
A man looks at a display board showing stock market prices inside a brokerage in Taipei Reuters

Markets on edge ahead of jobs as wheat soars

Reuters – 1 hr 19 mins ago

HONG KONG (Reuters) – The dollar was on the defensive and Japanese stocks fell after weak U.S. jobless claims figures heightened worries that Friday's payroll data could paint a bleak picture of the U.S. economic recovery. Full Story »

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Bad weather grounded helicopters carrying emergency supplies to Pakistan's flood-ravaged northwest Friday amid warnings the worst monsoon rains in decades would bring more destruction to a nation already reeling from Islamist violence. Full Story »

Technology News

China Unicom to sell Apple's iPhone with Wi-Fi

AP – 2 hrs 25 mins ago

Apple's Chinese partner says it will sell iPhones with Wi-Fi starting Monday, adding to mounting competition in China's smart phone market. Full Story »

Science News

AP Enterprise: Scientists think Gulf can recover

AP – Thu Aug 5, 10:51 pm ET

Want to know the future of the oil-stained Gulf of Mexico ecosystem? Look first to its muddy, polluted past. Full Story »


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