More War Crimes Exposed - Now, What Do We Do? PDF Print E-mail
Friday, 30 July 2010 04:37

By Debra Sweet

3 days after documents of 8 years of war crimes against the people of Afghanistan were leaked, what does the U.S. government do?  Admit or apologize for the crimes?  No -- go after the leakers!  Pentagon Launches 'Manhunt' for Document Leaker.  Cut off the funding for the wars? No, vote another $59 billion!  On Friday U.S. Conducts Afghan massacre - On Tuesday Congress Votes to fund more death.

I Have Become Uncomfortably Numb PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 29 July 2010 21:48

By Cindy SheehanWikileaks Collateral Murder

I am numb, I think.

Since the U.S. Corporate Military Industrial Complex forced me into the World of the Aware after my son’s murder in Iraq, I feel that the news freshly assaults me on a daily basis.

I am numb, I think, from being abused by this Empire on a regular basis for years.

The Danger of the Wikileaks' Leak: You Might Stop Thinking Like an American PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 29 July 2010 01:33

By Kevin GosztolaWikileaks

Days after the release of tens of thousands of documents that were once classified information and are now known as the "Afghanistan War Logs," the focus on the documents has shifted from the contents of the incident reports to what the effect or impact of the leak by Wikileaks will be on the war in Afghanistan.

Pentagon cannot account for nearly $9 billion dollars of Iraqi money PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 29 July 2010 01:30

By Kenneth J. Theisen

I am asking all readers of this site before they go to bed to check under their pillow or mattress to see if they have a few billion dollars there. According to the latest report of an audit by the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) Pentagon cannot account for $8.7 billion in Iraqi oil revenues and other funds it received for reconstruction programs after the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq.
On Friday U.S. Conducts Afghan massacre - On Tuesday Congress Votes to fund more death PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 29 July 2010 01:22

By Kenneth J. TheisenUncle Sam Obama
In the last few days, there have been several developments regarding the U.S. war of terror in Afghanistan. On Sunday, WikiLeaks released the Afghan War Diary which details some of the many crimes of the U.S. imperialists there in over 91,000 military reports. And on Monday, Afghan officials reported that 52 people were massacred in Rigi, Afghanistan in a Friday rocket attack launched against a house where women and children had taken shelter from fighting between NATO troops and Afghan insurgents.
52 People Killed Last Friday in Afghanistan - Civilian Deaths and Wikileaks Narrative Continue PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 29 July 2010 00:28

Afghan CiviliansBy Jon Boone in Kabul and Ali Safi in Kandahar

Helmand residents accuse Nato of deliberate attack on civilians

• Afghan government says missile killed 52 people
• Governor's spokesman casts doubts on allegations

Survivors of an alleged Nato rocket attack on a small town in Helmand, which the Afghan government says killed 52 civilians, spoke today of their anger at what they claim was a deliberate air strike, despite coalition denials.

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