Friday, August 06, 2010

BREAKING: Schwarzenegger Files Motion To Immediately Resume Gay Marriages

WOW. The governator has totally done the unexpected.
In an extraordinary court filing, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger asked Friday that gay marriages be allowed to resume immediately in California after a federal ruling that the state's voter-approved ban on gay marriage is unconstitutional. The Republican governor filed his brief with U.S. District Court Judge Vaughn R. Walker before a Friday deadline to submit arguments on whether to continue a stay of Walker's decision against Proposition 8. "The Administration believes the public interest is best served by permitting the Court's judgment to go into effect, thereby restoring the right of same-sex couples to marry in California," wrote Kenneth C. Mennemeier, an attorney representing Schwarzenegger, in the brief. "Doing so is consistent with California's long history of treating all people and their relationships with equal dignity and respect."
UPDATE: Attorney General Jerry Brown has filed a motion opposing an extension of Judge Walker's stay.
2010.08.06 AG. Opp to Def Mtn for Stay

UPDATE II: Shannon Minter of the National Center for Lesbian Rights has posted the below explanation of what might happen next.

Minter notes that several California counties have indicated their readiness to begin issuing marriage licenses and performing civil ceremonies at once.

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Remember Those Gay Teabaggers?

Their fellow gays (SOB) don't LIKE THEM!

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Stephen Colbert On Prop 8 Overturn

One of his all-time best! Required viewing.

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Four Times Married Drug Addict Objects To Overturn Of Proposition 8

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Afternoon View - First & 66th

I haven't figured out how to work a single feature on my new camera, but this attempt embiggens nicely. And to whoever may have found old my camera in a Montreal taxi, I really need to have that memory card back. Cuz otherwise, I can definitely never run for Congress.

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At NOM's Rally In St. Louis

St. Louis' LGBT title, Vital Voice Magazine, covered yesterday's Hate Tour stop in their hometown, where NOM blocked them from attending the rally, probably so all those post-overturn red faces couldn't be recorded.

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Will The GOP Turn Prop 8 Into A Midterm Election Wedge Issue?

Probably not, at least according to some GOP flacks speaking to the New York Times.
Republicans said that dwelling on the issue could become a distraction in the effort to win back the House or Senate from Democrats this fall. At a meeting of the Republican National Committee in Kansas City, Mo., several party leaders and strategists said it would be a mistake for the midterm election campaign to suddenly become focused on gay marriage, immigration or other hot-button issues. The only path to winning control of Congress, they said, rested on making an economic argument. “This election needs to revolve around five issues: taxes, spending, the economy, jobs and debt,” said Ron Nehring, chairman of the California Republican Party. “That doesn’t mean that other issues aren’t important — they are important — but the first issue on the minds of people is the economy.”

Likewise, Murray Clark, chairman of the Indiana Republican Party, said Republicans were acting at their own peril if they suddenly starting focusing on the ruling. A protracted discussion about social issues, he said, could play into Democratic hands. “Can we declare a truce on some of the other issues unrelated to the economy?” Mr. Clark said in an interview in Kansas City, Mo.
Also quoted in the above-linked article is NOM's Brian Brown, who vows to make Prop 8 an election issue whether the GOP likes it or not. "I definitely think it’s going to have an effect on the 2010 elections. You’re going to see ads, you’re going to see folks standing up on this issue, and the people that support Walker’s decision are going to pay a price."

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SLIDESHOW: Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand LGBT Fundraiser In NYC

Last night NY Assemblyman Daniel O'Donnell, Pam Spaulding, and Jeremy Hooper joined me at Hell's Kitchen's Therapy Lounge for an LGBT fundraiser for U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, an event put together by Out For Kirsten's Todd Beeton. Dropping by were SiriusXM host Michelangelo Signorile, activist Corey Johnson, former Clinton White House adviser Ricard Socarides, and other homo-politicos. Great night! Full-screen version of the below photos can be found here.

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Today In Crazy Teabaggers

The Washington Post reports that teabaggers are going to Colonial Williamsburg to ask the reenactment actors how to best overthrow our socialist Marxist Kenyan dictator.
"General, when is it appropriate to resort to arms to fight for our liberty?" asked a tourist on a recent weekday during "A Conversation with George Washington," a hugely popular dialogue between actor and audience in the shaded backyard of Charlton's Coffeehouse. Standing on a simple wooden stage before a crowd of about 100, the man portraying Washington replied: "Only when all peaceful remedies have been exhausted. Or if we are forced to do so in our own self-defense." The tourist, a self-described conservative activist named Ismael Nieves from Elmer, N.J., nodded thoughtfully.

Afterward, he said this was his fifth visit to Colonial Williamsburg. "We live in a very dangerous time," Nieves said. "People are looking for leadership, looking for what to do. They're looking to Washington, Jefferson, Madison." "I want to get to know our Founding Fathers," he added. "I think we've forgotten them. It's like we've almost erased them from history."It's a common point of view among tea party activists. They say their unhappiness with Washington reflects how far the federal government has strayed, through taxation and regulation, from the Founders'ntentions. "They all should come here and listen," said Bob Rohrbacher, a retired plumber from Floral Park, N.Y., who opposes President Obama and was inspired to visit Williamsburg while watching Glenn Beck on Fox News. "They've forgotten about America."
I'm going to Bellevue to ask how to overthrow Michele Bachmann.

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Georgia Gov Candidate Nathan Deal: I Hate Gays WAY More Than My Opponent Does!

That fact is that Karen Handel is actually a vile anti-gay bigot, as I pointed out here last month. But the GOP never lets truth get in the way in their relentless game of "Who hates the gays more?"

(Via - Queerty)

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Glossolalia Infantitus

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One Step Forward

(Via - Andrew Sullivan)

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Porno Pete's Hate Academy Flops

Truth Wins Out reports today that Porno Pete LaBarbara's Hate Academy is a complete dud, with the number of attendees barely exceeding the number of scheduled speakers. The Hate Academy, which began Wednesday, it meant to train young aspiring anti-gay bigots on how to more effectively enable the brutalization of LGBT people across America. One of TWO's spies notes: “It was an exhausting 12-hour day. The speakers were less charismatic than tree stumps. I would rather turn Bill Gates’ vast fortune into a giant mountain of pennies and count them, than endure one more tedious anti-gay seminar.”

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SAD TROMBONE: FRC's Tony Perkins Is Demoralized Over Prop 8

"Despite our confidence that FRC and its allies can appeal this decision--as it has in every blow to marriage over the past 17 years--there's no denying how demoralizing this ruling feels. Maybe you drove for hours to rallies over Prop 8. Maybe you went door-to-door asking people to sign petitions in Maine. Or maybe you gave money that you couldn't really spare to help us fight. If you're discouraged, I tell you what I've told my staff--don't give up. Lean on what our good friend Rev. Ren Broekhuizen reminded us this morning at our staff chapel service: We don't serve victory. We don't serve results. We serve God. And if, years from now, that means we're the last people left on earth standing for Truth--so be it." - Family Research Council douchebag Tony Perkins, riding the waahbulance.

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Who At Target Donated To Yes On 8?

Abe Sauer writes at The Awl:
The truth is not that Target and its leadership have suddenly turned on their commitment to gay rights. It's more that it never really existed to begin with. Further research shows that Target has funneled significant funding to the most socially conservative of Republicans and that it boasts a frightening culture of anti-gay candidate support from Target's own stable of top executives. We have already noted that CEO Gregg Steinhafel and his wife both maxed out their personal contributions this year to Michele Bachmann and Tom Emmer. But Steinhafel is just the captain of the crew. Target's current group of top corporate officers have supported a murderers row of anti-gay politicians. Even more confusing, some of those anti-gay candidates supported by Target's PAC and its executives don't even represent Minnesota.
Read Abe Sauer's complete expose.

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Ann Coulter To Appear At National Convention Of Self-Loathing Homosexuals

Bulletin from Quisling National Headquarters:
GOProud, the only national organization representing gay conservatives and their allies, announced that conservative author Ann Coulter is headlining their first annual Homocon – a party to celebrate gay conservatives. “The gay left has done their best to take all the fun out of politics, with their endless list of boycotts and protests. Homocon is going to be our annual effort to counter the ‘no fun police’ on the left,” said Christopher Barron, Chairman of the Board of GOProud. “I can’t think of any conservative more fun to headline our inaugural party then the self-professed ‘right-wing Judy Garland’ – Ann Coulter.” “I can promise you, Homocon 2010 will be a hell of a lot more fun than chaining yourself to the White House fence,” concluded Barron.
General admission tickets are $250 to hear the woman who called a Democratic candidate for president a "faggot."

Other choice quotes from GOProud's new BFF:

On Islam: "We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity."
On Judaism: "We just want Jews to be perfected. That's what Christianity is."
On education: "Illiterate students knifing one another between acts of sodomy in the stairwell is just one of the many eggs that had to be broken to make the left's omelette of transferring power from states to the federal government."
On terrorism: "My only regret with Timothy Mcveigh is he did not go to the New York Times building.
On feminism: "I think [women] should be armed but should not vote. Women have no capacity to understand how money is earned."

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Great Things Come In Bears

JMG reader Bernard tips us that Warner Bros. is raising some eyebrows with the tagline and poster for the new Yogi Bear movie. I can't wait for the wingnut reactions!

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Sen. John McCain Loses It Over DADT Attachment To Defense Authorization Bill

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HomoQuotable - Larry Kramer

"Barbra Streisand is a hypocrite. If she had made my play about AIDS, The Normal Heart, in 1986, when she first acquired the rights, only to sit on them for a full ten years without filming it, she could have done something for gay rights when we were really in the sewer of death. But no, she chose to go off and make such vitally important and classic movies as Nuts and The Mirror Has Two Faces. Barbra Streisand cares about gay rights as much as i care about spending a zillion dollars decorating a colony of houses in Malibu. As the mother of a son who is not only gay but HIV positive, she should be ashamed of herself.

"Fortunately and at last, an exciting movie version is now being prepared by openly gay director-producer Ryan Murphy to star Mark Ruffalo. i hope it will prove that the best thing that happened for The Normal Heart is that Barbra Streisand didn't make it. I think it is important for all her many gay fans around the world, which certainly had once included me, to know the above." - Larry Kramer, responding to Barbra Streisand's statement of support for the overturn of Prop 8.

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Bill O'Reilly: Why Does President Obama Oppose Marriage Equality?

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Concerned Women Are Concernicated About Judicial Activists!

Wendy Wright is truly one of the most vile, smug, repulsive creatures you'll ever see on television.

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Pat Robertson: Homosexuals Want To Destroy The Church And Destroy Marriage

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Thursday, August 05, 2010

TONIGHT: JMG-Sponsored LGBT Fundraiser For Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand

My last reminder: If you are in NYC tonight please consider joining me, Jeremy Hooper, and Pam Spaulding at Therapy in Hell's Kitchen as we co-host a special netroots fundraiser for U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand. The event runs 6pm-9pm with a $20 donation. Facebook event page here. And please join Out For Kirsten's Facebook page. Openly gay NY state Assemblyman Daniel O'Donnell will attend as well. We hope to see you there! You can follow the event live on Twitter at #OutForKirsten.

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Is Mexico Next For Marriage Equality?

Today Mexico's Supreme Court ruled 8-2 that the legalization of same-sex marriage in the nation's capital did not violate the Mexican constitution. Mexico City legalized gay marriage in March, but the ruling was challenged with the backing of the Catholic Church. Today's decision not only squashed that challenge, it further stipulated that gay couples were free to adopt. How long before we see the expansion of marriage equality to all of Mexico?

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Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan

Elena Kagan was confirmed by the U.S. Senate this afternoon in a largely partisan vote of 63-37. Kagan becomes the fourth woman to sit on the Supreme Court, despite the ranting protestations of virtually all anti-gay groups, especially the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins, who testified against Kagan before Congress. Two solid wins for the good guys in two days! And anguished times for the enemies of equality.

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HomoQuotable - B. Daniel Blatt

"Walker’s ruling, however, is not a policy brief, but a judicial decision striking down a popular provision in the California Constitution stipulating that the state only recognize unions between one man and one woman as 'marriages.' With his decision, the judge prevented the people from settling the controversial issue of how states could recognize same-sex couples and personally assuming the responsibility for determining how the state may regulate the unions it recognizes as married.

"To be sure, he makes a good case for gay marriage, but a lousy one for usurping the power from the people to decide this issue. In this sense, his ruling becomes a political boon for the GOP — as it can tie his decision to the increasing sense that our governing bodies (e.g., Congress and the various bureaucracies it has created) are disregarding the popular will as they make laws and set policy." - Gay Patriot blogger B. Daniel Blatt, simultaneously denouncing the overturn of Proposition 8 and exulting in the opportunity it may provide the GOP in November.

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BREAKING: Target Apologizes For Funding Minnesota Anti-Gay Political Group

Target CEO Gregg Steinhafel has bowed to national outrage and issued an apology (just to his employees, so far) for funding an anti-gay Minnesota PAC to the tune of $150,000. Steinhafel's letter says the company "will more closely scrutinize" political donations in the future. Minnesota Forward, the recipient of Target's dough, funneled the money to anti-gay candidate for governor, Tom Emmer. Is this enough to call off the LGBT dogs? We shall see. And no word yet from Best Buy, who made a similar donation.

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Evan Wolfson Vs. Tony Perkins

CNN's Rick Sanchez gets all up in Tony Perkins' grill. Not a fan of Sanchez usually, but this is good.

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Classic Philly Disco - Remixed

Famed remixer Dimitri From Paris has tackled classic '70s Philly disco with a two-disc package titled Get Down With The Philly Sound. On Saturday, DJ Frankie Knuckles spun Dimitri's below reworking of Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes' stone classic, The Love I Lost, at Montreal's Divers/Cite Sunset Party, where I had to school my able homoguide about Teddy Pendergrass' famous mid-lyric exhortations. "Uh HAH, I lost it!" He picked it up very quickly, the dear boy. You can stream the first disc of Dimitri's release right here.

RELATED: I'll get my final Montreal wrap-up post done shortly. Things have been busy 'round here, y'all!

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BROOKLYN: 37 Years In Prison For Both Anti-Gay Hate Crime Killers

Hakim Scott and Keith Phoenix were both sentenced to 37 years in prison today for the anti-gay and anti-Hispanic murder of Ecuadorean immigrant Jose Sucuzhanay, who was viciously beaten to death with an aluminum baseball bat last year because the two killers mistakenly thought Sucuzhanay and his brother were gay.

The two victims were drunkenly walking home with their arms around each other in Brooklyn when the killers leaped out of their car screaming "faggots!" and anti-Hispanic slurs and began raining blows down on their heads with the bat. (Jose's brother survived.) Surveillance cameras caught the killers laughing and smiling minutes later as they drove through a toll booth. Aside from its repugnant nature, the case is notable because it brought together NYC's immigrant and LGBT communities in large joint protests. My favorite sign held by a young weeping lesbian read: "We Are ALL Jose!"

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Everybody Ought To Have A Maid

The BBC celebrated Stephen Sondheim's 80th birthday on Sunday with a special tribute edition of their annual BBC Proms series. Here's their delightfully fruity take on Everybody Ought To Have A Maid. Listen to the entire show here. The second clip is Dame Judi Dench's take on my most loathed Sondheim tune, Send In The Clowns, but hey, it's freekin' Judi Dench.

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Daily Ungrumble

Several hundred of you good folks have messaged me through various ways over the last 12 hours to request we freep the Prop 8 polls underway by the Washington Post and Fox News. But what do you know? The polls don't need freeping because the good guys are way ahead on each site! That's pretty satisfying. Even if some other site has already freeped both the polls themselves, we'll take it. (And we can't freep the AFA anymore, since ALL the responses are now anti-gay, thanks to JMG readers.)

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Open Thread Thursday

Yesterday was one of the most momentous days in American LGBT history. Where were you when you got the news and what was the reaction among the folks around you?

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NEW YORK: Pat Robertson Sues City To Stop The Ground Zero Mosque

Pat Robertson's legal foundation filed a lawsuit in New York state court yesterday in an attempt to overturn the city's approval of the plan to build a mosque on a site near Ground Zero.
The American Center for Law and Justice says it filed a petition Wednesday challenging a city panel’s decision to let developers tear down a building to make way for the mosque. The Washington-based group is representing a firefighter who survived the terrorist attacks. Opponents say the mosque plan insults the memory of those killed by Islamic terrorists nearly nine years ago. Supporters see it as a monument to tolerance.
Robertson was last in the news when he claimed that Haiti was struck by that devastating earthquake because the nation's founders had sold their souls to Satan in return for independence from France.

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Photo Of The Day


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Evan Wolfson Vs. Maggie Gallagher

Maggie gets pissed when most of the airtime goes to Freedom To Marry's Evan Wolfson. Bwah bwah bwahhhhhh.

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PENNSYLVANIA: Catholic Church Uses Obama Target In Carnival Game

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church and a local Pennsylvania amusement company are being investigated by the Secret Service after they created a likeness of the president to use as a shooting target in a carnival midway game.
The game's target is a painting of a black man in a suit who is holding a scroll labeled "Health Bill." He sports a belt buckle fashioned after the presidential seal, antennae and a troll doll on his shoulder. Players paid $1 per shot, or $5 for six shots, to fire foam darts at targets on his head and heart. Those who hit their mark won a stuffed animal. Cindy Wofford, special agent in charge of the Philadelphia office of the Secret Service, said her agents are looking into the game and will determine if there were any direct or indirect threats to the president. They will share their findings with the U.S. attorney's office. "We take these kinds of things very seriously," Wofford said. [snip]

The Rev. Jim Prior of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, a parish of the Catholic Diocese of Allentown, was not available for comment, according to a woman who answered the phone Wednesday at the church. Matt Kerr, spokesman for the diocese, said Prior would have pulled the game if he'd known it was there. But Kathryn Chapman of Medford, Mass., said her family told the church about the game. She visited the fair July 24 as part of her family's reunion, which has been held in Roseto for decades to celebrate the family's roots in the borough, named after Roseto Valfortore of Italy. She said her brother, Bob, noticed the game the night before and told her she had to see it. When she visited the next day with her 14-year-old son, she said, she was flabbergasted. "I couldn't believe they would have a game where you could shoot any president, George W. Bush or President Obama, and that there were targets on his forehead and heart, and that you would win a prize for shooting the target," Chapman said. "You got a stuffed animal for becoming a sniper," she said.
The stunned fair-goer quoted above says she complained to the carnival's operators and was told, "We don't care what you think." The game has since been taken down now that the Secret Service is involved.

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Hot Male Pair Dance on SYTYCD

(Tipped by JMG reader Zach)

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PhoboQuotable - Randy Thomasson

"Natural marriage, voter rights, the Constitution, and our republic called the United States of America have all been dealt a terrible blow. Judge Walker has ignored the written words of the Constitution, which he swore to support and defend and be impartially faithful to, and has instead imposed his own homosexual agenda upon the voters, the parents, and the children of California. This is a blatantly unconstitutional ruling because marriage isn't in the U.S. Constitution.

"The Constitution guarantees that state policies be by the people, not by the judges, and also supports states' rights, thus making marriage a state jurisdiction. It is high time for the oath of office to be updated to require judicial nominees to swear to judge only according to the written words of the Constitution and the original, documented intent of its framers. As a Californian and an American, I am angry that this biased homosexual judge, in step with other judicial activists, has trampled the written Constitution, grossly misused his authority, and imposed his own agenda, which the Constitution does not allow and which both the people of California and California state authorities should by no means respect." - Save California asshat Randy Thomasson, who wants to force future judges to swear they will only uphold conservative causes.

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Cazwell - Ice Cream Truck

It's no I Seen Beyonce At Burger King, but at least there's lots of eye candy. Probably NSFW!

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Google Wave Goes Bye-Bye

Google has announced that they are giving up on Google Wave, one of the few products from the internet giant ever to fail.
Wave, a real time messaging platform, was unveiled in May 2009 to an enthusiastic crowd of developers at the Google I/O event in San Francisco. It would “set a new benchmark for interactivity,” said Sergey Brin. The product is part email, part Twitter and part instant messaging. Users can drag files from the desktop to a discussion. Wave even showed character-by-character live typing. It fully launched this last May. And while the service has many, or at least some, passionate users (including TechCrunchers), it “has not seen the user adoption we would have liked,” says Google.
Google Buzz will probably be next, I'm guessing.

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Maggie Sees A Shrink

"They want marriage to be a sick, twisted perversion that would make the Baby Jesus cry. I like to think of Jesus as a baby. Thinking of Jesus with pubic hair is disgusting!"

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Giuliani's Daughter Busted Shoplifting

Rudy Giuliani's 20 year-old daughter Caroline was busted on NYC's Upper East Side yesterday when she tried to shoplift cosmetics from a Sephora.
She was allegedly caught by a store security camera shoplifting five cosmetics items worth more than $100 -- including Aqua Cream, Dior Skinflash Primer, Bliss hydroderm cream, a rollerball funnel and a hairnet -- and escorted out of the store in handcuffs, according to police sources. Giuliani is currently being held by police. Charges have yet to be filed, but police sources told ABC News that she is expected to be charged with petit larceny and released. She will be required to appear before a judge at a later date, sources said.
Caroline lives in an UES townhouse with her mother Donna Hanover, who divorced "sanctity of marriage" Rudy in 2002 shortly after she caught him fucking the shit out of his secretary in the basement of City Hall.

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Thrice-Married Serial Adulterer Newt Gingrich Is OUTRAGED About Prop 8

"Judge Walker's ruling overturning Prop 8 is an outrageous disrespect for our Constitution and for the majority of people of the United States who believe marriage is the union of husband and wife. In every state of the union from California to Maine to Georgia, where the people have had a chance to vote they've affirmed that marriage is the union of one man and one woman. Congress now has the responsibility to act immediately to reaffirm marriage as a union of one man and one woman as our national policy." - Newt Gingrich, who would like remind you that marriage is between one man and one woman whom you abandon riddled with cancer on her hospital bed while you fuck the shit out of your next wife whom you later cheat on while screaming with Godly moral outrage about the infidelities of the president.

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American Family Association's Bryan Fischer: Home Depot Is The Homo Depot

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Yahweh's Amazing Miracle

Another winner from YouTube atheist Non-Stamp Collector!

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"The Moment" In San Francisco

JMG reader Sean Chapin sends us the below thrilling moment of the decision being announced in San Francisco. In the second clip, a couple attempts to get their marriage license in the brief period before the stay was issued.

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Thousands Celebrate In San Diego

More great videos from Rex Wockner's coverage in San Diego are here. The chant in the bottom clip got me a little teary.

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Here We Go Again

Seriously GLAAD, just give the fuck up on this pathetic closet case. Right now I'm more interested in MTV giving this shitbag the boot.

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American Family Association Calls For Impeachment Of Judge Vaughn Walker

“This is a tyrannical, abusive and utterly unconstitutional display of judicial arrogance. Judge Walker has turned ‘We the People’ into ‘I the Judge.' It’s inexcusable for him to deprive the citizens of California of their right to govern themselves, and cavalierly trash the will of over seven million voters. This case never should even have entered his courtroom. The federal constitution nowhere establishes marriage policy, which means under the 10th Amendment that issue is reserved for the states.

“It’s also extremely problematic that Judge Walker is a practicing homosexual himself. He should have recused himself from this case, because his judgment is clearly compromised by his own sexual proclivity. The fundamental issue here is whether homosexual conduct, with all its physical and psychological risks, should be promoted and endorsed by society. That’s why the people and elected officials accountable to the people should be setting marriage policy, not a black-robed tyrant whose own lifestyle choices make it impossible to believe he could be impartial." AFA head Tim Wildmon, calling on the House of Representatives to launch impeachment proceedings against Judge Vaughn Walker.

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NYC Celebrates Prop 8 Overturn

About 200 NYC activists gathered at the New York Supreme Court in downtown Manhattan last night to celebrate the overturn of Proposition 8 and to breathe renewed life into New York state's own battle for marriage equality.

Speakers at the rally included Marriage Equality New York head Cathy Marino-Thomas, NYC Council Speaker Christine Quinn, state Sen. Thomas Duane, and Charlie Ramos, the 2010 state Senate opponent of evil homophobe Sen. Ruben Diaz.

Among the homorati in the crowd was rainbow flag creator Gilbert Baker, Towleroad correspondent Corey Johnston, Gay USA host Ann Northrop, Latino activist Andres Duque, Queens activists Brendan Fay and Brandon Brock, World of Wonder blogger Wayne Anderson, New Civil Rights Movement bloggers David Badash and Caleb Eigsti, Fire Island News reporter Michael Lavers, Advocate reporter Julie Bolcer, and safer sex activist/blogger Eric Leven.

After the speeches were concluded, attendees each took a single white flower across the plaza to lay on the steps of the Supreme Court building. While I expected to find a larger crowd, it was great to run into so many of New York's equality champions on such a celebratory day. The last few times we all gathered, it was with anger and disappointment in our faces. Last night was a different story. For once. Full-screen versions of the below slideshow are here.

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Speaker Pelosi Reacts

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Rachel Maddow On Dr. George Rekers' Role In The Overturn Of Prop 8

In her inimitable style, Rachel Maddow breaks down how the "work" of Dr. George "Rentboy" Rekers played a role in today's ruling. Watch and enjoy!

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Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Lady Gaga Reacts

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Obama Reacts

Well, sort of. Here's what an unnamed flack just said on the president's behalf: "The President has spoken out in opposition to Proposition 8 because it is divisive and discriminatory. He will continue to promote equality for LGBT Americans."


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OUR HERO: Ted Olson Reacts

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Hate Groups React

“Big surprise! We expected nothing different from Judge Vaughn Walker, after the biased way he conducted this trial,” said Brian Brown, President of NOM. "With a stroke of his pen, Judge Walker has overruled the votes and values of 7 million Californians who voted for marriage as one man and one woman. This ruling, if allowed to stand, threatens not only Prop 8 in California but the laws in 45 other states that define marriage as one man and one woman.” "Never in the history of America has a federal judge ruled that there is a federal constitutional right to same sex marriage. The reason for this is simple – there isn’t!” added Brown. “The ‘trial’ in San Francisco in the Perry v. Schwarzenegger case is a unique, and disturbing, episode in American jurisprudence. Here we have an openly gay (according to the San Francisco Chronicle) federal judge substituting his views for those of the American people and of our Founding Fathers who I promise you would be shocked by courts that imagine they have the right to put gay marriage in our Constitution. We call on the Supreme Court and Congress to protect the people’s right to vote for marriage,” stated Maggie Gallagher, Chairman of the Board of NOM.
Family Research Council:
"This lawsuit, should it be upheld on appeal and in the Supreme Court, would become the 'Roe v. Wade' of same-sex 'marriage,' overturning the marriage laws of 45 states. As with abortion, the Supreme Court's involvement would only make the issue more volatile. It's time for the far Left to stop insisting that judges redefine our most fundamental social institution and using liberal courts to obtain a political goal they cannot obtain at the ballot box. "Marriage is recognized as a public institution, rather than a purely private one, because of its role in bringing together men and women for the reproduction of the human race and keeping them together to raise the children produced by their union. The fact that homosexuals prefer not to enter into marriages as historically defined does not give them a right to change the definition of what a 'marriage' is.
Focus On The Family:
“Judge Walker’s ruling raises a shocking notion that a single federal judge can nullify the votes of more than 7 million California voters, binding Supreme Court precedent, and several millennia-worth of evidence that children need both a mom and a dad. “During these legal proceedings, the millions of California residents who supported Prop 8 have been wrongfully accused of being bigots and haters. Nothing could be further from the truth. Rather, they are concerned citizens, moms and dads who simply wanted to restore to California the long-standing understanding that marriage is between one woman and one man – a common-sense position that was taken away by the actions of another out-of-control state court in May 2008. “Fortunately for them, who make up the majority of Californians, this disturbing decision is not the last word."
Concerned Women For America:
“Judge Walker’s decision goes far beyond homosexual ‘marriage’ to strike at the heart of our representative democracy. Judge Walker has declared, in effect, that his opinion is supreme and ‘We the People’ are no longer free to govern ourselves. The ruling should be appealed and overturned immediately. “Marriage is not a political toy. It is too important to treat as a means for already powerful people to gain preferred status or acceptance. Marriage between one man and one woman undergirds a stable society and cannot be replaced by any other living arrangement. “Citizens of California voted to uphold marriage because they understood the sacred nature of marriage and that homosexual activists use same-sex ‘marriage’ as a political juggernaut to indoctrinate young children in schools to reject their parent’s values and to harass, sue and punish people who disagree. “CWA stands in prayer for our nation as we continue to defend marriage as the holy union God created between one man and one woman.”
Liberty Counsel (Hilariously Blames Another Hate Group!!!):
Although Liberty Counsel has defended the marriage laws in California since the battle began in 2004, the Alliance Defense Fund, representing the Prop 8 LCinitiative, opposed Liberty Counsel’s attempt to intervene on behalf of Campaign for California Families. The California Attorney General did not oppose Liberty Counsel’s intervention, but ADF did. Liberty Counsel sought to provide additional defense to Prop 8 because of concern that the case was not being adequately defended. After ADF actively opposed Liberty Counsel, ADF presented only two witnesses at trial, following the 15 witnesses presented by those who challenged the amendment. Even Judge Walker commented that he was concerned by the lack of evidence presented by ADF on behalf of Prop 8. Liberty Counsel will file an amicus brief at the court of appeals in defense of Prop 8.
(All quotes via Jeremy Hooper at Good As You)

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LGBT & Progressive Orgs React

Ted Olson & David Boies (AFER):
"We came to court to seek for Kris, Sandy, Paul and Jeff the same right to marry that all other Americans enjoy, and to ensure that they receive equal protection under the law as guaranteed to every American by the Constitution. Through its decision today, the court has acted in the best traditions of a legal system established to uphold the Constitution and the principles of equality upon which this nation was founded," said attorney Theodore B. Olson. "On no less than 14 occasions, the Supreme Court has held that marriage is a fundamental right. This decision recognizes that Proposition 8 denied the plaintiffs, and tens-of-thousands of other Californians, that fundamental constitutional right and treated them unequally." “The Supreme Court has long held that marriage is a fundamental right. Equal protection under the law is guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, and this ruling affirms that universal right of every American,” plaintiff's attorney David Boies said. “Depriving the fundamental right to marry causes grievous harm to millions of Americans and their children.”
“Today’s decision is a huge victory for the LGBT people of America. For the first time, a federal court has conducted a trial and found that there is absolutely no reason to deny same-sex couples the fairness and dignity of marriage,” said James Esseks, Director of the ACLU Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Project. “At the same time, we know that this is not the end. In order to give this case the best possible chance of success as it moves through the appeals courts, we need to show that America is ready for same-sex couples to marry by continuing to seek marriage and other relationship protections in states across the country. It’s simply not fair, and not legal, to continue to exclude committed same-sex couples from marriage.”
Equality California:
Victory! After compelling testimony from California couples who are denied the freedom to marry, Federal District Judge Vaughn Walker ruled today that Proposition 8 is unconstitutional. The case will now move to the Court of Appeals. We owe Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and Attorney General Jerry Brown a great deal of gratitude for their unprecedented decision not to defend this discriminatory measure, leaving only Andrew Pugno’s anti-LGBT extremist group to defend the case. Celebrate this incredible victory by defending it.
"GLAD's case and Perry seek to cure two important but different injustices," according to Mary L. Bonauto, GLAD attorney and co-lead counsel in Gill v. Office of Personnel Management. "Gill is not a right-to-marry case, since we represent couples who are already married. Rather, it is a case about federal recognition, challenging DOMA's denial of these marriages for purposes of all federal laws. DOMA is synonymous with disapproval of gay people and our families, and we seek to end Congress's different treatment of married people based simply on sexual orientation." Bonauto added, "No matter the outcome of these federal court cases, it is still imperative to continue working on a local level to secure respect for and undo all state-based discrimination against gay and lesbian families."
This ruling marks a victory for loving, committed couples who want nothing more than the same rights and security as other families. From the start, this has been about basic fairness. Today we celebrate the affirmation of this fundamental principle; tomorrow, we are back out there sharing our personal stories and having conversations with Californians and people all across the country about why this matters and who we are. The tide is turning nationwide in favor of marriage equality, but our work is far from over. Today’s ruling is just a beginning step in what will likely be a long process, yet we are confident that fairness will prevail. Our conversations are breaking down barriers and helping to transform our country.
Human Rights Campaign:
“After hearing extensive evidence in support of marriage equality, and essentially no defense of the discrimination wrought by Prop 8, Judge Walker reached the same conclusion we have always known to be true – the Constitution’s protections are for all Americans, including the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community,” said HRC President Joe Solmonese. “We thank the courageous plaintiff couples, the American Foundation for Equal Rights, and attorneys Ted Olson and David Boies for their tremendous efforts leading to today’s decision and their ongoing commitment as the case moves forward on appeal. The battle for marriage equality continues, and we must all continue our work – in courthouses and statehouses, in church pews and living rooms – until equality is reality for LGBT people and our families everywhere.”

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Cyndi Lauper Reacts

"Gay and lesbian couples have long struggled for acceptance and the ability to marry the person they love and want to build a family with. Today's landmark ruling declaring Proposition 8 unconstitutional is a testament to the fundamentals on which this great country was built and validates that the discrimination gay couples face must come to an end. We as a society should be embracing these couples and helping them make the lifelong commitment to each other that many of us straight people take for granted each and every day. This decision is a major step in the right direction towards equality.

"On behalf of the True Colors Fund and the Give a Damn Campaign, I want to commend and thank Chad Griffin and the American Foundation for Equal Rights, the legal team headed by Ted Olson and David Boies, and the plaintiffs in the case, Kris Perry & Sandy Stier and Paul Katami & Jeff Zarrillo, for their leadership and courage in standing up for equality and fairness." - Cyndi Lauper.

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Schwarzenegger Reacts

"Judge Walker had the great responsibility of deciding whether Proposition 8 violates the Constitution of the United States. He heard in-depth arguments from both sides on fundamental questions of due process, equal protection and freedom from discrimination. There are strong feelings on both sides of this issue, and I am glad that all viewpoints were respected throughout the proceedings. We should also recognize that there will continue to be different points of view in the wake of this decision.

"For the hundreds of thousands of Californians in gay and lesbian households who are managing their day-to-day lives, this decision affirms the full legal protections and safeguards I believe everyone deserves. At the same time, it provides an opportunity for all Californians to consider our history of leading the way to the future, and our growing reputation of treating all people and their relationships with equal respect and dignity. Today's decision is by no means California's first milestone, nor our last, on America's road to equality and freedom for all people."

(Via - Rex Wockner)

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Prop 8 Overturn Stayed

CNN and other outlets have retracted their earlier claims that there was no stay on Walker's ruling. It appears that this stay is good for two days, I don't know yet what happens after that. The stay ruling is here.

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A Freeper's Solution To Prop 8 Ruling

The level of hatred and violence being expressed on Free Republic at this moment in unrivaled, even for them. Screen grab tipped by JMG reader Ralph.

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Tweet Of The Day - Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand

Come celebrate with Sen. Gillibrand tomorrow night at Therapy in Hell's Kitchen for the JMG-sponsored fundraiser party!

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VICTORY: Proposition 8 OVERTURNED!!!

Moments ago California's Proposition 8 banning same-sex marriage was OVERTURNED by Judge Vaughn Walker! This is just the beginning of a very long court battle, but for today, let's CELEBRATE!

I'll update this post shortly with the details of Walker's ruling.

UPDATE: Here is the complete ruling. Feel free to grab my embed for your own sites!
Prop 8 Ruling
(BIG thanks to JMG reader Victor in San Francisco for getting us the complete ruling before anybody else!)

UPDATE II: Legal eagles, does the first paragraph on the final page mean there is no stay on the ruling?

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LIVE VIDEO: Outside Prop 8 Courthouse

I can't embed it here, but San Francisco's local ABC affiliate is streaming live from outside the courthouse.

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HRC's Message To Target & Best Buy

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Quote Of The Day - Seth MacFarlane

"Hey, we're still Family Guy. We're not suddenly going to become 7th Heaven. Actually, I guess on 7th Heaven they would probably burn the transsexual at the stake. Let me think of another example. We're not Mr. Belvedere. Look, Brian happens to be a heterosexual character, as I am. If I found out that I had slept with a transsexual, I might throw up in the same way that a gay guy looks at a vagina and goes, 'Oh, my God, that's disgusting.' It's just the way we're biologically wired. They should give that another look." - Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane, who says he hasn't "met a lot of stupid homosexuals" and therefore is puzzled by the negative response to the show's episode in which Brian vomits profusely after learning his date was a transwoman.

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Carol Burnett Cast For Glee

Carol Burnett has been cast to play Sue Sylvester's Nazi-hunting mother in an upcoming episode of Glee. Via Ester Goldberg:
Sue referenced her adventurous parents in an episode of the Fox phenom last season. Details of Mama Sylvester’s arrival are being kept under wraps, but I’m told Sue’s father will not be accompanying her. The six-time Emmy-winning Burnett has made only a handful of TV appearances in recent years, most notably playing Bree’s evil stepmother on Desperate Housewives in 2006 and a Rockette-turned-strip-club owner on Law & Order: SVU (for which she was nominated for an Emmy) in 2009.
Two Glee posts in one day? Oh, dear.

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The Gay Roe V. Wade

"Many expect this case ultimately to be decided by the United States Supreme Court. In less than two years — before the 2012 elections — we could be facing a Roe v. Wade-like ruling on marriage from the Supreme Court, striking down the marriage laws of 45 states, forcing same-sex marriage on the entire nation.

"I can’t put it more starkly: This case will decide the future of marriage in the United States. Losing is simply not an option. We need your help today. If each of us do what we can – whether it’s $10 or $10,000 – we will help ensure that marriage receives the strongest possible defense at every stage of this journey. Please visit to make your most generous gift to the NOM Legal Defense Fund right now. All gifts are tax-deductible. Thank you. Standing together, we will be victorious." - NOM president Brian Brown, anticipating losing today.

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PhoboQuotable - Tony Perkins

"What if Democratic leaders are saving their most controversial issues until after November when voters are powerless to do anything about it? That's a question more insiders are beginning to ask as big ticket legislation on spending, the military, global warming and campaign finance sit curiously idle.

"Unfortunately for the American people, that could mean everything from forcing open homosexuality on the military and overturning the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) to legislation attacking pregnancy care centers and the pro-life Hyde Amendment. The Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) could squeak through, along with "card check" and cap-and-tax legislation. And that's not all. You can also expect some of the most notorious porkers in Congress to receive major parting gifts from the Appropriations Committee. Rep. Tom Price (R-Ga.) is one member who notes the trouble ahead. 'Members of Congress are supposed to represent their constituents, not override them like sore losers in the lame-duck session.'

"Of course, 'representing their constituents' hasn't exactly been a hallmark of this majority. But it's never too late to start! Please sign our petition asking Members of Congress to respect the wishes of voters after the election and leave the policy-making to the next Congress." - Family Research Council fuhrer Tony Perkins, preemptively celebrating a Democratic loss in November and bizarrely demanding that Congress cease passing bills after the election.

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Jennifer Aniston As 1960's Babs

Does it work?


Bristol's Homecoming

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TODAY: Proposition 8 Day Of Decision Rallies Planned Nationwide

UPDATE: I'm moving this post back to the top of the blog because Rex's list of planned rallies is now at 45 cities and growing.

Veteran reporter Rex Wockner has compiled a growing list of rallies (and hopefully, celebrations) to take place around the nation today shortly after the release of the Prop 8 decision. A sampling:
LOS ANGELES: 6 p.m. | West Hollywood Park | 647 N. San Vicente
SAN DIEGO: March: 6 p.m. @ 6th & University | Rally: 7 p.m. @ LGBT Community Center | 3909 Centre St
SAN FRANCISCO: 5 p.m. | Castro & Market
LONG BEACH: 6 p.m. | Bixby Park | Junipero & Cherry @ Broadway
SACRAMENTO: 6 p.m. | Party | K & 21st | In the unlikely event Judge Walker rules against teh gay, there will be a march to the Capitol
SAN JOSE: 6 p.m. | Billy DeFrank Center | 983 the Alameda
New York City's event will take place in downtown Manhattan at the New York Supreme Court, 60 Centre Street, at 7pm. I hope to see all of you there! Hit Wockner's link for an event in your hometown. And below is a great advance video about today's rallies from JMG reader Sean Chapin.

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Aktion Men - Aktion

I didn't hear it there, yet this reminds me of Montreal.

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That's Gay: Sissy Commericals

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All In The Family On Craigslist

This week's Dear Prudence advice column in Slate deals with a bisexual married man who says his own (also opposite-married) father-in-law tried to hook-up with him on Craigslist. His letter reads, in part:
The issue is, I am bi-sexual and have known so for quite some time. My quandary is, about a month ago I responded to a posting on Craigslist. It was from an older gentleman who, like myself, is bi and was looking for some discreet fun. In responding to the ad, I sent a faceless/headless picture of myself without a shirt on. He responded back to me with some pictures that were a bit more graphic and a phone number. Upon seeing the number, I became immediately undone. It was the cell phone number of my wife's dad—my father-in-law! Once I realized it was him, I never responded back to him. I received several e-mails subsequently asking me what was going on and if I was still interested. However, not only did he e-mail me from his personal e-mail address, stupidly, he used the joint one with my mother-in-law. Fast-forward a few weeks. My mother-in-law was checking e-mail and somehow found the exchange between my father-in-law and myself. Obviously, and justifiably, she has become hysterical. She found the e-mail that I sent to him (from an anonymous e-mail address) that had my picture. It gets worse; she told my wife and her sister and brother, and they are trying to figure out who this guy is who "seduced" dad.
Some of the column's commenters are calling BS on the entire letter, but the discussion on bisexuality and fidelity is worthwhile.

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AIDS Quilt Ceremony At Gay Games

Like much of what the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence do, this ceremony manages to be simultaneously silly and moving. I believe this is the local Cologne order.

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Basil Marceaux For Tennessee Governor

The music kills me.

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Cenk Rants On Gay Marriage

Young Turks host Cenk Uygur makes arguments that are quite familiar to us here, but are always great to see on national television.

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Most Gay-Friendly Colleges

An outfit called Campus Pride has issued their annual Campus Climate Index rating over 200 colleges for their friendliness to LGBT students. This year 19 schools received full five-star ratings. Note that only the schools that voluntarily returned their surveys were rated.
In development since 2001, the Index has become a staple in student and faculty research, campus organizing efforts and benchmarking for LGBT student safety and inclusion on campus. Each summer, university officials are encouraged to fill out new questionnaires and update their Index profiles. This year, the Campus Climate Index is proud to announce five-star rankings for 19 colleges and universities – the most ever achieving the Index’s highest ranking since the its inception in 2007-08. The 19 five-star-ranked campuses include: Carleton College; Humboldt State University; Ithaca College; Oberlin College; Oregon State University; Princeton University; San Diego State University; Syracuse University; The Ohio State University; The Pennsylvania State University; University of California, Berkeley; University of California, Los Angeles; University of California, Riverside; University of Maine, Farmington; University of Oregon; University of Pennsylvania; University of Southern California; University of Vermont; and Washington University in St. Louis.
Hit the above link to search for your own school's rating.

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HomoQuotable - Pastor Tom Brock

"John Townsend, a writer for Lavender magazine, wrote a commentary attacking me and the Catholic support group Courage, which I was attending. This is a group for Christian men who struggle to overcome same-sex attraction. Townsend had lied his way into this confidential group in order to attend and expose my presence there. This was done because of my public stance against homosexual behavior and same-sex marriage.

"It is true that I attended this group. But contrary to what Townsend and the Lavender article strongly implied, I have never engaged in homosexual behavior. An internal investigation by my congregation concluded: 'We find no evidence from any sources we examined or people we interviewed to indicate that Pastor Brock had engaged in any physical contact or in a homosexual relationship of any type.' The truth is that I have been celibate my whole life. [JMG: My emphasis]

"Townsend also states that we believe 'unrepentant homosexual activity damns to hellfire.' I do believe this, as it is the teaching of the Bible and the historic teaching of the Church that persisting in any lifestyle of sin (not only homosexuality) without repentance and faith in Christ will exclude people from the kingdom of God (I Corinthians 6:9-11)." - Sad, tortured, 57 year-old virgin (he claims) Pastor Tom Brock, who is actively working to ensure that his fellow homosexuals are as abjectly miserable as he is.

RELATED: Last year Brock claimed that God sent a tornado to destroy a Minnesota Lutheran Church because they had voted to allow gays to serve as ministers. He maintains that he still believes that today.

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