Saturday, March 20, 2010

Teabagger protester yells 'faggot' at gay Rep. Barney Frank in US House bldg, another calls black congressman the n-word

Everything you needed to know about this hateful movement is expressed in this one story. It wasn't just one bigot. The entire crowd of Teabaggers erupted in laughter. Hell of a movement Dick Armey has created - after all, he called Barney Frank the same thing, "fag," back in the 90s.
Rep. Barney Frank got an uglier version of the treatment. Just after Frank rounded a corner to leave the building, an older protestor yelled "Barney, you faggot." The surrounding crowd of protestors then erupted in laughter.

At one point, Capitol police officer threatened to throw a group of protestors out of the building but that only seemed to inflame them more; and apparently none were ejected.
UPDATE: Well, I spoke too soon. Teabagger protesters reportedly also called African-American Rep. John Lewis, a civil rights hero, the n-word. Read More...

A poignant moment outside of the DC courthouse yesterday

While we were standing outside of the courthouse yesterday after the release of Dan Choi and Jim Pietrangelo, two older gentlemen approached Dan Choi to say hello. They appeared to be at least in their 70s. One was walking with a cane. They told Dan they've seen him on tv and were excited to meet him. They also thanked him for what he's been doing. Then, they told us that they were at the Courthouse to get their marriage license. Turns out they've been together for over 30 years. The gentlemen in the blue cap served in the navy. I'm kicking myself for not getting their names, but they were happy to pose for pictures.

I can't help it, even if it sounds corny, it was a very sweet moment. Read More...

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