Joe was watching CNN yesterday and saw CNN's John King promoting the special report he's done on McCain called "McCain Revealed." King (who we've heard really likes McCain personally, and let's his opinion be known) said, "Among the surprises, we talked to some Democrats about McCain's reputation for having a big temper." Those Democrats are Democratic Senator Feingold and former Democratic Senate Leader Tom Daschle.
King said, while both of them want Obama to win and think he would be a far better president, "both also say they think Democrats who say McCain is too volatile, too temperamental, are just wrong. And, that they think, if he wins the election... they don't want that... but these two leading Democrats say, if he wins the election, they'd be happy to work with him. They actually think he'd make a pretty good president."
That's nice. On the same day the DNC is sending out messages criticizing McCain's volatile temper,
Daschle and Feingold totally undercut that very argument. Not to mention, it's one of our strongest arguments against McCain, and Daschle and Feingold are busy whoring for jobs in the next McCain administration.
KING (voice-over): Daschle describes McCain as emotional, visceral, yet distances himself from Democrats who say McCain is too volatile.
DASCHLE: I'm not saying I'm right. All I'm saying is I don't view it as a -- as a problem.
SEN. RUSS FEINGOLD (D), WISCONSIN: I'm for Barack Obama for president. And I think he has a perfect temperament to be president of the United States. But even though I feel strongly about that, I can't sit here and say that John McCain doesn't have the temperament to be the president of the United States. I frankly think he does. And I think he'd be a good president....
KING (voice-over): Maverick was the label more and more attached to McCain. And he liked it.
FEINGOLD: I think he's essentially an Independent who wants to call them as he sees them. I think modus operandi is to say here's a problem, what can we do to fix it?
It's time that Senators Daschle and Feingold were told to STFU or pay a serious price for supporting the enemy. Daschle screwed up, maybe he was tired, but Feingold - good God, why don't you just get on stage alongside Joe Lieberman at the GOP convention, if you like McCain so much, Senator.
The Republicans wouldn't tolerate this kind of crap from their own, and
this is the second time Feingold has pulled this stunt in as many weeks. Daschle should be told that no more pro-McCain statements will be tolerated, and Feingold - the man who brought us Attorney General Ashcroft, the man who talks progressive but never really actually does anything - should be told that if he opens his big mouth one more time he should kiss his committee assignments good bye.
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