It's not a surprise that the Conservative government is doing their best to rip apart the modern state. What is somewhat surprising is that women are being negatively impacted so much more than men. Labour is right to fight back against this horrible move by the Tories. And as Labour has said, women already are being paid much less than men so why should they be forced to take the bulk of the cuts?
The Guardian:Cooper accused the coalition government of sanctioning a budget whose impact fell disproportionately on women. The gender audit of the budget – structured by Cooper but conducted by the Commons library – showed that more than 70% of the revenue raised from direct tax and benefit changes is to come from female taxpayers.
Of the nearly £8bn net revenue to be raised by the financial year 2014-15, nearly £6bn will be from women and just over £2bn from men. Cooper said the proposed cuts of up to 40% in some departments' budgets, floated by the government at the weekend, would also be likely to disproportionately hit women, who make up a large section of the public sector workforce.
She told the Guardian: "Women are bearing nearly three-quarters of the Tory-Liberal plans, while men are bearing just a quarter. This is despite the fact that women's income and wealth is still considerably lower than men's.
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