Friday, July 30, 2010

Today on the Signorile Show

Antigay Minnesota gubernatorial candidate Tim Emmer says that Target giving him money is "free speech." Then it's it free speech for us to say no more money to Target? We'll go through the latest in the controversy that has a full-blown boycott of both Target and Best Buy underway in the wake of the Supreme Court decision allowing corporations to give unlimited sums to candidates.

Congressman Charlie Rangel will go to trial on 13 ethics violations, just as Democrats are heading into the mid-terms. What does it all mean? We'll go through it.

Protests have continued over Arizona's immigration law in the wake of the judge blocking the most odious parts of it

Guest / 3:30pm EST - We're all aware of it. Chances are you are signed into it right now-- posting status updates, "Like"ing a friends link, or tagging friends in pictures from a recent party. That's right, I'm talking about Facebook. David Kirkpatrick, author of The Facebook Effect: The Inside Story of the Company That Is Connecting The World, joins us to talk about how Facebook has gone from dorm room novelty to a network with 500 million users.

/ 4:30pm EST - Newly outed / out gay California Republican State Senator Roy Ashburn joins us this afternoon to talk about his time serving in the closet and the apology he has extended to the LGBT community for his actions in while in office.

Defense Secretary Gates has
lashed out at Wikileaks following the leak of 90,000 documents about the war in Afghanistan. This as civil rights and anti-war advocates are praising Wilileaks for dissemination the truth.

The National Organization for Marriage continued its antigay "one man, one woman" marriage tour, and continued it's idiotic propoganda campaign portraying the group's supporters as victims. We'll get to the story.

Why did Ellen exit American Idol?

It's Friday, so we'll be giving away our "Angel, Turkey, Gassie, and Climax of the Week!" Chime in on Facebook!

These stories and so much more, today on The Michelangelo Signorile Show!

And, don't forget, you can follow me on Twitter and Facebook!

Listen to The Michelangelo Signorile Show weekdays live from 2-6 pm ET on Sirius XM's OutQ: Sirius 109, XM 98 and on the Sirius XM iPhone app. Not a subscriber? Not a problem! Listen online any time with a free seven-day pass or, if you have an iPhone or Blackberry, go to the app store and download Sirius XM for free, for a 7-day trial, and listen on your phone.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Today on the Signorile Show

It's been 100 days since the initial BP Deep Horizon disaster and two weeks since BP was able to cap off the catastrophic gusher in the Gulf. Now, there are questions from cleanup crews in the Gulf, claiming that they aren't gathering as much oil as they had when the oil was still gushing. Where has the oil gone? And with the media coverage dwindling down, how do we keep focus on reform? Joining me at 4:30pm EST, Lisa Margonelli, director of the Energy Policy Initiative with the New America Foundation, to discuss where the oil is and policy changes in the wake of the capping.

The ruling on the Arizona immigration law blocking the racial profiling provisions is a warning to other states. We'll continue the discussion today.

Congress is not only re-thinking its ban on Internet gambling, but, strapped for revenue, lawmakers are talking about taxing Internet gambling. Should the government be making money off of people taking risks with their cash in the middle of economic hard times?

Guest / 3:30pm EST - We've seen a lot of inadequate oversight and lack of safety procedures in industries like banking and oil. But while they have been the main focus in the main stream, the lack of oversite doesn't just apply to them. Kenneth King joins me afternoon to talk about his new book, Germs Gone Wild: How Unchecked Development of Domestic Biodefense Threatens America, in which he uncovers the culture of deception surrounding hundreds of biosefense labs that have opened since 9/11.

Think it's hot? It's only the beginning. A new Stanford study says that
heat waves and extreme hot temperatures will be commonplace by 2039.

The Vatican Closet: The latest in their hypocrisy: The Vicar of Rome has ordered gay priests to leave town, after a magazine revealed three to have been --gasp! -- engaging in sex acts. We'll get into the details.

We'll catch up and read some listener surveys on the show this afternoon, be sure to take it if you haven't!

This and so much more, today on The Michelangelo Signorile Show!

And, don't forget, you can follow me on Twitter and Facebook!

Listen to The Michelangelo Signorile Show weekdays live from 2-6 pm ET on Sirius XM's OutQ: Sirius 109, XM 98 and on the Sirius XM iPhone app. Not a subscriber? Not a problem! Listen online any time with a free seven-day pass or, if you have an iPhone or Blackberry, go to the app store and download Sirius XM for free, for a 7-day trial, and listen on your phone.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Today on the Signorile Show

The direct action group Get Equal staged a protest in the U.S. Capitol rotunda today. We'll get into the facts and the issues.

A judge this afternoon blocked the Arizona immigration law's racial profiling provision from going into effect. What does it mean? We'll go through it.

Officials say the oil is vanishing from the top of the water
in the Gulf, which is being seen as good news. But using ultraviolet light some are finding oil is glowing everywhere, broken into particles and under the ground as well.

Only 10% of the 400,000 servicemembers the Pentagon
has sent a survey on "don't ask, don't tell" repeal have taken the survey. What kind of cross section are they getting? Can this even be remotely reliable? We'll get into it.

Guest / 3:30pm EST
- The Log Cabin Republican's had brought a suit before the US District Court in Riverside, CA, challenging the constitutionality of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy. The trial wrapped up last week, as we await a decision from waiting from Judge Virginia Phillips. Dan Woods, the lawyer for the LCR, joins us today to discuss the case.

Guest / 4:30pm EST -
Earlier this week, news broke that Target, one of the biggest retailers in the US, had donated money to a Minnesota Republican group, which is funding TV ads for anti-gay gubernatorial candidate Rep. Tom Emmer. Joining us today, Randi Reitan, a mother of a gay man who had recently shot a video returning her purchases in an effort to boycott Target.

The National Organization for Marriage "one man, one woman"
Summer of Marriage Tour continues to be a complete disaster, with the highest turnout to date of counter protesters in Madison, WI yesterday. And of course, the hatemongers are out in volume if not in numbers.

And that airplane turbulence discussion we didn't get into yesterday,
as I relay the story of my flight from hell from Netroots Nation in Vegas and take your calls on your own scary experiences!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Today on the Signorile Show

At a rally in Indianapolis, a supporter of the National Organization for Marriage called for murdering gays as "Solution to Gay Marriage." Now NOM is being told to condemn this call, buy has yet to say a word.

The leaked war documents now present a challenge for the White House, which should have thought about this before pushing deeper into the war in Afghanistan.

Should police have the right to bar you from taking pictures in the name of national security? We'll pose the question and take your calls.

/ 3:30pm EST - Cocaine has been one of the biggest black market industries for years. The US government spends millions to combat the problem, but some say this is a waste of time and money. Tom Feiling joins us this afternoon to talk about his book Cocaine Nation: How The White Trade Took Over The World and how a legal market could and should be created. We don't have to point out that he is the center of much controversy for this position.

Guest / 4:30pm EST - Paul Yandura, former Clinton White House aide and Democratic Strategist, joins us this afternoon to recap the Netroots Nation convention and discuss where we are with the Obama administration and Democrats in the White House.

A bar in Maine is being told that waiters must keep their shirts, citing health issues. The owner is saying homophobia is the motivation. Should the waiters be able to go topless?

And more interviews -- and interesting stories -- from our trip to Vegas for Netroots Nation, including my losing my keys and almost having a national security incident! Oh and that airplane turbulence. You'll call in with your stories too.

And, don't forget, you can follow me on Twitter and Facebook!

Listen to The Michelangelo Signorile Show weekdays live from 2-6 pm ET on Sirius XM's OutQ: Sirius 109, XM 98 and on the Sirius XM iPhone app. Not a subscriber? Not a problem! Listen online any time with a free seven-day pass or, if you have an iPhone or Blackberry, go to the app store and download Sirius XM for free, for a 7-day trial, and listen on your phone.

Dan Choi and Me on CNN

CNN's Don Lemon invited Lt. Dan Choi and me on CNN on Sunday night to talk about Dan's discharge and the future of "don't ask, don't tell."

Monday, July 26, 2010

Lizz on Netroots, Bachmann and Gay Water

And so much more. Lizz Winstead, who I'm thrilled to have guest host on the show sometimes when I'm on vacation, sat down with me at Netroots Nation in Vegas over the weekend. Hilarity of course ensued.

Today on the Signorile Show

The New York Times and German and British newspapers received classified material via Wikileaks which reveals, among other things, that Pakistan has been aiding the Afghan insurgency and U.S. intelligence officials have been suspicious of the Pakistan government for a long time. It's not anything that wasn't previously surmised but the documents provide vivid detail and focus in on specific incidents that underscore the brutality of the war, including war crimes, and how engaging in military action in the region is futile. In particular the documents paint a grimmer picture than officials have in the past. We'll go through some of it on the show today and take your calls.

Has the LGBT agenda been abandoned by Democrats and the White House?

Guest / 3:30pm EST - Linda Greenhouse, co-author of Before Roe v. Wade: Voices That Shaped the Abortion Debate Before the Supreme Court Decision, joins us this afternoon to talk about the political atmosphere of the time and to clear up the misconceptions about the history that is shaping present day abortion debate.

Back from Netroots Nation in Las Vegas we'll wrap up what went on, including Senator Harry Reid's speech and the dramatic action by Dan Choi onstage.

Ted Haggard has climbed out from under a rock and back into the pulpit.

And, don't forget, you can follow me on Twitter and Facebook!

Listen to The Michelangelo Signorile Show weekdays live from 2-6 pm ET on Sirius XM's OutQ: Sirius 109, XM 98 and on the Sirius XM iPhone app. Not a subscriber? Not a problem! Listen online any time with a free seven-day pass or, if you have an iPhone or Blackberry, go to the app store and download Sirius XM for free, for a 7-day trial, and listen on your phone.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Dan Choi: A New Beginning

At Netroots Nation I sat down with Lt. Dan Choi a day after he received the news that his discharge from the military was official. It was quite a reflective and interesting interview as Dan talked about the dangers of the closet, his struggles growing up in a conservative religious family and where he is going from here. Listen in.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Today on the Signorile Show

The Michelangelo Signorile Show continues LIVE, Day 2 from Las Vegas at the Netroots Nation convention, where progressive bloggers gather to speak about the issues leading up to the midterm elections and the pressing news of the day!

Follow along on Twitter! And, don't forget, you can follow Mike on Twitter and Facebook for feedback from the convention!

Listen to The Michelangelo Signorile Show weekdays live from 2-6 pm ET on Sirius XM's OutQ: Sirius 109, XM 98 and on the Sirius XM iPhone app. Not a subscriber? Not a problem! Listen online any time with a free seven-day pass or, if you have an iPhone or Blackberry, go to the app store and download Sirius XM for free, for a 7-day trial, and listen on your phone.