This week, it's Nasdaq's turn. The big fat black cat. Nasdaq and I have had a rocky relationship during this particular visit to Paris. You see, Nasdaq, like me, has ashtma. And like me, Nasdaq has to take a variety of inhaled steroids every morning and night to help keep her asthma under control. So, before they left on vacation, Chris and Joelle showed me how they give Nasdaq her morning and evening medicine. It's a pornographic looking device called an AeroKat.
Hmmm, I thought, looking at the AeroKat. It looks an awful lot like the chamber I use for administering my asthma meds. Do Chris and Joelle honestly think I'm going to pin Nasdaq down and jam this thing down her throat twice a day? Apparently yes. Oh but it gets better. Take a look at the head of the AeroKat - you see, you put this contraption over the cat's muzzle so she has no choice but to breath the medicine.
Yeah right. Those of you who have cats will appreciate what happens next.
Being a dog guy, I was worried that Nasdaq might bite me, or scratch me. But I never quite anticipated what she actually did. I cornered her and gave her her two shots of medicine and she took it quite well, then ran like hell. Never to be seen again.
For two full weeks, Nasdaq ran and hid every morning, and every evening, just about the time I needed to find her to give her the medicine. If she accidentally ran into me in the hallway, she bolted. The cat literally hid from me for two full weeks. Now sure, a dog might have bitten your arm off doing this to her (well, actually your own dog would know better), but a dog would have faithfully put up with it every morning and night. A cat simply runs and hides. And if you've ever tried to catch a running cat, it's nothing like a dog. They're like jello. Or in Nasdaq's case, very fat, slow-moving jello, but jello nonetheless.
Nasdaq is finally, once again, starting to hang around me, hoping I've stopped the medicine torture. I called Chris and asked him what to do, because honestly if I started the treatment again she'd just get up and hide for another two weeks. he said to call it quits, so I did. Nasdaq is now once again sleeping peacefully upside down on top of my suitcase (photo above), and all is well in the world. I really knew that Nasdaq had forgiven me when she pulled the old "begging for dinner six hours before it was due" trick. She only does this one to Chris, so the fact that she was now pulling it on me meant that all had been forgiven. I took a little video of Nasdaq staking out the hallway to the kitchen - it's what she does when she's begging for an early meal. Enjoy.
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