Open Thread

Love that Red State Update. (Not work safe.) h/t Heather. Open thread below....

UPDATE: John Amato:

Peter Frampton and his son Julian will be joining us for a Special Live Chat on C&L's LNMC starting at 3PM PST Wednesday. I hope you can make it.

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Are House ethics complaints racially charged?

The Washington Post's Eugene Robinson discusses the eight ethics investigations in the House of Representatives.

A Game as Old As Empire.,859...

It's a proposition to exempt Missouri from Obama care. Carried by around 75%. Republican turnout was around 2/3rds of voters, where Democrat turnout was 1/3rd.

Looks like many Democrats are happy to sit out the vote and let the Tea Party set the agenda.

You can thank Rahmabama and the DLC for that.

Those idiots took a popular mandate against corporate fascism, and sold us over to the very same corporate fascists, before they even finished counting all the votes in '08.

This is why I loathe Obama more than Bush! After Howard Dean was on the verge of bringing back the people's democratic party that FDR created, this no good SOB fired all the real democrats, and put all the DLC repuke-lites in charge.

Now, were back in 1994 territory, thanks to the same DLC goper-wannabees.

You gotta hand it to the corporate fascist powers though. They managed to get one of about eight black republicans in the entire country elected president - as a democrat. Man, these guys are good!

... think that the successor movement (Tea party) to the Jerry Farwell/Pat Robertson movement is the answer.

I think that Obama has spent entirely too much time pandering in the name of bipartisanship to the Republican, who will never accept him, while ignoring the progressives who put him over the top.

boils up to the top.

Good one Tax the Rich.

Here in Virginia, BEFORE the fed's Health Care Reform bill was signed into law, the legislature, with strong bipartisan support, passed a law exempting all Virginians from being forced by the Federal Government to buy health care insurance.

Talk about foresight!

I expect Commerce Clause challenges to the state actions.

I do think the idea of imposing fines for not purchasing insurance, as opposed to a general tax hike and the issuance of tax credits put the health legislation into uncharted waters.

Nobody is challenging the $8000 tax credit for new home buyers, for example.

The one thing I noticed left out of the debate is, if there is not universal coverage, there can be no level premiums for pre existing conditions, for the same reason a car insurer doesn't cover an accident, if coverage is purchased after the accident. The insurance needs to be bought before the illness/accident.

Despite the failings, it seemed to me that Obama-care addressed pre-existing conditions, and the slew of medical bankruptcies.

Obama-care would also provide financial assistance depending on income, so in times of unemployment, people wouldn't be without health insurance.

It seems Americans have a knack for shooting themselves in the foot, which persuaded me to relocate and lock in retirement health.

You have the right, using threatened and actual government violence, to force everyone into participation with a health care scheme, but neocons don't have the right, you say, to force you into participation with their war schemes. Why? Your arguments are identical. You're both protecting the general public from a threat, right? In both instances there's a crisis to be addressed and the respective fascists are offering solutions. It's all for the public's own good, and if you guys have to force them to fund it and take part in it at gunpoint, it's okay, because you know what's best!

I'm pretty sure you're both full of shit.

Funny how one enforces health and the other enforces death.

The choice is perfectly clear.
even with your repeated attempts to fog the issues.

Understand the logic of the statement. One *claims* to enforce health, the other *claims* to enforce safety and security. Just depends on who's making the pitch and who's listening. But, just in terms of our basic rights, if we want to respect that, we have to acknowledge that neither the deceitful neocon, nor the historically illiterate quasi-socialist progressive, has the right to *force* others to participate in their supposed solutions.

you could find empirical evidence that the first will effect beneficial changes in the health of many citizens while the second was sociopathic B.S. Other than that.....

... who don't pay in, and then expect the public to pay for their health crisis if/when it arises.

Myself, If I had designed the payment scheme, I would have hiked taxes generally and allowed tax credits for those who had insurance. Maybe that would be the new individual deduction.

I believe the fine for not having health insurance is much less than the cost of a policy, and attempts to negate the freeloader effect of the non-participants.

Of course, the other way to deal with it is for the ambulance to take the non-insured/non-medicaid individual to the dump instead of the hospital, because, once this kicks in, everyone who wants to participate will be covered, with government picking up the costs of the premiums for the low income people.

...the vote doesn't really matter. The issue of states' rights is going to be decided in the courts anyway.

Now if your worried about the primaries, well, the the GOP actually has a lot of races pitting teabaggers against incumbents. The Democrats have nothing similar to that, at least not on a national scale.

I voted on exactly one thing today- the gubernatorial race here in MI. I voted for Bernero...And I won't turn on the tv, because the corporate Dem running against him, Andy Dillon, had a pretty commanding lead in the race.

Bernero WON!

Guess old Andy the corporate dem gop wannabee, found out that the people didn't vote overwhelmingly in 2008 for democrats, just so that they could implement the same atrocious republican policies!

They need to dump this jacka** from his Speaker-ship also. What part of "the people hate republicans and their policies" did these guys not get from the last two elections?

Now, we need to get rid of Obama in the 2012 primaries. He can spend the rest of his years thanking Rahm for making him the most tone-deaf idiot to ever be handed the reigns of power in history.

but I think the vote for Prop. C was to have the issue placed on the ballot for November.

... which shows that if Dems don't want to speak for themselves, the Tea Party will be only too happy to speak for them. The results roughly paralleled the turnout ratio between Democrats and Republicans.

That is all.

Is that Jackie's partner's name?

Don't know if it's his first or last name, though. Perhaps he's only got the one.

Now if I could only remember which actor is Travis and which is Jonathan...

is just a pigment of your imagination!

a military attack on Iran (either by the U.S., Israel or both):

An equally likely event, The Rapture, is scheduled for the same time.

I sort of see what you're complaining about, as I keep wondering why, if Helen Thomas had to go, it's ok for Beck to stay. Post-traumatized dogs? Prop. 8 judicial decision soon. Another Palindrone success story. So the only problem Mo. voters seem to have with Obamacare is the mandatory clause. Rolling Stone writer denied war coverage. Another shooting rampage. The Senate doesn't care about oil spill liabilities. War on Drugs claimed 28,000 lives in Mexico alone since 2006. Repugs don't care about the tired, poor, huddled masses.

...story, I'm amazed at the number of comments from people who believe the reporter should be shot (or worse) for treason.

What the hell's wrong with this country?

Let me guess. The leaks incriminate somebody and the reThuglicans
are yapping and growling to wag the dog.
Is that about it.
corrupt military
reThuglicans get outraged to change the subject.

So, back to the information in those leaks...

So the DeMint-backed guy beat the Palin-backed guy in the race for the "How Batshit Crazy Can Kansas Get" sweepstakes...

Not sure what that says.

I think you already said it. that the Banana Republicans will be running Jim DeMint for president in 2012.

Anyone they pick for 2012 is batshit crazy. Do a quick mental review of the potential characters Hard to decide which is worse or worst. They all suck really really bad (not just a little).

4 president
it's like chainey with a smile.
as NYC mayor, he quadrupled his net worth. Imagine what he can do with the treasury at his disposal.

They're not racist.

They just hate anybody who's not white, baptist, and murkin'.

Excellent! Thanks.

Isn't these guys' whole act a type of racism? Aren't they making fun of the so-called 'Appalachian American'?

So that's "white on white" racism...Hmmmm....Appalacism?

Does the Pope crap in the woods?

No, but he probably shits in there.


How do teabaggers get blackballed?

Now what am I going to do with the camo dress I bought to wear to the Johnston/Palin wedding?

She can wear it to go huntin in.

Tropical Storm Colin get's downgraded. Forecast have this disturbance going up the eastern seaboard.Possibly landing on NC or Virginia.
Disturbance is forecast to be mild, with winds below 50 mph.
But, this disturbance is still way out. And has plenty of time to change .


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