Mike's Blog Roundup
8 minutes ago
She arrived with an entourage of five, (for cable news Green Room context, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., never arrives with a group that large) and barked at a studio operator for touching her hair while setting up her microphone.Read More......
After her appearance in which she dubbed King "inappropriate" and attempted to exit the set, Prejean accused the staffer of lying to her, saying King's producers promised no phone calls. She belittled McAusland saying, "Is the intern talking to me? Oh look at the little intern, look at the little intern trying to explain!"
"I've never been treated so poorly in my whole life," McAusland, who recently accepted an executive producer position at Newsie.com of Media Convergence Group, said.
“I thank the Department of Justice and Attorney General Eric Holder for their diligent efforts to bring to justice those who have committed acts of terrorism against the United States. In particular, I applaud the decision to bring those individuals responsible for the attack on the World Trade Center to New York to face trial in our federal courts. New York is not afraid of terrorists, we want to confront them, we want to bring them to justice, and we want to hold them accountable for their despicable actions.The Bush administration used every scare tactic conceivable to win re-election in 2004. The specter of terror attacks loomed over the campaign. But, George Bush didn't win in the places that actually were attacked: New York City or Washington D.C. and its suburbs. Not even close. Many other parts of the country (Red States) cowered, but New Yorkers didn't. And, they won't now. It's astonishing how weak-kneed Republicans get over this. And, could these GOP members of Congress be more disrespectful to America's law enforcement community. The Republicans are acting like scaredy cats. Read More......
“It is fitting that they be tried in New York, where the attack took place. On that day almost 3,000 innocent men, women, and children were murdered, and New York has waited far too long for the opportunity to hold these terrorists responsible. We have handled terrorist trials before, and we welcome this opportunity to do so again. Any suggestion that our prosecutors and our law enforcement personnel are not up to the task of safely holding and successfully prosecuting terrorists on American soil is insulting and untrue. I invite any of my colleagues who say that they are afraid to bring detainees into the United States to face trial to come to New York and see how we handle them.
The Democratic majority has abandoned its platform and subordinated women’s health to short-term political success. In doing so, these so-called friends of women’s rights have arguably done more to undermine reproductive rights than some of abortion’s staunchest foes. That Senate Democrats are poised to allow similar anti-abortion language in their bill simply underscores the degree of the damage that has been done....We have got to find a way to get the real women's advocates together with the real gay advocates, immigration advocates, civil liberties advocates, etc. and present a united front to this administration and party. We're getting screwed, one by one. And that's the plan. Take us community by community, backtrack on their promises, and then say "tough luck." And unless we organize, they're going to keep doing it on issue after issue until the end of this presidency. Read More......
This, then, is where we stand as party leaders celebrate passage of the House bill. When it comes to abortion, they seem to think all positions are of equal value so long as the party maintains a majority. But the party will eventually reap what it has sown. If Democrats do not commit themselves to defeating the amendment, then they will face an uncompromising effort by Democratic women to defeat them, regardless of the cost to the party’s precious majority.
In the meantime, the victims of their folly will be the millions of women who once could count on the Democratic Party to protect them from those who would sacrifice their rights for political gains.
D.C. Council members are hardening their opposition to the Catholic Archdiocese of Washington's efforts to change a proposed same-sex marriage law, setting up a political showdown between the city and one of its largest social service providers.Exactly. It's a very, very dangerous thing when the Catholic Church starts writing and determining the legislation and laws of the United States. But, that's what's happening with health care via the Stupak amendment. Democrats abandoned women because of the Catholic Church.
Several council members said Thursday that Church officials miscalculated by saying this week that their Catholic Charities organization will have to end its contracts with the city if the proposal passes without changes.
"It's a dangerous thing when the Catholic Church starts writing and determining the legislation and the laws of the District of Columbia," said council member Tommy Wells (D-Ward 6), chairman of the Human Services Committee.
Susan Gibbs, a spokeswoman for the archdiocese, countered that the city is "the one giving the ultimatum."The Catholics are threatening D.C.'s elected official because the Council won't let the Catholics ignore anti-discrimination laws. Hate isn't condoned in D.C. It's illegal. The Catholic Church is really trying to establish itself as the leading gay-bashing institution in the country. In D.C., our leaders aren't letting that happen. But, wait til Congress starts debating gay issues (assuming that ever happens.) Democrats threw women under the bus for the Bishops, what will they do to the gays?
"We are not threatening to walk out of the city," Gibbs said. "The city is the one saying, 'If you want to continue partnering with the city, then you cannot follow your faith teachings.' "
Nancy Keenan, head of the national NARAL group (and most obedient of the obedient losers) was apparently personally promised before the health care battle by the Obama administration that they would look after the organization's constituency interests in the health care bill and preserve the status quo. In return, NARAL was asked to stand down its activism.Didn't see that one coming. Oh wait, yes we did. OFA pulled the same stunt on the gays during the election just one week ago. They asked everyone to help on other issues, but somehow forgot to mention that we were on the ballot too. Oops.
They did. So with all their colleagues, they got caught with their pants down when a floor vote on the Stupak amendment was imminent.
Today, I got a press release from the DNC, and their Organizing For America project, on their plan to drum up more support for the health care reform bill: targeting Republicans.
It says nothing about women's healthcare. Nothing. Like it isn't even at issue. OFA is still watching NARAL's back, women's backs, as well as they always have.
The White House today announced today that White House Counsel Greg Craig will return to private practice and Bob Bauer will serve as White House Counsel.Before the announcement, The Washington Post cited Craig's "embattled tenure," mostly over Guantanamo, as a reason for his departure:
The departure comes after months of dissatisfaction over Craig's management of Guantanamo policy and other matters and less than a month after officials said Craig was no longer guiding the effort to close the prison. His departure represents the highest-level White House shake-up to date.On January 22nd, the President said Guantanamo would be within a year of that date:
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