Joe and I have friends who don't understand why we get so upset with President Obama, who we supported in the primaries. This post is an excellent example of why we do.
The Pentagon confirmed on Friday that it is considering segregating gay troops, specifically with regards to creating separate showers and/or barracks for straight and gay troops.
Advocate reporter Kerry Eleveld just transcribed the following quote from Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell at Friday's briefing about the new "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" survey:
"We think it would be irresponsible to conduct a survey that didn’t try to address these types of things. Because when DADT is repealed, we will have to determine if there are any challenges in those particular areas, any adjustments that need to be made in terms of how we educate the force to handle those situations, or perhaps even facility adjustments that need to be made to deal with those scenarios."
Segregation, folks. Separate but equal. In the year 2010. And from a black president, no less.
How do you feel about the segregation of blacks in the first half of the 1900s? Did you think it was disgusting that African-Americans weren't permitted to drink out of our fountains, swim in our pools, sit at the front of the bus, share the same bleachers at a game, as the rest of us? Then why is it okay to even talk about segregating gays and lesbians? What would have happened to an Obama administration spokesman who talked about segregating blacks?
They're talking about the possibility of segregation, people. Of instituting a policy of separate-but-equal in the year 2010, under a Democratic president.
It's what they did to Barack Obama's father. Does no one in the White House get the irony here? And does no one understand the political danger here? Does Jim Messina really want to see people showing up at Obama 2012 campaign rallies with the word "Colored" written in ink on their foreheads? With signs saying "Barack, would you segregate your own father?" and "George Wallace Obama"? Or how about simply a crowd of protesters at every event - and every fundraiser the President does for congressional races - wearing signs saying "I am a man"?
A Pentagon spokesman had the audacity to suggest that segregation was an option, and mind you this wasn't the first time that someone at DOD has suggested it. President Obama is the commander in chief. He's also the President of the United States. If one of his own administration spokesmen says segregation is an option, and President Obama doesn't shut that conversation down immediately, and fire the bigot who had the audacity to even suggest such a thing - and he clearly hasn't, as this segregation talking point keeps coming out of this Obama administration - then President Obama is to blame.
Still wonder why people are so pissed off? Ask a black person how they feel about segregated drinking fountains, then get back to us.
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