Corporate Campaign Fundraising Picks Up Speed
39 minutes ago
Citing statistical and eyewitness evidence of significant machine malfunctions sufficient to call into doubt the result of the election for Florida Congressional District 13, the Christine Jennings campaign today officially contested the election in Circuit Court. The complaint specifically requests the judge to order a new election “to ensure that the will of the people of the Thirteenth District is respected, and to restore the confidence of the electorate, which has been badly fractured by this machine-induced debacle.”Enough. Until they can make these machines tamper proof, we no longer accept any questionable elections. Read More......
More than 17,000 undervotes (15%) were recorded on Sarasota County’s electronic voting machines, a rate nearly 6 times higher than the undervote rate in the other District 13 counties or in Sarasota’s paper absentee ballots. Jennings won Sarasota County by a 53% - 47% margin, while losing the district-wide manual recount by 369 votes.
Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney (R) said Sunday that he will ask the state's highest court this week to order a ballot question on same-sex marriage if legislators fail to vote on the matter when they reconvene in January.Gay bashing is so 2004. It back-fired this year. But, if Mitt wants to publicize his obsession with homosexuality, so be it. Read More......
Romney said he will ask a justice of the state's Supreme Judicial Court to direct the secretary of state to place the question on the ballot if lawmakers do not vote directly on the question Jan. 2, the final day of the current session. Romney's term as governor expires Jan. 4.
The legislature is in recess and, because it did not adjourn, Romney has no legal authority to call legislators back into session.
Romney, an opponent of same-sex marriage, made his announcement to the cheers of hundreds of same-sex-marriage opponents at a rally on the Statehouse steps. A counter-protest was held across the street.
Bush was asked about proposals by some members of Congress, including 2008 presidential hopeful John McCain, to send more troops to Iraq in an effort to stabilize the country.Hasn't made any decisions because he doesn't have a plan. Waiting to hear from a variety of sources? No one's told him anything for the past couple years? The guy is almost unbelievable. Very cavalier about a war that is killing U.S. soldiers and causing the deaths of hundreds of Iraqis almost every day. Read More......
"I haven't made any decisions about troop increases or troop decreases, and won't until I hear from a variety of sources," Bush replied.
It took six years to get federal worker safety officials to issue warnings to auto mechanics that the brakes they're working on could contain lethal asbestos fibers. But it took only three weeks after the warnings were posted before a former top federal official with ties to the auto industry reportedly pushed to have them removed.Read More......
John Henshaw, a former head of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, called Aug. 15 for the agency to make changes to its warnings, according to documents obtained by The Sun.
But Ira Wainless, an OSHA scientist who wrote the advisory bulletin about asbestos in brakes, refused, according to agency documents. Wainless cited dozens of studies, including work at his own agency, to show that his presentation of the medical risk to mechanics was solid.
Last week, David Ippolito, an official with OSHA's Directorate of Science, Technology and Medicine, told Wainless that he would be suspended without pay for 10 days if the changes weren't made, according to documents.
With Connecticut for Lieberman having achieved its victory earlier this month, Orman made his move. He contacted the secretary of the state, learned the new minor party had no registered members, then visited the registrar in Trumbull, where he lives, to switch from a Democrat to a Connecticut for Lieberman-ite.Read More......
"Then I went home and called a meeting of all registered Connecticut for Lieberman members to reflect on our party's victory in the U.S. Senate race (and) organize and submit rules to the secretary of the state," Orman said.
He nominated himself chairman, seconded the nomination, cast his vote for himself and proceeded to establish party rules.
Orman said the "party" is upset that Lieberman has abandoned it and says he is an "Independent Democrat."
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