Corporate Campaign Fundraising Picks Up Speed
2 hours ago
"The Disney/ABC television program, The Path to 9/11, which began airing last night, is inaccurate and irresponsible in its portrayal of the airport check-in events that occurred on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001.Strong stuff. It was all fun and games for the right wingers and the media when they thought it was just the Clinton team that was portrayed badly in the ABC/Disney movie. This is now a clash of two business titans. Maybe in some parts of American culture, facts do matter after all.
"A factual description of those events can be found in the official government edition of the 9/11 Commission Report and supporting documents.
"This misrepresentation of facts dishonors the memory of innocent American Airlines employees and all those who lost their lives as a result of the tragic events of 9/11."
The White House would like you to believe President Bush is putting politics aside as he leads the nation in remembrance of the September 11 terrorist attacks of five years ago.Froomkin is right. It's all political. Most of the media are fawning over Bush's disgusting. They're playing right in to his (and Rove's) hands. As Froomkin points out, what Bush isn't saying is key. He's laying out their game-plan for the next eight weeks. Exploiting "September the 11th" (as Bush calls it, count how many times he says it during the speech) is the GOP campaign plan:
But it's not true.
What's also telling, as usual, is what Bush didn't say yesterday, and doesn't say, period.Bush needs Americans to be afraid because it's the only way the Republicans can win.
He doesn't say we won't allow ourselves to be terrorized, and we won't be afraid. (That would run counter to the central Republican game plan for the mid-term election.) He doesn't say that in our zeal to fight the terrorists, we won't give up the qualities that make America great. He acknowledges no mistakes, he calls for no sacrifice, he refuses to reach out to those who disagree with him.
Mr. xxxxxx,Read More......
I think it is important for you to know that ABC had factual errors in
its dramatization, and we are looking at possible legal actions as a
result. According to the 9-11 Commission report, it was not American
Airlines, nor was it even the right airport that was depicted. In
reality, it was another airline, flying out of Maine. Please know this
was a tragic incident in our company's history and we hope you will be
sympathetic to our employees and our airline on this day especially.
Again, we are outraged by this situation, and we alerted ABC about its
gross error. It is very unfortunate.
Roger Frizzell
Vice President, Corporate Communications & Advertising
American Airlines
In a year when Democrats hope to take control of the House of Representatives, New York would appear to be fertile ground for toppling Republican incumbents. Democrats have a statewide edge in enrollment, and a popular incumbent, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, is at the top of the party’s ticket.We need more than one victory in NY....if the DCCC doesn't have the resources to pour in to that state, it's incumbent on the top of the NY Democratic ticket -- Eliot Spitzer and Hillary Clinton -- to make it happen. Both of them are going to win big. Hopefully, they are setting up a get-out-the-vote operation that will benefit Democratic House candidates. Picking up the State Senate would help, too, so NY can re-district the congressional seats to make sure the state's congressional delegation is as Democratic as the state is.
In fact, just a few months ago, Democrats envisioned significant gains in New York, perhaps picking up as many as four seats, possibly even five. But that goal now seems increasingly remote, and there is an emerging consensus among political analysts that the party’s best chance for capturing a Republican seat is the battle to succeed Representative Sherwood L. Boehlert, one of the most liberal Republicans in Congress, who is retiring.
At the same time, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee plans to spend roughly $50 million on advertisements for races around the country, according to Republican estimates. But none of that money has been set aside for New York races, except for Mr. Boehlert’s seat in the 24th District in the Utica area, according to Democrats involved in the races.
The shifting local fortunes for Democrats could have serious political implications beyond New York. The party needs 15 seats to take control of the House. Even one victory in New York would be an important step toward that goal, giving the Democrats a cushion if they lose elsewhere in the nation.
"They can't beat us in a stand-up fight -- they never have -- but they're absolutely convinced they can break our will, [that] the American people don't have the stomach for the fight," Cheney said on NBC's "Meet the Press."Cheney also continued with his fantasy about Saddam and al Qaida even though the GOP Senate report proves that the assertion is a lie. In the face of the truth, we can always count on Cheney to stay the course, no matter how many facts get in the way. Fortunately, the American public sees things differently. Read More......
The vice president said U.S. allies in Afghanistan and Iraq "have doubts" the United States will finish the job there. "And those doubts are encouraged, obviously, when they see the kind of debate that we've had in the United States," he said. "Suggestions, for example, that we should withdraw U.S. forces from Iraq simply feed into that whole notion, validates the strategy of the terrorists."
The Mason-Dixon Polling & Research Inc. found 46 percent of those interviewed supported Allen in his bid for a second term and 42 percent backed Webb. Twelve percent were undecided.Read More......
Because the margin of error for the poll is plus or minus 4 percentage points, the race could be seen as about even.
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