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Sunday, August 01, 2010
Dead, Night

What VA said.

Saturday, July 31, 2010
This Looks Like A Job For The Catfood Commission

Unemployed older (and younger) works are cashing out their 401K plans and other retirement savings. Time to raise the retirement age!

Afternoon Thread



Chris Hayes:

(via dday)

Lunch Thread

Decent day in the urban hellhole.

After All These Years

Any crazy right wing shit, even hateful bigoted stuff, is taken seriously by our elite media.


If you name the problem, the press starts calling it a 'filibuster' again.


It is painful to see how obviously good and popular public policy (borrow cheaply, hire unemployed people, invest in physical capital) can be so difficult to implement. It is even more painful to see obviously bad and unpopular public policy ( endless counterproductive wars, bankster bonuses, carbon subsidies) continue through what seems to be a combination of graft and inertia.

When it is Democrats who are doing this it is confusing!

Eventually you have to consider the possibility that we are living under the policy regime the controlling factions of the Democratic party prefer.

Friday, July 30, 2010
Bless the Tea Party for Their Profound Contribution to Our National Conversation on Race

Kevin K found this at a very special place on the Internets.

Friday Night's Alright


Happy Hour Thread


The Unicorns Are Coming

10-year Treasury at 2.91%.

If We Cared About The Women And Children Of The World

It would be far better to spend $100 billion per year granting them political asylum and paying for their transport and relocation to the US than invading their countries and caressing them with our freedom bombs.

Or you could come up thousands of other ways to spend $100 billion all of which would be almost infinitely better than invading their countries and caressing them with our freedom bombs if we cared about the women and children of the world.

So when an asshole like Rick Stengel suggests we must stay in Afghanistan otherwise more girls will be mutilated even though we're currently in Afghanistan and poor girls are still being tragically mutilated, I don't think that's the real reason he thinks we should be there.

The Fortunes Of Democrats

To make an obvious point, the fortunes of Democrats will depend almost entirely on the fact that 9.5% unemployment sucks, people took a tremendous wealth hit due to the housing bubble, and foreclosures are continuing apace. People can have differing opinions on just how much this is the administration's and Democrats' fault, but most voters don't really care.

Everything Liberal Activists Do Is Wrong And Destructive

That's the message I've been hearing from the Very Serious People ever since I started paying attention. I don't know the best way to get more liberal policies and more liberal people in office, but I also don't think the fortunes of Obama and Democrats depend much on how loudly I clap. More than that, if the volume of my clapping is that important then people should be spending a bit more time and money ensuring that I've got an adequate supply of hand lotion to keep my hands in peak clapping form.

Maybe Somebody Should Do Something

If things go well, the economy will be back to pre-recession levels in the 2nd half of 2011. No wonder there is so little investment. And no wonder there is so little hiring!

Things are worse than was predicted and have been worse than we thought. I get that the administration is constrained by a Senate which can't even pass a crappy jobs bill filled with tax breaks which won't do much, but they could have done something with HAMP both to help people and to help the broader economy. And they didn't.

Shorter ADL

Since the existence of Muslims might hurt some bigots' fee fees, they should just go away.

Morning Thread

Busy with some stuff.

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Drinking Liberally