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Saturday, August 07, 2010



Shorter Edmund Phelps

Except for the lack of business investment and consumer spending, we have no demand shortage whatsoever.

Afternoon Thread



Light meal for the FDIC this week. Only one.

Antiwanker of the Day

Fareed Zakaria.

Wankers of the Day

The ADL.


Too early to think, have some Kooper & Bloomfield.

Not Atrios

Friday, August 06, 2010
Friday Night


Recovery Summer

While apparently it was the Times, and not Geithner, which wrote the title "Welcome to the Reovery," we had this...
WASHINGTON, DC – The Administration today kicks off “Recovery Summer,â€? a six-week-long focus on the surge in Recovery Act infrastructure projects that will be underway across the country in the coming months – and the jobs they’ll create well into the fall and through the end of the year.

Rush Limbaugh Is A Big Fat Racist

It's something his 700 fawning major media profiles have gone out of their way to ignore, but he doesn't actually hide it.

Money For Nothing And Who Knows Maybe Some Chicks For Free

Banksters peddled this crap to municipalities and agencies all across the country. I assume the people who took the deals assumed that potential reputational damage would prevent the banksters from screwing them, but obviously they're impervious to reputational damage.

And All The Oil Was Raptured Up To Heaven

Crisis over folks, nothing to see here, move along...

Freedom Isn't Free

Saw that sticker in a window the other day and it's been bugging me ever sense. I'm sure some people mouthing that slogan have connections to people who have served and paid a price, but for the rest of them... what price have they paid?

And Camden, NJ Just Shut Its Libraries

I've been semi-joking for some time that this is how empires collapse, well....

Lunch Thread


Depressingly Stupid

I chatted briefly with a certain member of Congress at netroots nation. While I didn't really get his views, and don't know if he was in the depressingly stupid column, looking back he probably thought I was nuts. We were talking about the economy and he said Dems in his cohort were still trying to figure things out, which was an honest admission. I launched into a diatribe about how Bernanke should be dropping money from helicopters, the federal government should open the spigots and spend money on anything and everything, etc. You know, the usual crap you read here.

The Right Place


Either we lost 131,000 jobs, or if you ignore the census jobs, we gained about 10,000. The good news? The 71,000 jobs we did gain came from the right place, and the jobs we lost are job losses we can prevent if Congress finds the will and the votes.

I'm not going to deny the importance of private sector job growth, but there's no reason to see private sector jobs as somehow superior to public sector jobs. More than that, plenty of private sector jobs really are "government jobs," from contractors in the military-intelligence industrial complex to private highway construction workers. Plenty of jobs and companies wouldn't exist without government spending, however they're technically classified.

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Drinking Liberally