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Rachel Maddow reports on the horrid case put forward by the proponents of Proposition 8 who relied on only two witnesses to testify to support their case, both of whom relied on the writings of George Reker for their testimony. If anyone has forgotten who George Rekers is, here's a little reminder.

George Rekers: 'WBWJR -- What Boy Would Jesus Rent?':

A leading U.S. anti-gay campaigner has been photographed returning from a European holiday with a male prostitute.

Professor George Rekers, a Baptist minister who believes homosexuality is a sin that can be cured, hired a 20-year-old Puerto Rican as his travelling companion from a website called Rentboy.com.

The 61-year-old father-of-three took the escort, who is known on the gay networking site as 'Geo', on a ten-day trip to London and Madrid.

Stephen Colbert laid waste to George Rekers in that clip. Here's more from Rachel.

MADDOW: One amazing thing about the gay marriage ban that was overturned in California today was something I had known about the trial while it was happening. But I didn‘t really appreciate the importance of it until I read the ruling that came out this afternoon.

The anti-gay marriage people, the people defending the gay marriage ban in court, only called two experts in their whole case. They only called two witnesses.

The first one was this guy, David Blankenhorn. Mr. Blankenhorn is president of the Institute for American Values.

Now, Judge Walker spent the better part of 10 pages of his ruling just talking smack about David Blankenhorn. Think I‘m kidding? Consider this, quote, “The court now determine that‘s Mr. Blankenhorn‘s testimony constitutes inadmissible opinion testimony that should be given essentially no weight.” Wow.

Quote, “Blankenhorn lacks the qualifications to offer opinion testimony and, in any event, failed to provide cogent testimony in support of proponents‘ factual assertions.” Aw. Aw.

Here‘s another, “Blankenhorn‘s book, ‘The Future of Marriage,” lists numerous consequences of permitting same-sex couples to marry. Mr. Blankenhorn explained that the list of consequences arose from a—from a group thought experiment in which an idea was written down if someone suggested it.”

Quote, “None of Blankenhorn‘s opinions is reliable.” Aw. Aw. Aw.

Back in May, “New York Times” columnist Frank Rich tied the same Mr. Blankenhorn to this star of the anti-gay movement who you may recognize, George Rekers—George Rekers whose own paid testimony against gay families in Arkansas and Florida was so bad that judges in those states made special notice of how bad he was as a witness.

George Rekers is nationally famous outside legal circles because in between his quacking about how to cure the gays with his National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality, George Rekers was spotted—that‘s him there on the left—coming home in April from a two-week European vacation with a rent boy—a young man hired from rentboy.com, the young man who‘d been giving the Reverend Rekers very, very specialized massages on that vacation—although Mr. Rekers maintains the comely young man was simply helping him with his baggage. And to the extent that baggage means a lot of other things, I suppose I can‘t complain.

After George Rekers got caught with the rent boy in the Miami airport, Mr. Rekers resigned his position in NARTH. He was gone. But his quacky scholarship lived on.

Mr. Blankenhorn telling the court in California, in the trial that was ruled on today, that it is bad for kids to be raised by two moms or two dads. In a May 19th letter to “The New York Times,” Mr. Blankenhorn wrote that he never met George Rekers or read any of his writings.

It turned out that wasn‘t true. Mr. Blankenhorn wrote his own correction letter to “The Times” on June 3rd, admitting that actually he had consulted George Rekers‘ work in preparing his testimony on behalf of Prop 8.

Mr. Rekers and his NARTH association thing for curing the gay people, he also turned up in the testimony of another anti-gay marriage guy who appeared at this trial. Now, this witness was actually called as an adverse witness. He was called by David Boies and Ted Olson. He was called by the side seeking to have the gay marriage ban overturned. He was called not as a friendly witness though.

His name is Hak-Shing William Tam. He identified himself to the court as secretary of the America Return to God Prayer Movement. And this is one of those things where the judge is so obviously disgusted by this witness that there‘s no way that I, as a TV host, can improve on what the judge just writes in the ruling about the witness.
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Check this out. Ready?

All right. We‘ll get this right. “Proponent Hak-Shing William Tam testified that he is the secretary of the America Return to God Prayer Movement” which operates the website ‘1man1woman.net.‘ ‘1man1woman.net.‘ encouraged voters to support Proposition 8 on grounds that homosexuals are 12 times more likely to molest children and because Proposition 8 will cause states one by one to fall into Satan‘s hands.”

Mr. Tam identifies NARTH, the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality - it‘s the George Rekers thing - as the source of information about homosexuality because he, quote, “believes in what they say.”

“Mr. Tam identified the Internet as the source of information connecting same-sex marriage to polygamy and incest. Protect Marriage,” the pro-Proposition 8 campaign, “relied on Mr. Tam and, through Mr. Tam, used the Web site, ‘1Man1Woman.net‘ as part of the Protect Marriage campaign.”

So that‘s directly - that‘s directly from the ruling. So, in other words, dude learned from the Rent Boy guy that gays are bad and he knows that George Rekers must be right about that because the man believes George Rekers.

Also, he says, as backup, the Internet says so. This was the case for California‘s gay marriage ban. This was the case they put forward. The Hak-Shing William Tam transcript was actually so amazing you deserve to see part of it acted out by the Proposition 8 trial re-enactment theater.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: where did you get that idea?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It‘s on the internet.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It‘s on the internet?



MADDOW: You know what else is on the internet now? Judge Vaughn Walker‘s ruling in this case, which I kid you not, is better than whatever novel you are currently reading right now and you should print it out and curl up with it instead. You will not be disappointed. It‘s on the Internet.

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Forever after this, my picture would show up whenever the word "incompetent" was looked up in the dictionary.

Is there any way this can redound to their good? As in "the pro-Prop8 team was so bad that they have to be given a do-over"?

DamOTclese's picture

Are you kidding? The pro-hate lawyers looked at these Christian scumbags and immediately hear "KERCHING!" and saw dollar signs. Unlimited hate-monger money trumps knowing they'll lose in court every time.

Lawyers exist to take money from people, even when they fight for people's rights, liberties, and freedoms, what they're doing is for money. Yes, they work pro bono for causes which can be for evil (such as Christanic tyranny) or for good (such as in defense of America) but in the end, it's all about money.

Cultists are easy to rook and swindle, they have IQs which made them cultists in the first place. Lawyers find cultists to be easy pickings.

enchanting505's picture

Not a lawyer and usually don't like most moder court opinions, but this judge issued the most a**-kicking smackdown of bigotry I've heard of in quite some time!

mneill's picture

50 pages of case and witness introduction, followed by 50 pages of Findings of Fact (!), followed by another 30+ using those 50 pages of FF to tear down, step by step all 9 points put forth by the side representing Prop8.

Like you, I'm not a lawyer, but as an someone who enjoys logic and proof (proof as in "...a formal series of statements...", not "...evidence..."), it is a beautiful thing to read.

Annoyed Canuck's picture

I thought Rekers was pronounced 'wreckers'. 'Reekers' is more apt, somehow.

Mike V.'s picture

"fundamental rights may not be submitted to [a] vote; they depend on the outcome of no elections."

"Never has the state inquired into procreative capacity or intent before issuing a marriage license; indeed, a marriage license is more than a license to have procreative sexual intercourse."

"fundamental rights may not be submitted to [a] vote; they depend on the outcome of no elections."

That line needs to be repeated a million times. It is something that conservatives just don't get. They bitch and moan about "the will of the people" when they want to trample the Constitution for political expediency. It's sickening. Prop 8 is a CLEAR violation of the 14th ammendment. There is absolutely nothing in the Prop 8 proponents' arguments that are valid legal arguments. It's all just visceral reactionary rhetoric.

The only time conservatives actually care about what the Constitution says is when it comes to the second ammendment and then somehow arms = guns and only guns but not bombs, tanks, jet fighters or even swords. So in the end it's not even about the Constitution it's just about guns and the emotional attachment some people have with them.

Sounds kinda like Monty Python's Gay Boys in Bondage...

It seems like the court ruled on the constitutionality of the law, and not on supporters' or detractors' opinions on the law.

Bonkers's picture

...throw the fight?

I mean really, as a conservabagger Get Out The Vote drive, this gay marriage crap is better than threatening to ban varmint hunting season forever. So dig it: if they had WON and Prop8 stood, then what do they use to get their idiot base to the polls the next election cycle? Communism? (Actually, that might still work with some of them). Gay marriage is political gold for these scum (I disagree and hope that pressing this point will be another thing that destroys them forever).

Even if my theory is wrong, losing the other day is still a win-win for conservative politicians and fundraiser monkeys (not actual conservative constituents. Those slobs are just being used) because, as I said, they can keep the fire stoked and bring this issue back over....

....and over....

....and over....


I'm just superstitious enough to hedge my bets.

DamOTclese's picture

It does not look like they threw the fight. What happened was they advanced their hate outside of the confounds of their Christanic churches, out where normal people could see them and dismember their ideologies.

No, the cultists fought their best fight, it's just that progress is made world-wide despite the tyranny of the religious thanks to honest people with the capacity to think operating within a Judicial framework of Constitutional Republicanism.

SDGreg's picture

of Prop 8. Here's another example from the ruling:

""Despite this response, proponents in their trial brief promised to “demonstrate that redefining marriage to encompass same-sex relationships” would effect some twenty-three specific harmful consequences. At trial, however, proponents presented only one witness, David Blankenhorn, to address the government interest in marriage. Blankenhorn’s testimony is addressed at length hereafter; suffice it to say that he provided no credible evidence to support any of the claimed adverse effects proponents promised to demonstrate. During closing arguments, proponents again focused on the contention that “responsible procreation is really at the heart of society’s interest in regulating marriage.” When asked to identify the evidence at trial that supported this contention, proponents’ counsel replied, “you don’t have to have evidence of this point."

Yep, no evidence needed at all. Just trust us, we're good Christians.

Did they think they could fool a competent judge the way they frightened a gullible electorate with deceptive ads funded by Mormons in Utah? Or did they just assume the RATS (Roberts, Alito, Thomas, Scalia) on the Supreme Court would bail them out?

DamOTclese's picture

Ha! I don't agree. Their defense of hate was entirely competent given the tools of the arena within which they fought to defend their hate. They had nothing else, they had no legitimate reason to force their religious hate and bigotry on others. Competence didn't matter, the lack of legitimate justification for their hate is what smacked them down.

miss_kitty's picture

as evidenced by the judge's lengthy decision, they should be fined for wasting the court's time and ordered to pay costs all around. This ruling makes it clear, this was a frivolous, incompetent, ham-fisted endeavor on the part of the defendants.


Pete Seattle's picture


DamOTclese's picture

More than that, all of the Christanic cults that funneled money in to trying to remove people's rights, freedoms, and liberties should have their tax exemption status revoked -- for the next 50 years.

miss_kitty's picture

'forever.' No need to reinstate their 'special' status after everyone's forgotten it.


Debber's picture

These idiots (Blankenhorn and Rekers to name two) need to pay for the waste of the court's time and everyone else's who was involved. Hit these corrupt christofascists in the wallet where it hurts!

I can't help but wonder if a large population of U.S. citizens took stupid pills! Honestly, what a frivolous case!! How it made it through the courts is an appalling statement of idiocy... of course, this is just my opinion...

Strictly speaking, the Pro-Prop 8 people were defendent-intervenors, they were not the defendents. The named defendents were the CA governor, Attorney-General, etc acting in their official capacities. All of the defendents declined to defend Prop 8. The Attorney-General conceded that Prop-8 was unconstitutional before the trial! So, the Pro-Prop 8 people had to step in themselves to try to defend the indefensible.

The Judge thinks so clearly I am surprised that Reagan and Bush I both liked him.

Obama remains opposed to marriage for SS couples, but at the same time, paradoxically happy that prop 8 was defeated.

Now that's having your cake and eating it too.

miss_kitty's picture

to hold that view. It used to be illegal in some states for blacks and whites to marry. As the product of a mixed race marriage, I expect him to support the right of consenting adults to marry, as it is a civil and human right to do so.


Pete Seattle's picture

Obama, I imagine, is triangulating.
Still, it's a very disappointing stance for him, in particular, to take.

ysbaddaden's picture

Isn't triangulating rather yonic?

JudyLou's picture


ysbaddaden's picture

I like that innocent look...

woodytus's picture

a receiver with relative field strength indication
an FCC badge
it is
The end of the line where the two intersect.


ohkay's picture

As usual, the right fights hard to keep society at Square One. Their case has been shot down, and they've been exposed as bigots and fools, but they're going to appeal, damnit!

miss_kitty's picture

based on the bullshittery of this case.


SDGreg's picture

If they don't even care enough to put up a decent defense, why should they even get an appeal? They had money to run all kinds of deceptive ads, but this is the best defense they could muster?

DamOTclese's picture

That's a good point. What *can* the extremists claim in their appeal(s) which would even remotely be relevant? They can't claim the judge was bought off, biased, or ruled incorrectly on any point. The hate mongers have zero with which to appeal.

Ricmarc's picture

is permission to have sex granted by a religious entity.

ysbaddaden's picture

I prefer the good ol days of your when if you're lucky you have sex WITH a religious deity.

i would classify the one incident mentioned in the bible as rape.

i am quite familiar with gods having sex with humans. i took mythology.

ysbaddaden's picture

Ganymede is particularly significant since it was raising a homosexual relationship to one of the divine.

And additionally the Biblical version, which I never refered to, was by medieval legend somehow done with a lily, hence the lily becoming the sign of the Vas Hermeticum, Vas Sprituale, although it seemed to have been transmittted through the Greeks, where in some legends Hera impregnated herself with Marsyas by that means.

Ricmarc's picture

perjury plain and simple. the defense pulled most of the witnesses they had planned. i bet none of them were willing to perjure themselves on the stand. the only way anyone could testify for the ban was to perjure themselves. they know what they spout is a pack of lies.

DamOTclese's picture

Perjury does not seem to worry the religious very much, though. Job 13 instructs cultists to refrain from "lying for the lord" however I have yet to find any Christian who wasn't a consummate liar -- usually Creationists who *know* they're liars.

it was the reason. they knew this was a no b.s. judge.

sixandseveneights's picture

A budding doughy pantload FAIL.

DamOTclese's picture

Love seeing these hate filled Christian piles of sh1t getting smacked down by their intellectual and moral superiors, just as it's awesome seeing their religious hate and bigotry being called out in Judicial rulings.

If these Christanic piles of sh1t want to live in a theofascist tyranny, the fucks should move to Iran.

I think perhaps they threw this case simply to get it into the hands of the US Supreme Court. You know that's where they want it. And they want to win that one. All the others are just in the way of their real goal.


DamOTclese's picture

Lawyers who would harbor that hope (that the case will advance to the Supreme Court despite having zero merit) certainly exists out there, but it doesn't look like these pro-hate lawyers consider the possibility of having higher courts re-inflict the hate against America as being probable.

Looking at the ruling -- and I have not read but the first 4 sheets of the 158 page document -- and hearing about what the ruling states, I can't imagine that any lawyer who has been in practice for any period of time would think that the case could even remotely be successfully appealed.

I'm just dying to see the rantings of the SCOTUS minority opinion when this case ultimately reaches the SCOTUS and loses.

Personally, and I said this before, I don't believe there will be a minority opinion. I think this type of ban is ruled unconstitutional in toto (and no...I don't mean the dog), as well it should be.

You have more faith than I in Robert's court.

albabe's picture

Ow is spelled "OW..." Not "AW." Aw is pronounced "AW..." Not Ow.

Don't your read any comic books.

