK to Bush for that, not to mention the Congress. But the burden does grow for each succeeding President (the longer you wait, the more dangerous it is to delay), so Clinton and Bush are a lot more to blame than Kennedy and Johnson.

But beyond that massive project there is the daily hard work of keeping the levees in shape. It's tough and unglamorous but it has to be done. Every President since Nixon understood that and made sure the levees were strengthened. Every President but Bush. Bush attacked the levee system with unprecedented glee. He cut funding for flood protection by 80%. He let mostly oil and gas companies gobble up the wetlands that act as a natural defense for New Orleans at a rate of 25 square miles a year.And read this:
But the skimping has worsened since President Bush's election, particularly after September 11. Federal spending on flood control in south-east Louisiana has been cut by almost half since 2001, from $69 million per year to $36.5 million. Funds for work at Lake Pontchartrain, the source of the flooding, have fallen by nearly two-thirds over three years, from $14.25 million to $5.7 million. As a result, work on New Orleans' east bank hurricane levees stopped last summer for the first time in 37 years.
Every President since Nixon knew maintaining the levees was important, essential work. But it ground to a halt on Bush's watch because he didn't care. Nixon worked to maintain the levees. Ford worked to maintain the levees. Carter worked to maintain the levees. Reagan worked to maintain the levees. Clinton worked to maintain the levees. Even his own father worked to maintain the levees. But George Bush abandoned ship. Work on maintaining the levees had been going on for four decades and it ground to a halt on Bush's watch. Like Cheney, he had "other priorities."

George Bush is solely responsible for cutting funds to the marrow and letting levee work grind to a halt last summer for the first time since 1968.

For most people, the rule is "you break it; you own it." Thanks to his dereliction of duty, for Bush the rule is clearly "You own it; you break it." Read More......

I'd like a straight answer about this protest on September 24

I've heard Cindy Sheehan is involved, but then again, I read posters in DC last night that made this thing sound like the "everything but the kitchen sink" coalition was running it. The poster, from A.N.S.W.E.R., said the protest was about ending US colonialism, or some such crap, in Haiti, Palestine, Cuba and beyond.

I for one will have nothing to do with a protest that is devoted to that kind of wingnut crap. I sincerely hope that ANSWER has nothing to do with the Sheehan protest, because if it does, I'm going to recommend folks don't go. Haiti? Are these people nuts?

So, anyone got the scoop on this? Is ANSWER just trying to hijack this thing or is this protest devoted to all these ridiculous causes? Read More......

CNN: Hattiesburg, MS Mayor Dupree just on

I just watched Hattiesburg, MS Mayor saying his people still have no water, ice, and other life sustaining supplies. Dupree just said that there are dozens of trucks of supplies standing waiting for some incompetent FEMA bureaucrat who won't release the trucks. I've seen Barbour on TV all day saying everything is going fine, great support from the Feds.

Add another to the stack of liars in the face of reality. These people have all got to go. Read More......

VIDEO: Tim Russert rips Homeland Security Secretary Chertoff - Chertoff said he didn't know levee collapsed until Tuesday morn, 24 hour after it did!

Oh man, Russert's first question for Chertoff was if he's "contemplating resignation."

Russert: Many Americans believe now is the time for accountability.

Russert: How would you grade yourself?

More excuses from Chertoff.

Russert: So no heads will roll?

Ooh, the second video is MUCH better than the first, Russert starts ripping into Chertoff right away regarding the "who could imagine the levee breaking" bullshit that Bush and Chertoff keep spinning.

Uh oh, Chertoff just said he's getting his news on the disaster from the newspapers and that the levee broke Tuesday or Monday night. I'm sorry, but the levee collapsed Monday morning and was hot on the wires at that time - so the head of the entire Department of Homeland Security didn't know the levees broke until 24 hours later and he's implying he gets his disaster news from the papers? Jesus Christ!

And I quote from the Times-Picayune:
A large section of the vital 17th Street Canal levee, where it connects to the brand new "hurricane proof" Old Hammond Highway bridge, gave way late Monday morning in Bucktown after Katrina's fiercest winds were well north. The breach sent a churning sea of water from Lake Pontchartrain coursing across Lakeview and into Mid-City, Carrollton, Gentilly, City Park and neighborhoods farther south and east.
So, either Chertoff is again a bald-faced liar, or he's an out of touch imbecile.

OOOOOOH, Russert just held up the page of the Dept of Homeland Security Web site that says they assume primary responsibility - you may have remembered seeing that page here and on other blogs. Yes!

Man, Chertoff is a dick. It's always about shifting blame, he is responsible for nothing. Nothing.

Russert just caught Chertoff lying again. AGAIN. At what point does the buck stop with this president? At what point does George Bush start acting like a man and start rolling some heads of these liars? People are dead because of these people and they're still lying to the American people.

See the video here, and as I said, video two is the good one.

Crooks and Liars has the video as well here. Read More......

CNN: Press Conference

I am SO SICK of watching these people masturbate themselves on TV when I just saw two Congressmen live saying that things are STILL slow, people STILL aren't getting water and food trapped in homes.


Watching Honoree babble there was just terrifying. Read More......

Top Corps Leader: Bush and Brown and Chertoff Are Liars

Chertoff is lying again and again on TV this morning with the ridiculous, indeed insulting lie that NO ONE could have anticipated a hurricane striking AND the levee breaking. Reporters should jump down their throats when they say it. He got off scott free on "Face The Nation," unfortunately, even though there are dozens of documented examples on this website alone not to mention simple common sense proving him wrong. No one anticipated a hurricane striking and the levee breaking at the same time? EVERYONE anticipated that. The latest proof Chertoff and Bush and Brown are lying, this from the LA Times:
Lt. Gen. Carl Strock, the [Army Corp of Engineers] commander, conceded Friday that the government had known the New Orleans levees could never withstand a hurricane higher than a Category 3. Corps officials shuddered, he said, when they realized that Katrina was barreling down on the Gulf Coast with the vastly greater destructive force of a Category 5 — the strongest type of hurricane. Washington, he said, had rolled the dice.
Read More......

Kuwait Gives $500 Million - Can we have the other $75.6 22.6 billion now?

Yahoo is featuring a Reuters story about Kuwait giving the US $500 million in "oil products":
Wealthy OPEC nation Kuwait is donating $500 million worth of oil products and other humanitarian aid to its ally the United States to ease the impact of Hurricane Katrina, state news agency KUNA reported on Sunday.
Sheikh Ahmad said the gesture was a duty toward a friend by the tiny Gulf Arab state which was liberated in 1991 by a U.S.-led multinational coalition from seven months of occupation by Iraq.
Tiny Kuwait controls nearly a tenth of global petroleum reserves.
Hey that's a nice gesture I thought. But that reference to the 1991 war to give Kuwatis back their country, just how much did that cost us?

From The Economist, the graphic here, shows the Gulf War cost the US $76.1 22.6 billion.

Kuwait controls one tenth of the world's oil and all they come up with is $500 million?

Mr. President, it's time for our nation to call in some debts. Now that Condoleezza is off her vacation, maybe she should hit the phones and get some of our bills paid.

UPDATE: I just saw on CNN that Condoleezza is out on tour, going to church in Alabama this morning and now going to look at the disaster. TURN ON A GOD DAMN TV AND YOU CAN SEE WHAT'S GOING ON - GET ON THE PHONE AND DO YOUR JOB.

NOTE FROM JOHN: Someone must have told her there was a shoe sale.

UPDATE 2: I've updated the numbers to reflect Randy's comments that other countries helped offset the cash costs to the US in the Gulf War. According to Wikipedia, other nations contributed $53 billion. Read More......

US Navy ship with food, water, doctors has been sitting off New Orleans for a week, no order to help

At what point will someone go up to Bush and yell at him that he's an abject failure and needs to resign? At what point does he stop screwing up during this disaster?

From the Chicago Tribune today:
While federal and state emergency planners scramble to get more military relief to Gulf Coast communities stricken by Hurricane Katrina, a massive naval goodwill station has been cruising offshore, underused and waiting for a larger role in the effort.

The USS Bataan, a 844-foot ship designed to dispatch Marines in amphibious assaults, has helicopters, doctors, hospital beds, food and water. It also can make its own water, up to 100,000 gallons a day. And it just happened to be in the Gulf of Mexico when Katrina came roaring ashore.

The Bataan rode out the storm and then followed it toward shore, awaiting relief orders. Helicopter pilots flying from its deck were some of the first to begin plucking stranded New Orleans residents.

But now the Bataan's hospital facilities, including six operating rooms and beds for 600 patients, are empty. A good share of its 1,200 sailors could also go ashore to help with the relief effort, but they haven't been asked. The Bataan has been in the stricken region the longest of any military unit, but federal authorities have yet to fully utilize the ship.

Captain ready, waiting

"Could we do more?" said Capt. Nora Tyson, commander of the Bataan. "Sure. I've got sailors who could be on the beach plucking through garbage or distributing water and food and stuff. But I can't force myself on people....

"I figured we would be a big help in New Orleans. We've got electricity, and the police could have charged up their radios. We've got water, toilets. We've got food."
Read More......

Times-Picayune calls for FEMA Director Michael Brown to be fired for his "bald-faced lies"

Times-Picayune, via Editor & Publisher:
Every official at the Federal Emergency Management Agency should be fired, Director Michael Brown especially.

In a nationally televised interview Thursday night, he said his agency hadn’t known until that day that thousands of storm victims were stranded at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center. He gave another nationally televised interview the next morning and said, "We’ve provided food to the people at the Convention Center so that they’ve gotten at least one, if not two meals, every single day."

Lies don’t get more bald-faced than that, Mr. President.

Yet, when you met with Mr. Brown Friday morning, you told him, "You’re doing a heck of a job."

That’s unbelievable.
Read More......

Hyatt hotels got food and supplies to their trapped employees and guests in New Orleans on Wednesday, when Bush couldn't do it until Fri/Sat

Hyatt got the food there Wednesday when Bush was still on vacation. Maybe we should appoint the head of Hyatt as president?
A convoy of food and supplies provided by Hyatt hotels in Atlanta and Houston arrived at Hyatt Regency New Orleans on Wednesday of this week.
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Bush failed by even his own standards

"Governor" Bush speaking about national disasters during the 2000 presidential debates:
BUSH: You know, as governor, one of the things you have to deal with is catastrophe. I can remember the fires that swept Parker County, Texas. I remember the floods that swept our state. I remember going down to Del Rio, Texas. I have to pay the administration a compliment. James Lee Witt of FEMA has done a really good job of working with governors during times of crisis. But that's the time when you're tested not only -- it's the time to test your metal, a time to test your heart when you see people whose lives have been turned upside down. It broke my heart to go to the flood scene in Del Rio where a fellow and his family got completely uprooted. The only thing I knew was to got aid as quickly as possible with state and federal help, and to put my arms around the man and his family and cry with them. That's what governors do. They are often on the front line of catastrophic situations.
Read More......

Aaron Broussard: Worst abandonment ever

Man, Aaron Broussard, the President of Jefferson Parish just spoke on Meet the Press. He actually broke down and it's no wonder after you hear what he has been through....he was on after Michael Chertoff who STILL maintains he was surprised by the levee breaking.

Think Progress already has the transcript of Broussard's remarks:
We have been abandoned by our own country. Hurricane Katrina will go down in history as one of the worst storms ever to hit an American coast. But the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina will go down as one of the worst abandonments of Americans on American soil ever in U.S. history. … Whoever is at the top of this totem pole, that totem pole needs to be chainsawed off and we’ve got to start with some new leadership. It’s not just Katrina that caused all these deaths in New Orleans here. Bureaucracy has committed murder here in the greater New Orleans area and bureaucracy has to stand trial before Congress now.
It was intense to watch, especially after the obfuscating by Chertoff. Wait til you read about his battles with FEMA.

Broussard and his colleagues are some of the local officials that Bush and the White House are blaming for their own failures. Karl Rove will start smearing him soon now. Read More......

Now IS The Time to Ask Why Everything Got Screwed Up

I just watched Chertoff say he wasn't going to take a moment to explain himself while people still needed help. What a disingenuous lie from Chertoff. His boss cared more about VJ day than drowning Americans, so sorry Chertoff, your indignation about being asked if you know how to do your job falls on deaf ears.

It is entirely appropriate for the media to ask these kinds of questions. Why? Because it is the responsibility of the media and others to ask why they screwed up so desperately to make sure that our incompetent President isn't allowed to continue to let his cronies screw things up. We, as a nation, need to ask the tough questions or we're going to see a duplication of Iraq right here in our own nation.

Halliburton's KBR already has a contract to do work caused by the disaster. Time and again Bush has chosen to enrich his cronies over doing the job that the President is employed by the American people to do.

This Presidency is awash in corruption and cronyism. The media is not only right to ask questions and demand answers, it has a responsibility.

UPDATE: Jake in the comments raised a good point. If Chertoff won't spend one second answering what went wrong, why is he hitting Meet the Press and holding so many press conferences. Lying spin machines when we need leaders. Read More......

Rehnquist Fallout

Talk shows were ruminating about the fallout over the death of Rehnquist. First question is whether the Roberts hearings will be postponed. There is a school of thought that Bush could just appoint Roberts as the Chief and ask O'Connor to stay on. Either way, there will be a couple of nominations from the President.

Whatever happens, Bush did an address saying he would act quickly.

Elections do matter. George Bush is now shaping the Supreme Court. The right to privacy and many other critical rights will be on the chopping block. Read More......

The White House totally screwed up and their only strategy is to blame everyone else

The Washington Post has two major front page articles today, which, when intertwined reveal just how completely inept, incompetent, ruthless and despicable George Bush and his administration are.

In the first piece, "Many Evacuated, but Thousands Still Waiting: White House Shifts Blame to State and Local Officials," we learn that instead of solving problems, the sociopaths at the Bush White House are now smearing state and local officials in Louisiana. They are really almost unbelievable. Using their bully pulpit not to help, but to shift blame:
Bush, who has been criticized, even by supporters, for the delayed response to the disaster, used his weekly radio address to put responsibility for the failure on lower levels of government. The magnitude of the crisis "has created tremendous problems that have strained state and local capabilities," he said. "The result is that many of our citizens simply are not getting the help they need, especially in New Orleans. And that is unacceptable."
The second article, which John highlighted in his post below, is a must read. It explains why the White House is smearing and blaming (basically the only skills the Bush people have.) They totally screwed up and this time it's documented. "Storm Exposed Disarray at the Top" reveals just how incompetent and inept they are:
Despite four years and tens of billions of dollars spent preparing for the worst, the federal government was not ready when it came at daybreak on Monday, according to interviews with more than a dozen current and former senior officials and outside experts.

Among the flaws they cited: Failure to take the storm seriously before it hit and trigger the government's highest level of response. Rebuffed offers of aid from the military, states and cities. An unfinished new plan meant to guide disaster response. And a slow bureaucracy that waited until late Tuesday to declare the catastrophe "an incident of national significance," the new federal term meant to set off the broadest possible relief effort.
They should add the fact that the President stayed on vacation and was traveling around to California and Arizona for political events while the storm was killing people. But, what makes this practically criminal is that the Bush Administration KNEW what could happen if a major hurricane struck New Orleans:
Indeed, the warnings about New Orleans's vulnerability to post-hurricane flooding repeatedly circulated at the upper levels of the new bureaucracy, which had absorbed the old lead agency for disasters, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, among its two dozen fiefdoms. "Beyond terrorism, this was the one event I was most concerned with always," said Joe M. Allbaugh, the former Bush campaign manager who served as his first FEMA head.
And, FEMA itself says it's their job to protect us from these kinds of events.

So they were unprepared for their first homeland security test. Remember, the Department of Homeland Security is a Bush creation. They built and staffed it. They own it. But think about this. That little White House Brain Trust of Bush, Cheney, Rove and Bartlett -- who screwed over hundreds of thousands of Americans citizens last week and allowed thousands of their constituents to die -- put their heads together and their strategy is to blame the state and local folks.

George Bush is not up to the job of being President. He cannot keep Americans safe. Anyone who voted for him last November because of national security was duped. In fact, they are much less safe. A lot of Americans are dying because he is the President. Before last week, they were dying in Iraq. Now, they are dying at home.

Bush is not worthy of leading our nation. Read More......

Sunday Morning Open Thread

So much to discuss. Take it away. Read More......

Why does Frist hate America and the president?

Doesn't he know that this is no time to criticize? People are busy wrapping themselves in the flag for immunity so to criticize is so completely un-American. I may not like the guy and while I may have issues with his medical senses (his Schiavo diagnosis) at least he is there getting a first hand experience with everything that has gone wrong.
"No coordination with how many people will be coming in the door 10 minutes later," he told The Associated Press. "That's sort of the most disappointing thing. It's probably the greatest failure."

"Given the escalation of catastrophe that occurred over the first three days, absolutely I would have liked to see the federal government respond quicker, more rapidly, with better command and control centers and much improved communication," Frist said.
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Refugees, evacuees or survivors?

Congressman Elijah Cummings of Maryland raised a good point on Friday about calling the people refugees and all of the negative connotations that come with that word. For the most part I agree with him but it's hard to call the people who were held up in town and unable to evacuate, evacuees because they were abandoned by the country, left to fend for themselves in a way that the so-called compassionate GOP seems to love so much and talk about.

Al Sharpton yesterday blasted the media for using the word "refugees" and encouraged them instead to use the word "survivors" and he's right. Over the years, Sharpton has really grown on me and his contributions to our societal debates have been great. He's a very human guy and after watching the "perfectness" of Bush and others in politics these days who are just too perfect and not very human at all, he's refreshing to listen to.
"They are not refugees. They are citizens of the United States. They are citizens of Louisiana and Mississippi, tax-paying citizens," he said. "They are not refugees wandering somewhere looking for charity. They are victims of neglect and a situation they should have never been put in in the first place."
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Inland Katrina victims still waiting for food and water

FEMA seems to need a solid kick in the ass to get it moving to do much of anything these days so maybe the inland survivors of Katrina might - maybe - start getting help as well. Any normal person would assume that after 6 days, FEMA would have been able to at least be able to have a quick drop-off across the area but then again, most normal people would have assumed that we could have mobilized for the NOLA region days faster than actually happened.

Valid points are made below about Bush's ability to choose his team members and go with "loyalty" or ideology over competence time and time again as we are seeing with the Arabian Horse Association guy stumble, bumble and do next to nothing to save the dying while Bush slaps him on the back and tells him "Brownie, you're doin' a heck of a job."

So who do you want deciding your fate in the coming years? The next time something serious happens - and remember we often hear that there will be another attack, it can't be prevented - who are you going to trust? Read More......

Washington Post article concludes that Bush pretty much destroyed FEMA

It's a long article and a must-read. I suspect one of the boys will summarize it in the morning. It's from Sunday's Washington Post and is incredibly damning.

In a nutshell, Bush destroyed FEMA. FEMA and others have been worried for a long time about a looming disaster in New Orleans, but the administration gave those concerns short shrift. Even Bush's former head of FEMA admits that what happened to New Orleans was the one big event other than a terrorist attack that always worried him. Then why is that the new head of FEMA and Bush and Homeland Security now claim they never expected this to happen?

Because they're liars, and because Bush is inept and nothing more than a figurehead. And because of their lies, and because of Bush's total unfitness for any job other than serving as ceremonial queen, people died.

At least Bill Clinton never killed anybody.

Nor did Bill Clinton go on vacation in the middle of one of the largest disasters in American history. Never forget that fact. No matter what lies the White House and FEMA and the Dept of Homeland Security spew, all we need do is respond with one simple truth: George Bush went on vacation while he knew Americans were dying and an entire American city was being wiped off the face of the planet.

This man has lost any right to be our president.

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Open thread

To follow up on Rob's post, George Bush has shown he's not presidential and he doesn't have what it takes to rule this country or keep its citizens safe. I can't think of a better time for him to get another Supreme Court nomination. Good luck getting some nutjob confirmed. Of course, that assumes the Democrats actually find a spine.

Okay, that made me laugh. Read More......

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